Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman , Board of Assessors Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor
Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor Carrie Keville, MAA, Assessor’s Clerk
E. Peter Murphy, Assessor
October 15, 2013 Open Session Meeting Minutes
Present: B. Kelley, S. Wechsler, P. Murphy and M. Branciforte
The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.
Town By-Law – check on weekly meetings. Board of Assessors will continue to schedule weekly meetings on Tuesday evening as needed.
- The minutes from October 8, 2013 open session and executive session were read, accepted and signed.
- 28 Low Street application review. Michelle prepared Property Record Card. Per Sandy’s research, no need to show what they have been doing with land in past two years, as long as it is not inconsistent with what it is doing now. Moving forward receipts on this property. Michelle will check with the Department of Legal Services regarding this matter. Motion to allow the application.
- Reach out and notify Chapter Land recipients with missing applications and have them file. Carrie to send reminder letter.
- Michelle informed the Board of Assessors that our public disclosure ad appeared in the Newburyport Daily News on Monday, October 14, 2013. Impact Notices were sent out October 11, 2013. Senior exemptions applications were mailed out last week, boat bills went out today.
- The next meeting: Tuesday October 29, 2013.
At 6:20 p.m. Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Budd seconded the motion. All were in favor.
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F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman S. “Sandy” Wechsler E. Peter Murphy
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