NOVEMBER 10, 2008
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.
The first order of business was a public hearing on the determination of the percentage of tax levy to be borne by each class of real property for fiscal year 2009. Budd Kelley, Chair of the Board of Assessors, advised that as Newbury has no commercial tax base a single tier tax rate was again recommended. The open space exemption, residential exemption and small community exemption could not be recommended as Newbury does not qualify for these exemptions. Selectman Story moved to accept the recommendations of the Assessors, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Finance Director, Chuck Kostro, presented a community grant request to Eastern Bank in the amount of $45K for the Board’s consideration. He noted, if granted, these monies would be used for an office trailer, furnishings and an upgrade of some equipment for staff. Selectman Story moved to approve the grant request, seconded by Selectmen Wright and voted unanimously. Second was a letter of request to Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) asking that a member of their organization attend a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss services, benefits and associated costs of Newbury joining this organization. Selectman Story moved to approve this letter of request to MVRTA, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. On the
recommendation of Kostro, Selectman Wright moved to amend the vote of August 12, 2008 relative to mileage stipends for the Building Inspector and Conservation Agent as follows: “each employee will still be eligible to receive reimbursement for travel outside of their regular inspectional duties per the memo of the Finance Director dated August 12, 2008, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously. On the recommendation of Kostro, Selectman Story moved that the Finance Director is authorized to place a moratorium on all purchases in excess of $5K effective immediately, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. Kostro noted that in regards to outstanding taxes, of the top 20, half have paid in full. He advised that delinquency notes would not be sent until January 1st at which time taxpayers would have thirty days to pay or the property would go to tax title. In preparation
of a Town Administrator form of government Kostro asked that he be appointed back to the Collector position. At the point in time he becomes Finance Director/Town Administrator the position of Treasurer/Collector will be split off and a new person will be hired for that position. Selectman Story moved to appoint Chuck Kostro back to Collector making his title Finance Director/Treasurer/Collector, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A proposal from Hancock Associates for surveying services in connection with 38th Street was discussed. Kostro noted that there is no funding for this project and the proposal would need to go to the Finance Committee to see if they would vote to transfer the monies from the reserve fund. He will present it to them at next week’s meeting. Selectman Story moved to refer this survey proposal, including an estimate of town costs for repair and maintenance of 38th Street from Tim, to the Finance Committee for their consideration, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The Board reaffirmed that Selectman Wright and the Cable Advisory Committee were to be part of all Comcast negotiations. Communication seems to be an issue. Selectman Wright will contact Atty. Solomon and as the Board of Selectmen’s liaison will insure the Cable Advisory Committee, Solomon, and Penski be involved in all communications and negotiations regarding cable TV.
Linda Allen and Heidi Fram, Managers of the Byfield Community Arts Center gave an update of the Center’s activities past, present and future. The Main Street Mini Mart was publicly thanked for sponsoring the free Halloween party at the Community Center for over 150 youngsters. A sign permit fee for the Arts Center was waived on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.
An offer from Lieutenant John Lucey to transfer two weeks of his vacation time to Jeanne McClung for use as sick time to bridge her return to duty was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
On the recommendation of the Planning Board, Martha Taylor was appointed as Town Planner effective upon the receipt of her resignation from the Planning Board and approval by the Selectmen of her resignation, as moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The Conservation Commission appointment was addressed. Doug Packer thanked the Board for allowing his Commission time to conduct interviews and recommending a candidate as well as preserving the continuity of the Board by re-appointing four long time members. He noted that all four finalists were equally qualified. The Conservation Commission is not a political board, he noted and Counsel was consulted prior to interviews to insure all were eligible. Chairman Russo noted that while the interview process was a good one, he had come to a different conclusion from reviewing the resumes and he would like to spread the appointments to encompass new people who choose to apply. His choice was Dr. Michael Garcia. Selectman Wright also agreed that
the process was good but she favored Dan Streeter who is a Newbury resident and currently works on many different committees. Selectman Story commented he should be the tie breaker, but he applauded the Conservation Commission’s process, and while he did not sit in on all the interviews, he would support their recommendation of Ross Wescott. As there seemed to be no resolution, Counsel Penski suggested the Selectmen hold their own interviews of all four candidates just as Conservation did. It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously to invite all four candidates to the next Selectmen’s meeting on November 24th for the purpose of interviews.
At the suggestion of DCR, the establishment of a Plum Island Public Service Facilities Study Committee was discussed. A resolution drawn up by Klima of Salisbury was read. Selectman Wright moved to establish a Plum Island Public Service Facilities Study Committee, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously. The committee was defined as five members and the openings will be put on the web site and posted at select Plum Island establishments.
A letter of thanks from NES to the Newbury Fire Department for their participation in Fire Prevention Week was acknowledged. Chairman Russo noted that this is a 180° transition from last year.
The minutes of the October 14th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted.
It was noted that the Scouts would hold a Veterans Day ceremony on the Upper Green Tuesday, November 11th at 11 a.m.
Christmas on the Green will be held on Sunday, December 7th at 3:30 p.m.
Selectman Story moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing threatened litigation, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. It was announced that the meeting would not return to open session. A roll call was taken: Russo, yes; Story, yes; Wright, yes.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.