April 17, 2012
Chair Alba Gouldthorpe opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Elaine Byrne, Steve Fram, Health Agent Deborah Rogers, and Health Inspector Virginia Bacon also attended.
Steve Fram moved to accept the February 28, 2012 minutes as amended, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
102 GREEN STREET – Bill Duframe from Merrimack Engineering Company requested the following variances for the property located at 102 Green Street. The variance is to reduce the distance from the soil absorption system to the properties private drinking well from the required 100’ to 85’ and from the abutters private drinking well from 100’ to 63’. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances as requested, pending a well water analysis report from the direct abutter, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
62 HANOVER STREET- Professional Engineer Steve Sawyer requested the following variance for the property located at 62 Hanover Street. To reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 3’ provided. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variance as proposed, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously. (ONLY ONE VARIANCE)
189 ORCHARD STREET – Professional Engineer Roland Dupree requested the following variances for the property located at 189 Orchard Street. The property is located on an extremely small lot with restrictive soil conditions. The Board discussed the proposed bottomless sand filter with Mr. Dupree the Professional Engineer. The Direct Abutter voiced her concerns to the Board regarding the installation of the new septic tanks location in regards to her property. It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the variances as submitted on the septic design plan dated March 6, 2012 and stamped by Professional Engineer Roland Dupuis, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
51 HAY STREET - –Robert Grasso from Engineering Land Services requested the following variance’s for the property located at 51 Hay Street. A variance to reduce the required 4’ separation between the bottom of the Presby soil absorption system and high groundwater elevation to 2’ provided. To waive the percolation test required in proposed soil absorption system area and send out the soils for analysis. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to accept the variance of a one foot reduction from 4’ to 2’ as proposed and to send out the soils for analysis, seconded by Steve Fram and voted unanimously.
LOT # 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 LIVINGSTON LANE – The homeowner is requesting a 1 year extension on the new lots listed. They expire May and June of 2012. Deb Rogers explained to the board, that the state allows a one year extension, but since the economy has been so bad the local approving authority may extend the approval at their discretion. It was moved by Elaine Byrne to allow a one year extension for lots # 2 through # 6 on Livingston Lane, seconded by Steve Fram and voted unanimously.
BOH EMERGENCY TRAILER – Steve Fram would like the emergency trailer moved from the Newbury Fire Department to the Byfield Fire Department where it would be more accessible to pick up in case of emergency. Also it was moved by Steve Fram to purchase two new tires for the emergency trailer; it was seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
T-CORP – It was moved by Steve Fram to accept the new contract for fiscal year 2012 from T-Corp for the landfill mowing, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
RECYCLING COORDINATOR – Ron Toleos updated the board on the operation of the Transfer Station. He is going to submit a press release explaining the significant increase in the Towns recycling in the past three years. Ron explained to the Board a waterproof bulletin board located at the Transfer Station would benefit the Newbury residents. It would allow them to keep updated on press releases or other important notifications. It was moved by Steve Fram to purchase a bulletin that is weather proof for a cost not to exceed $750 for the Transfer Station, seconded by Elaine Byrne and voted unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
The next meeting of the Board of Health will be on May 22, 2012
Respectively submitted,
Deborah Rogers