Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2013
The meeting was opened at 6:05 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and C. Keville
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business
Budd addressed the board regarding address corrections. Last week’s meeting ended with a consensus to follow the software company’s instruction. This instruction was given the next day. Other instruction followed this week. The instructions given caused confusion. Peter wanted to ask everyone involved to come to a future meeting. Sandy wanted a clear step by step instruction in writing. Budd noted that the asking to unite the software company and billing company was what had been originally wanted. After discussion, Peter motioned to send a letter to the software company requesting that he coordinate with the billing company to give clear step by step instruction on how to make address changes. Sandy seconded the motion. Budd will write the
letter. Carrie will email Budd the email addresses of both, the software and billing company.
State Owned Land – The state acquired in fee on June 2010 the following lots: map 44 lots 17(includes 15A), 18, 19, 20 and 36. The lots total 103.
Carrie informed the board that Tom Dawley, Department of Revenue told her that the lots have been deemed reimbursable. He asked that the board sign the Reimbursable State Owned Land Databse sheet. The board must determine if the lands are excess acres or wetland acres or both. The criterion given was up to 50% wet would be considered excess and more than 50% wet would be considered wetland and/or unbuildable. If we do not know or are unsure we are to deem it wet.
After review of record cards and maps, Budd motioned to deem R44-17 (15A included) as excess and all others stated above as wet. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The state acquired in fee lot R43 lot 8B. The lot is 24.5 acres. After review, Peter motioned to deem the lot excess acres. Sandy seconded the motion. All were in favor. The forms were signed.
Normal Business:
- Minutes - The minutes from December 18, 2012 and January 8, 2013 were read and accepted.
- Monthly Abatements – December abatements were resigned as corrected to include the OBRA and Medicare amount for the Senior Work Off Program.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - Meeting to be held tomorrow budgets are on the agenda.
- Budget – Carrie informed the assessors that the budget folder has been created.
- Mail – John Gillet, Bureau of Local Assessment sent a request for any community that has PILOT agreement (s) for non-tax exempt Solar Projects to send him a copy.
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Meeting minutes
January 15, 2012
Tom Dawley, Department of Revenue informed the board via email that for the
revaluation in FY2014 only those oceanfront homes that are of critical concern should be receiving a land and/or building adjustment. Sam Joslin, Building Inspector will supply an aerial photograph of the houses that were unoccupied before January 1, 2013.
Tom Dawley also asked that his appointment to begin the revaluation be changed. Budd choose February 13, 2013 as the alternative. Carrie will notify him and check the time.
At 6:50 p.m. Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Budd seconded the motion. All were in favor.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
____________________________ ______________________________
Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy