Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman , Board of Assessors Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor
Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor Carrie Keville, MAA, Assessor’s Clerk
E. Peter Murphy, Assessor
September 3, 2013 Open Session Meeting Minutes
Present: B. Kelley, P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and M. Branciforte
The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.
- The open session minutes from August 20, 2013 meeting were approved and signed.
- Michelle informed the BOA that the LA3 (Sales Report) was updated and successfully uploaded onto Gateway, per Tom Dawley’s request. The LA3 submittal form was reviewed and signed by the BOA.
- Late Boat Abatement Applications procedure was discussed. The BOA would like to review each application on an individual basis. Michelle will do research and present it to the board. This is the procedure to be implemented moving forward.
- All board members were pleased that the Newman road new homes were measured and listed for FY2014. One additional building permit was pulled for a significant fee of $ 17,000. The cost of construction is estimated at $1.3M.
- Michelle informed the BOA about the law and process of voting Supplemental Billing back in Newbury. Supplemental Billing will have to be voted on by the Board of Selectmen. An article is due to appear on the warrant for Spring Town meeting. Michelle gave each board member a packet of Supplemental Billing information to review on their own time.
- Department of Revenue update: Mark Harrell, Patriot Properties answered some of Tom Dawley’s questions. More questions to follow and information will be requested by Tom Dawley from Michelle, Mark Harrell, JJ Jerone and Wayne Petersen of Patriot Properties.
- GIS update: Michelle will consult with Karen Rassias, Director of Assessing in Wilmington on the GIS extract issue. The board liked the new set of maps that were newly delivered by Jerrard Whitten, Merrimac Valley Planning.
- The board will meet this Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. for an executive session to inspect a Real Estate abatement application property.
- Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 6:00PM
. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
_________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy
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