Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman , Board of Assessors Michelle Branciforte, Principal Assessor
Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor Carrie Keville, MAA, Assessor’s Clerk
E. Peter Murphy, Assessor
August 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Present: B. Kelley, P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and M. Branciforte
The meeting opened at 6:05 p.m.
- The minutes from July 23, 2013 (open and executive) were approved and signed.
- Michelle Branciforte informed the board that Patriot completed building permits and new construction inspections. We are now waiting for Patriot to enter data, sketch and then generate a report showing what cyclical inspections need to be done. Michelle will follow up with Mark Harrell on cyclical inspections.
- Office issues were discussed. Noted, was that a lateral file cabinet was purchased and the re-organization of files will continue.
- Michelle is working with Jerrard Whitten, Merrimac Valley Planning on a new extract for the MIMAPs. The extract will show some of the parcels originally thought to be missing.
At 6:30 p.m. Peter motioned to adjourn the public meeting. Sandy seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be posted for August 20, 2013.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy