OCTOBER 13, 2009
Chairman Story called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. Selectmen Michael Bulgaris, Audrey Keller, Vincent Russo, Geoffrey Walker and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro were present.
Michael Gilbert of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees was present to discuss the search for a new Superintendent for Triton Regional. He asked the Board to relate the skills and qualities they would like to see in a new superintendent and what problems this person would be facing. He advised he would be holding focus group meetings with town officials, staff and families and there was also a survey available on the district web site that would be beneficial to the search committee if completed by as many persons as possible. Selectman Keller asked if they had considered not replacing the superintendent and did we really need more administrators. Gilbert advised that legally each district must have a superintendent although under special circumstance you
may contract for services. He suggested that Triton is not overly heavy in the administration area. Selectman Russo asked if there was a standard criteria for candidates. Gilbert advised the School Committee required a minimum of a masters degree in education, encouraging but not mandating a doctorate. Russo commented he felt a MBA might be more beneficial as the challenge for the superintendent is budget issues (financial) not educational programs. Chairman Story noted that the public perception is that Triton is administratively heavy. We need someone who is open to criticism with an ability to communicate as this has been an inbred system for years. Selectman Bulgaris stated he would like to see a utility infielder, good with finances, doing more with less and able to motivate staff and communicate with the public. It was noted that the salary range for
Triton’s superintendent is set at $155-$165K. The Board agreed someone was needed with a proven track record that would promote the school and the alumnus and make Triton a “magnet school” not a place students opt out of. Gilbert noted that the school committee is intent on this search being an open process to insure the best person is chosen for the job. Chairman Story summarized saying we are looking for someone that is a good communicator with a strong fiscal background, new blood, motivated, accessible with a good relationship with the teachers. Gilbert advised that completed surveys should be submitted to the school committee by November, the first screening would be in January by outside people and the individuals will then be ranked. This list will be screened and narrowed to 3-5 individuals by February and these individuals will then be available for site visits and
interviews. Communities can meet the candidates at that time and a job offer will be made in March with a possible starting date in September even though Ms. Halloran is not leaving until October. Gilbert advised he would be meeting with Newbury parents on October 15th @ NES, Salisbury Parents on October 21st in Salisbury and Rowley parents on October 22nd in Rowley and the Selectmen are welcome at any of these venues.
Town Administrator Chuck Kostro noted that the State Ethics Commission had mandated the appointment of a liaison from each community. It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to appoint Chuck Kostro as Newbury’s liaison to the State Ethics Commission. The grant application for the Great Marsh was briefly discussed. Selectman Walker spoke on the phragmites problem and the effects on our marshes. Selectman Russo moved to approve our grant application, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously. The application was signed by Chairman Story. Kostro gave an overview of the FY10 and FY11 revenue forecast which he anticipates to be very challenging. Tough decisions will
be needed and cuts will affect our core functions, he noted. Selectman Russo asked if we had considered regionalizing departments such as the highway department. Kostro advised he would investigate but felt neighboring towns would also be maxed out. A debt exclusion is viable for some capital projects but our debt service is still very high. Selectman Walker suggested a sub-committee be formed to work with the Planning Board to see what is in the works for expanding our tax base. In accordance with the Designer Selection Procedures a RFP will be advertised for design and code analysis of upgrades for the highway barn as approved on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously, the monies having been appropriated at the ATM in May. Lockbox services will be reinstated for the third quarter tax bills, Kostro advised. A message
informing the taxpayers of this service will be included with the next bill. A list of potential surplus properties was submitted to the Board to investigate whether or not any might be utilized by the Town before being declared surplus and offered for sale. A list of applicants for the Harbormaster’s Advisory Task Force was reviewed and voted on. The following persons were appointed to this Task Force on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously: Worthen Taylor Jr., Andrew Haley, Howard Fernald Jr., Howard Tolman, Joanne Johnson and Todd Gustafson. Selectman Walker was appointed as Selectmen’s liaison to the committee and tie breaker if needed. A mission statement will be drafted by Kostro and Stokes and will likely include the recommendations of policy, procedures, and fee schedules. This task force will be in place through the
end of February at which time the guidelines should be ready for the 2010 season.
A one day liquor license for “blue” the Inn on the Beach for a wedding Saturday, October 17, 2009 from 1-9 p.m. was approved on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.
A request from Ghlee Woodworth for permission to hold a book signing at Town Hall the later part of November was approved on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously. Ms. Woodworth’s book is entitled “Tiptoe Through the Tombstones” (Volume 1-Oak Hill Cemetery).
The minutes of the September 22nd meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted. The minutes of the September 30th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted. The minutes of the October 2nd meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted.
Selectman Russo noted that the plaque for White’s bridge honoring Bill Plante is ready and will be installed soon. A presentation date was proposed for October 29th @ 10 a.m. pending Mr. Plant’s availability.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.
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