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Board of Health Meeting Minutes 8-20-2013

9252013_22600_0.pngTown   Of    Newbury
Office of
Board of Health
25 High Road
Newbury, Mass. 01951
August 20, 2013

Chair Steve Fram opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Present were Elaine Byrne, Alba Gouldthorpe, Health Agent Deborah Rogers, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon.

MINUTES OF MEETING- It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the minutes for July 23, 2013 as written; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

75 COTTAGE ROAD – Michelle Ouellette requested to come before the board to discuss her foundation change.  Due to the proposed NAVD flood elevations, they are changing the foundation for their house, which they are hoping to be able to add approx. an additional one foot of fill over the typical amount allowed by the town for their Waterloo septic tanks.  It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to allow the 1’ of fill on the waterloo septic tanks with an approval letter from waterloo; it was seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.

35 SCHOOL STREET – Health Agent, Deborah Rogers updated the board regarding the property located at 35 School Street.  Last year the Board of Health received a complaint from the direct abutter regarding rodents coming into his yard from the property.  The property has chickens, gardens and overgrown vegetation.  At that time Deb gave an order to correct and the homeowner did comply with the order. The Board of Health received another complaint from the direct abutter on August 12, 2013. Health Agent Deb Rogers went to 35 School Street to address the issue. The homeowner was cooperative and stated he thought he had eliminated the problem last year. The homeowner is aware it is an ongoing issue that needs pest control management as long as he has the chickens. The Board requested Deb Rogers to send a follow-up letter reminding the homeowner that he needs to continue a pest management program. Deb Rogers will request a re-inspection in thirty days.

66 COTTAGE ROAD- On May 21, 2013 the Board of Health sent a certified letter to Mr. Webster the homeowner of 66 Cottage Road to comply with the Massachusetts Well Regulations and the MA Sanitary Code. In accordance with the Regulations he was ordered to relocate the private drinking well within ninety days of the letter. The Board has asked Deb Rogers to send a new letter to Mr. Webster reminding him of the ninety day deadline.
RECYCLING COORDINATOR- Joshua Glasheen submitted a report (see attached). In addition, he has requested $1000 of his FY14 Annual Stipend. He explained to the Board he is planning on using a portion of his stipend to help fund the green school organization program. It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to pay Joshua Glasheen the first $1000 of his stipend now as per his request; it was seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.

The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on September 24, 2013 at
6:00 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Respectively submitted,
Deborah Rogers
Virginia Bacon
