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Board of Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/10/09
NOVEMBER 10, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Joseph Story with the pledge of allegiance to our flag.   Present were Selectmen Story, Keller, Russo Walker, Bulgaris and Town Administrator Chuck Kostro.

Gene Smith, Chair of the Alternative Energy Committee, spoke briefly on his board’s recommendation for use of our Clean Energy Choice grant funds to pay for a consultant to prepare a Mass Technology Collaborative grant application for a feasibility study for a community-scale wind turbine and preparation of an MTC Commonwealth Wind Grant.    The Committee recommended Meridian Associates to provide these services.  It was moved by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to approve the Meridian proposals for renewable energy services.    It was also moved by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously to authorize Town Administrator Chuck Kostro to sign the grant agreement and any final paperwork required.

Martha Taylor presented a grant agreement between Coastal Trails Coalition, Inc. and the Town for review and signatures.    Martha advised this grant would help fund title studies necessary for the Border to Boston trail through Newbury.   A brief discussion ensued and it was moved to table approval until a meeting can be held in Byfield to update the residents on the effects of this trail on their section of town so that any concerns can be addressed.   Motion made by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Town Administrator Chuck Kostro addressed the Board regarding a “citizen communications strategy” drafted by Jen Brown and Selectman Keller.    The options listed would facilitate communication between municipal leaders and the residents.   These options included utilizing the tax bills to promote the town website, regular press releases, permanent signage at Town Hall, a community cable network to televise meetings and town events, utilization of the town website and public budget presentations.   Brown and Keller were thanked for their time and input in this plan.    Kostro noted that to supplement our parks budget, which was dissolved this fiscal year, Sam Joslin has put together a Newbury Official Town Sponsor Program and an application and handbook was presented to the board for their review.   Kostro noted this program was modeled after the state’s “adopt a highway” program.    It was moved by Selectman Bulgaris to implement this program, seconded by Selectman Walker.   After a brief discussion the motion was withdrawn to allow the Selectmen time to review the draft and Kostro will raise the issue at a future meeting after the Selectmen have a chance for review.      Kostro proposed the following holiday schedule, a half day on Thanksgiving eve (11/25), a half day on Christmas eve (12/24) and a full day New Year’s eve (12/31).   Town Hall employees may take a day in lieu of Friday holidays (Christmas and New Year’s day) within thirty days of the holiday with department head approval.     The Personnel Board has approved this schedule, he noted.    It was moved by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously to approve this schedule as presented.    Winter emergency closing procedures will be the same as last year and will follow the school cancellations.

The following persons were appointed to the COA Board of Directors:  Gene Smith, Luann Kuder, Gail  Kehoe, Richard Joy, Joe Lojek, Evelyn Noyes, Russell Peirce and Martie Joe, on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

A Class II license was approved for Kevin Moazeni @ 4/6 Newburyport Circle on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Two parking lot licenses were approved for blue, the Inn on the Beach for 11 Fordham Way (U01-0-26) and 24 Plum Island Boulevard (U02-0-116) on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Keller and voted unanimously.

An entertainment permit was granted to the Plum  Island Grille for Sunday brunches from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.    This permit is for twelve Sunday afternoons and would be for a single musician without amplification.

In response to a request from the Triton School Committee, Selectman Keller was appointed as our town official to work with the Search Advisory Committee to choose applicants for the position of Superintendent of Triton, as moved by Selectman Bulgaris, seconded by Selectman Russo and voted unanimously.

Assignment of liaisons to board and committees was briefly discussed.   Kostro will draft a list of liaisons and categorize budgets and projects to familiarize the Selectmen with each department.

A request from the Wilkinson family for permission to erect a flag pole in honor of Sgt. Donald Wilkinson USMC, at the end of the cul de sac just before the Wilkinson Bridge was approved on a motion by Selectman Keller, seconded by Selectmen Bulgaris and voted unanimously.    The family will pay all expenses and maintain the lawn area around the flag.

A new “antiques and gifts” license was approved for Joanne Boyd d/b/a “Treasures” @ 89 Hanover Street on a motion by Selectman Russo, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.

The minutes of the October 8th, 13th (a.m.), 13th (p.m.) 27th and 28th were accepted as presented with one correction to the minutes of 10/13 (a.m.) changing Groveland to Georgetown in the fourth paragraph, on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

The Board acknowledge a letter from the Trustees of the 1st Settlers’ Burial Ground along with a copy of their rules and regulations for this historic landmark.

A letter of appreciation from Triton acknowledging Tim Leonard’s efforts in completing the paving project on Elm Street in a timely manner was read and filed.

The Board acknowledged a letter from Jen Brown, Director of the Newbury Town Library, keeping them informed of the Library’s budget situation along with a copy of their application for a waiver from the Mass Board of Library Commissioners.

A letter from Kostro to the Conservation Commission authorizing use of the Waterways Protection Fund in an amount up to $45K for FY10 was read and filed.

Chairman Story advised he had met with the owner of the Byfield Post Office property who is a developer and has expressed interest in the Woodbridge School.   Martha Taylor will put together a package of information for him to review.   

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Bulgaris and voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin. Asst.