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Board of Assessors Minutes 8-11-2015

9162015_11237_0.pngTown  Of Newbury
Office of
The Board of Assessors
25 High Road
Newbury, MA. 01951-4799
(978) 465-0862 x308
Fax: (978) 465-3064

Frank N. Kelley III, Chairman, Board of Assessors        Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor
Sanford Wechsler, Assessor                                Cathy McCoy, Assessors Clerk
Linda McCamic, Assessor
                                        APPROVED 9/15/2015              

August 11, 2015                 Open Session Meeting Minutes   

Present:  Chairman Kelley, Mr. Wechsler, Ms. McCamic, Principal Assessor M. Branciforte
  • The meeting opened at 6:02 p.m.  
  • Minutes from the July 7, 2015 meeting were approved and signed.
  • July Abatements report was approved and signed.
  • Ch. 59-71 form vote to abate $151.45 for defunct business PP taxes. Chairman Kelly made a motion to approve abatement for Fiberoptic Network.  Ms. McCamic seconded the motion.  The following roll call was taken:
Chairman Kelley - yes           Mr. Wechsler - yes              Ms. McCamic – yes

  • MV Excise Abatement Application for farm plates.  Five farm vehicles were destroyed.  The BOA would like to know how these vehicles were destroyed, before they approve the abatement applications.
  • Setting the next meeting date.  The next meeting date will take place on September 15, 2015 at 6:00PM.
  • A general discussion took place about oceanfront sales on Plum Island.  Sales seem strong, with sales values well above assessed values.
  • At 6:37 p.m. Chairman Kelley motioned to adjourn the open session and not enter executive session.   Mr. Wechsler seconded the motion.  The following roll call vote was taken:
Chairman Kelley - yes           Mr. Wechsler - yes              Ms. McCamic - yes

All were in favor.

________________________      _______________________   _____________________
Frank N. Kelley III, Chairman          Sanford Wechsler, Assessor       Linda McCamic, Assessor