JANUARY 13, 2009
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story and Jennifer Wright were present.
Finance Director Chuck Kostro presented an estimated revenue report for 2009/2010 showing 0% revenue growth. Chairman Russo made note of a report just received from Triton showing a proposed operating budget assessment of 10.67%. Frank Chiaravalloti, School Committee Member, admitted he was embarrassed and had not seen this page of the report. Discussions to date have been to level fund the budget for 2010. He will check on this information and report back to Chuck. Delinquent tax letters will be sent out this week. A “Ring & Ride” meeting has been scheduled for January 26th. Vine Associates has been asked for a proposal for costs of permitting sand on the beach at Plum Island. At
the request of the Lt. Governor an economic stimulus project request summary was submitted by Newbury. The projects listed were “repair of the south jetty, P.I. dredging and beach restoration, senior center, police station, town hall office expansion/upgrade, highway barn and salt shed repair, resurfacing Church, School and Elm Streets, Route 1 signalization, library upgrade/repair, and a Newbury tree planting initiative.
The estimated total of these projects is $11,975,000. Permits must be in place to take advantage of any monies released for these projects, it was noted.
Kathryn O’Brien, member of the Agriculture Commission reported on their first meeting. A “right to farm disclosure notification” was submitted for BOS approval. Kathryn advised the commission noted a few problems in following the “right to farm bylaw”. The policy has no teeth and no direction. An Agricultural Commission was formed to promote farming and farm related business in town but no funding has been provided. We want to preserve working farms and minimize regulation hurdles but we have lost many working farms because the land is more valuable as developed land. O’Brien advised that the 21 day disclosure notification could present a problem in the present economy and suggested full
disclosure be made at the time of showing prior to a P&S. Also the filing instructions do not make notice of the $300 fine for not filing. Filing of the disclosure is mandatory but what is considered late? O’Brien suggested that the form be forwarded to Counsel for his review. She also suggested that the $300 fines be designated for use by the Agriculture Commission for conference fees and other expenses. She asked the Selectmen to appoint at least one alternate member. The Board will take the commission’s recommendation under consideration and work with Counsel on the disclosure notice. A link to the town’s website will be established for the commission.
Chairman Russo reported on the Merrimack River Beach Alliance meeting. If the dredging project is funded they are ready to move quickly on permitting sand distribution on the beach. Funding requests to Congress have been adjusted upward from $1.4 million to $2.1 million for dredging and $970K for sand on the beach. Vine & Assoc. is prepared to do the permitting for the project upon receipt of the proposal. The punch list is 1) dredging, 2)sand pumped on the beach, 3) repair of south jetty, 4) repair of all the groins. The dates for future MRBA meetings are Feb. 13, March 13 and April 17.
B2B Trails was briefly discussed. The Scotland Road path has been presented to the commission and the wildlife area will be investigated. In lieu of establishing a new committee, Chairman Russo asked if consolidation of the Planner, Open Space Committee and anyone interested in this project would work. Selectman Story will attend Wednesday’s meeting to see where Newbury stands.
Selectman Wright updated the board on Atty. Solomon and the Comcast issue. Solomon’s advice to Newbury is to wait for Rowley’s deal to be completed. Rowley’s license included a link to Triton. He has also indicated that Newbury needs a contract with Comcast to make headway with Verizon. Paul Daubitz’s letter on behalf of the CATV Committee regarding hiring a new counsel was discussed. Selectman Wright supported Solomon’s direction. Chairman Russo and Selectman Story noted that as this was Counsel’s budget, everything should be referred through Penski and he can decide if additional counsel is needed.
On the recommendation of Chief Reilly, Wally Ziehler was appointed as a Reserve Patrolman on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A one-day liquor license for Triton Music Parents Organization for a fundraiser at Governor’s Academy on Saturday, March 14th from 6-11 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A one-day liquor license for Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association for Great Chef’s Night at Governor’s Academy on Friday, March 20th from 6-10 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The B&B permit for 99 High Road was renewed for 2009 on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The minutes of the December 23rd meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Wright, seconded by Selectman Story and voted unanimously.
The following licenses were renewed for 2009 on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously:
Dick’s Variety, Main St. Mini Mart, Ould Newbury Golf Club, Parker River Dental and Parker River Marine. The Class II license for Newbury Auto Sales Inc. was tabled for further investigation.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.