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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 2-4-2014
Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman   , Board of Assessors                    Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor   
Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor                              Carrie Keville, MAA, Assessor’s Clerk
E. Peter Murphy, Assessor       

February 4, 2014        Open Session Meeting Minutes

Present:        T. Blais, B. Kelley, S. Wechsler, E. Peter Murphy,  M. Branciforte

        The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.

Town Administrator Tracy Blais discussed reorganization of the Assessors office.  This reorganization will take place by transferring current Assessors’ office personnel to the Council on Aging.  A clerk will be hired for 30-35 hours per week to support the Principal Assessor.  Ad will be placed in the local paper as well as on the MAAO website.  The Board of Assessors voted unanimously to support the proposal.  The following roll call vote was taken:

Budd  - Yes             Sandy – Yes             Peter – Yes

The next item discussed was Chapter 653, and in addition, Supplemental Billing.  Chapter 653 is currently followed by the Town of Newbury.  Supplemental Billing will be re-visited at a later date.

The new Boat Billing and Mooring permitting process was reviewed.

The next meeting date will be Tuesday, February 11, 2014.

At 6:37PM Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting and move to enter Executive Session.  Sandy seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        ___________________________     ______________________          ______________________          
Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman           Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler        E. Peter Murphy, Assessor