Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman , Board of Assessors Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor
Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor Cathy McCoy, Assessors Clerk
Linda McCamic, Assessor
December 2, 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes
(Minutes approved December 16, 2014)
Present: Chairman B. Kelley, Mr. S. Wechsler, Ms. L. McCamic, and Principal Assessor M. Branciforte
- The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m. Open Session Meeting minutes from the November 4, 2014 meeting were approved and signed.
- November abatements report was approved and signed.
- Principal Assessor concerns: Principal Assessor M. Branciforte expressed her concern to Chairman Kelley, Mr. Wechsler, and Ms. McCamic about the FY2015 values on Plum Island. Principal Assessor Branciforte sent an email to Mark Harrell of Patriot Properties on Aug. 21, 2014 where she asked that the PI oceanfront land values granted by the BOA according to the FY2013 ATB decision and BOA vote, be reflected for FY2015. Chairman Kelley had a subsequent conversation with Mark Harrell of Patriot Properties. Chairman Kelley asked Mark Harrell to use these ATB FY2013 land values as if they were sales, and see what the impact is throughout Plum Island oceanfront values. Principal Assessor presented her concern with these values as well as a Current to Previous report to the BOA. Mr. Wechsler suggested that Mark
Harrell come in to meet with the BOA on December 16, 2014 at 6:15PM to explain. Chairman Kelley and Ms. McCamic agreed. Mr. Wechsler also stated that since Chairman Kelley has the closest work relationship to Mark Harrell, he should be the person to contact Mark regarding this meeting. Principal Assessor Branciforte stated that all communication with vendors should flow through her, as the one contact person. Chairman Kelley stated that he would prefer to not be the one to contact Mark Harrell, but rather Principal Assessor Branciforte should email Mark and copy the BOA members on it. Principal Assessor Branciforte will set up the meeting.
- Chapter Land Applications review and vote. Chapter Land and the process were explained to Ms. McCamic, as the new BOA member. Also explained was the proper procedure on filing these applications. Chairman Kelley, Mr. Wechsler, and Ms. McCamic voted and signed all approval notices. The following roll call vote was taken:
Chairman Kelley – yes Mr. Wechsler – yes Ms. McCamic - Yes
- Moody St. discussion- Principal Assessor Branciforte searched the office and electronic documents, spoke with Town Administrator and Planning Board agent regarding such report for Bob Grasso. This report does not exist in Town Hall. Therefore, Martha Taylor of the Planning Board suggested Bob Grasso contact Wildlife Fish and Games. Chairman Kelley suggested that Bob Grasso contact the attorney for the other property on Moody Street currently undergoing a legal procedure. Principal Assessor Branciforte will contact Mr. Grasso with the suggestions.
- Unreturned I&E forms. Principal Assessor Branciforte explained to the BOA that 79 I&E forms were mailed out for FY2015. Second requests followed at a later date. Out of a total of 79 forms, 33 were not returned. That is a rate of 42% unreturned forms. This number is unacceptable to the Newbury community, as well as to the DOR. Since these forms are used in our C/I/P data analysis, the rate of return is quite important. The letter accompanying the I&E form clearly stated that failure to respond timely will result in the levy of a two hundred and fifty dollar ($250) penalty. [CH. 59 S38D]. Principal Assessor Branciforte recommends to the BOA that we start imposing this fee, starting with the current FY2015. Mr. Wechsler made a motion to accept Principal Assessor
Branciforte’s recommendation to charge the fee of $250.00 per unreturned commercial parcel I&E and $50 per residential. Ms. McCamic seconded the motion. The following roll call vote was taken:
Chairman Kelley – yes Mr. Wechsler – yes Ms. McCamic – yes
- Discussion of reorganization of the BOA, according to M.G.L Ch. 41 S24. Since Ms. McCamic is a new member of the BOA, Principal Assessor Branciforte recommended the yearly reorganization of the BOA. Mr. Wechsler motioned to appoint Mr. Kelley to the position of Chairman. Ms. McCamic seconded the motion. The following roll call vote was taken:
Mr. Wechsler – yes Ms. McCamic – yes
- Principal Assessor Branciforte recommended appointing a BOA Secretary as well. Chairman Kelley motioned to appoint Mr. Wechsler to the position of Secretary. Ms. McCamic seconded the motion. The following roll call vote was taken:
Chairman Kelley – yes Ms. McCamic – yes
- Setting the next meeting date. The next meeting date will be December 16, 2014 at 6:00PM.
At 6:44 p.m. Chairman Kelley motioned to adjourn the open session. Mr. Wechsler seconded the motion. The following roll call vote was taken:
Chairman Kelley – yes Mr. Wechsler - yes Ms. McCamic - yes
All were in favor.
__________________ _____________________ ___________________
F. “Budd” Kelley Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler Linda McCamic
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