MARCH 10, 2009
Chairman Russo opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Joseph Story, Jennifer Wright and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.
Doug Packer of the Conservation Commission and the Selectmen gave a brief overview of the Plum Island beach problems including dredging and sand replenishment. The Army Corps of Engineers is preparing to dredge the river and spread sand where needed. DCR will do the permitting of the project. The cost of spreading the sand will be apportioned among the three towns (Newbury, Salisbury and Newburyport). The cost to Newbury may be as much as $120K. It was noted that a sand bar is forming off the beach between the groin at the center and the south jetty. This sand bar extends out almost as far as the south jetty and may provide some protection of the center from northeast storms. Chairman Russo noted that most of the erosion is now on
the back side of the jetties and DCR and the towns think it may be time to look at redesigning the jetties.
Newbury Auto Sales Class III license was discussed. Attorney Brian Cassidy representing Bison Realty Trust owners of Newbury Auto Sales addressed their agreement with Coastal Partners for use of the land for commercial/residential development. The project was defeated at the Annual Town Meeting in 2008. This agreement runs out in April 2009, he stated. Due to this agreement, activities have been curtailed and there is minimum activity at the site. Chairman Russo asked if there was any proof of activity at this address. Atty. Cassidy noted it was primarily focused on the purchase of trucks in small numbers, cannibalizing them and scraping the metal. Documentation will be provided. Chairman Russo noted that if the business has
been maintained, the buildings have not and some need to be torn down. Cassidy agreed and offered to file for demolition of the front buildings within thirty days. The other buildings will be inspected and either demolished or brought up to code. Cassidy commented that there are still three law suits outstanding on the use of the property and he would work with Counsel to see if they can be satisfied. The license was tabled until the meeting of March 24th to allow Atty. Cassidy time to present evidence of an ongoing business at this address.
Town Administrator Chuck Kostro explained the snow budget deficit and asked for a vote of the Selectmen to over spend this budget. The Finance Committee has given their approval. The current deficit is $184K he noted and plans are to fund this deficit from free cash. It was moved by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously that the Board of Selectmen approve expenditures in excess of available appropriations for snow and ice removal and acknowledge that the appropriations for snow and ice removal in Fiscal Year 2009 equals the appropriations for the same purpose in Fiscal Year 2008.
A one-day liquor license was approved for the 1st Parish Church for a Comedy and Music Evening on March 13, 2009 from 5-11 p.m. as described in their letter of February 24, 2009, on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A request from the Historical Society to post signs on town property to advertise their Annual Garden Tour June 13th and 14th was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously contingent on their checking with Sam regarding the rules and regulations of the sign bylaw prior to posting these signs.
At 7:30 p.m. the legal notice for a public hearing was read on the application of Ould Newbury Golf Club for an all alcoholic general premise liquor license. Tony Penski, President of the Club, advised that they planned to change the facility from a snack bar to a full service restaurant which will now be run by the Golf Club and not by a concessionaire. A resume from the chef, sample menu and all necessary documentation for ABCC were presented. There being no further questions, the liquor license was granted contingent on approval of the ABCC on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Chuck Kostro passed out packets to the audience on the FY10 Budget Summary. He gave some background on his battle with the budget since September 06. He noted that over the past three years the town has spent more than they are taking in and we don’t have any place left to make cuts. In October the three towns went to Triton and explained their fiscal positions. There has been flat growth this year and expenses are sky rocketing. Departments have been asked to cut their expense budgets 30% for FY10 and a spending freeze is in place for FY09. Anticipated revenue for FY10 is $270K, assessments $454K for a starting deficit of $184K and a total deficit of $246K. Town employees have given up their raise for FY10 and vacant positions
can not be filled leaving several departments under staffed, he noted. Several scenarios of cuts and closures were presented to make up the anticipated deficit. Chief Reilly spoke on his budget and the sacrifices of his people to work within the budget. He noted his budget is at least 12% less than all other surrounding towns and his administrative salaries are 38% less than Triton’s. Tim Leonard from DPW noted he has been struggling for several years with not enough people to cover all the jobs assigned to his department. Chairman Russo commented that Newbury still has a sense of community and many employees work on their own time at no cost to the town to accomplish the work of their departments. Maybe an override is needed, he noted but with the state of today’s economy chances of passing are negligible. Officer Fisher asked Superintendent Halloran what the
cost of the 3% COLA raise to teachers will cost. Halloran noted she had asked the union to reopen negotiations on the COLA increase but had heard nothing to date. The anticipated cost is $900K. Halloran stated she was not oblivious or didn’t care about the town but she did care about Triton. Level services go up more than 2 1/2 % each year. She advised they had made cuts in goods and staffing over the past few years but there is no place to go now but to cut staff and increase class size. Last weeks increased budget was in response to parent’s inquiries. She advised that the $1.2 million to Triton from the stimulus package is dedicated monies to Title 1 for FY10 & FY11 and special education funds. School administrators are also not taking a salary increase this year. Class size, teacher’s raises, the number of administrators
in the system, possibility of an over ride, operating cuts for town and school, and raising fees along with comments from the audience were discussed. All were urged to attend the School Budget meeting the next evening.
On a motion by Selectmen Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously, a permission slip for the mapping and control of perennial pepperweed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was signed by the Selectman.
A request from the Parker River Clean Water Association to place sandwich board signs across from Town Hall to advertise a party being held to honor Don Bade was approved on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
The minutes of the February 24th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
A disclosure of financial interest by Special Municipal Employee Doug Packer was accepted on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously. This disclosure statement will be filed with the Town Clerk.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Story, seconded by Selectman Wright and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois
Administrative Assistant