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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 2-19-2013
Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2013

The meeting was opened at 6:04 p.m.

Present:          P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and  C. Keville     Chairman: Budd Kelley not present
Tracy Blais, Town Administrator and Diane Doyle, Treasurer/Collector asked to address the board.  They wanted to speak with the board about the boat bill process. The board approved
        They informed the board that the boat bill file, transferred by Carrie, was reviewed.  The following three issues were introduced:
  • Pare – Address changes were believed to be inconsistent.
  • Teel – Lacked a first name
  • Callahan  - Two bills for two different addresses for the same boat
The following comments were made:
  • The master file should be consistent with the customer profile.
The SoftRight workflow should be used to enter data.

Sandy suggested that we give what we have after cleaning up any obvious issues. Then we can look at the report data and make any corrections necessary.

Peter will ask Dan Raycroft, Newburyport Harbormaster their process.

Tracy asked Carrie to ask the Assessor’s User Group on line what their process is. Also, to ask Ellen and Ginny.

Diane said that Lee from SoftRight will be here next week to work on the betterment conversion.

Tracy asked about the motor vehicle abatement process.   She explained that the file comes from the state and is downloaded by Kelley Ryan, and Kelley Ryan sends the file to us with amounts.  She asked the board to sign off before posting.  She believed that a list could be obtained prior to posting. She reiterated her request that the board sign off the abatements and told them it was the law. Sandy was uncertain about the delegation of authority to the Administrative Assessor and offered to check the laws.

Old Business    
Oceanfront homes – Sandy noted that some of the Plum Island abatement requests contained the same language as previous years.  Peter mentioned that multiple applications referred to two Mass General Laws that he would like to get copies of.  He also wanted to compare the opinions of value.  He suggested the oceanfront abatements be looked at as a whole.
Carrie was asked to have a copy of the request to increase the Senior Work Off Person’s amount from $750 to $1,000 signed by Budd and given to Tracy for submission to the Selectmen for the Spring warrant.
Peter made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Sandy seconded the motion.

____________________________                    ______________________________
Sanford Wechsler                                        E. Peter Murphy