August 14, 2012
Chair Steve Fram opened the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Elaine Byrne, Alba Gouldthorpe, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon also attended. 1 Absent Deborah Rogers.
Elaine Byrne moved to accept the July 17, 2012 minutes as presented, seconded by Alba Gouldthorpe and voted unanimously.
14 MORGAN AVENUE – A Title 5 was performed at 14 Morgan Avenue on July 11, 2011 and had failed due to groundwater. At the time of inspection there was no information on this property and the Title 5 inspector took the estimated groundwater from the neighbor’s property. At that time the property owners did soil testing to upgrade their system. When the soils were conducted they noticed the ground water was lower and therefore the system isn’t sitting in groundwater. Another Title 5 was performed on 7/24/2012 and passed. Deb Rogers spoke to DEP and DEP stated the passing Title 5 is good. It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to accept the passing Title 5, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE CONTRACT – It was moved by Alba Gouldthorpe to accept the public health nurse contract for July 1, 2012 – July 1, 2013. The contract has not changed from last year, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on September 18, 2012
Respectively submitted,
Virginia Bacon