October 2, 2012
Attendees: Chair Steve Fram, Board Member Alba Gouldthorpe, Health Agent Deborah Rogers and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon. Board Member Elaine Byrne was absent. Chair Steve Fram called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
On September 20, 2012 the Newbury Police Department served Mr. Blackwood a Newbury resident residing at 250 High Road with a no trespass order for the Transfer Station. Mr. Blackwood requested a hearing with the Board of Health regarding his suspension of his transfer station sticker.
Mr. Blackwood explained to the Board that for several years he has never affixed his transfer station sticker on his windshield. He further explained to the Board that it obstructed his view.
The Board explained in order to receive his transfer station sticker privileges back he would need to affix the sticker to his windshield. In addition, he was told he is to abide by the rules and use proper conduct to the transfer station attendees.
Deb Rogers explained to the Board she would like to draft a warning letter for the Boards approval regarding disorderly conduct at the transfer station. The attendees have reported residents refusing to abide by the rules. One woman even got out of her car and started kicking the orange street cones. The attendees could write down the license plate of a disruptive resident and submit it to the Board of Health. The warning letter would be sent to the specific violator warning them their next offense would result in the suspension of their transfer station sticker. Deb will draft the letter for the next Board of Health meeting.
Deb explained that the attendees have noticed that the prices for wood and metal do not allow for a small bundle. For example, a woman had a small 5 gallon bucket of pressure treated wood. This cost the woman $25 to dispose of approximately four 2 feet boards. The woman did not complain however the attendees have noticed now that the enforcement is in place the Board may want to consider adding small bundle prices. The Board has asked Deb to place the transfer station fees on the next Board of Health agenda for review.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on October 16, 2012 at
6:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Deborah Rogers