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Minutes of Meeting for November 13, 2012
November 13, 2012

Board Member Alba Gouldthorpe opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Board Member Elaine Byrne and Health Agent Deborah Rogers also attended. Chairman Steve Fram and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon were absent.

Elaine Byrne moved to accept the October 16, 2012 minutes as written, seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.  

6 GREEN STREET- Dan Ottenheimer from Mill River requested the following five variances for 6 Green Street: 1). To reduce the setback from the leach field to the property line from the 10 feet required to the 5 feet provided. 2). To reduce the set back from the septic tank to the cellar wall from the required 10 feet to the 4 feet provided. 3). To reduce the setback from the leach field to the cellar wall from the 20 feet required to the 15 feet provided. 4).To reduce the setback from the pump chamber to the water supply line from the 10 feet required to the 4 feet provided. 5). To reduce the size of the leach field system by 24.5% from the 734 sq. ft. required to the 554.5 sq. ft. provided. The lot size for the existing dwelling is extremely small therefore the above variances are necessary. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the 5 variances as submitted with the addition of a rubber membrane between the septic tank and the foundation; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

34 ORCHARD STREET- Chuck Johnson from C.J. Johnson Engineering, requested a variance from the minimum separation distance between the bottom of the leach field and the seasonal high ground water from the 4 feet required to the 3 feet provided. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the 4 feet to 3 feet seasonal groundwater as submitted, it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

88 GREEN STREET- Greg Hochmuth from Hancock Associates requested a variance from the minimum separation distance between the bottom of the leach field and the seasonal high ground water from the 4 feet required to the 3 feet provided. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve the 4 feet to 3 feet seasonal groundwater as submitted, it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

CDM CONTRACT- It was moved by Elaine Byrne to approve CDM’s FY13 Environmental Monitoring Proposal in the amount of $25,000 as submitted; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

LANDCAP MONITORING WELL REPAIR- The monitoring well located on private property was damaged. The monitoring well will need to be replaced as soon as possible in order to comply with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.  It was moved by Elaine Byrne to allow CDM to replace the groundwater monitoring well MW-1 located on private property across from Boston Road that was recently damaged in the amount of $3,550 as submitted; it was seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 pm

The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on December 11, 2012

Respectively submitted,
Deborah Rogers