Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2013
The meeting was opened at 6:05 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler, C. Keville and G. Thompson
Old Business
R39-2 – pull deeds of Marcos – This has gone to title search.
Normal Business:
- Minutes - The minutes for December 18, 2012 were reviewed, but held for signing until Budd Kelley, Chairman is present.
- Monthly Abatements – December’s abatements and exemptions were read and signed.
- Budget – The budget is due by late January early February. Carrie will gather information.
- Office work -
Address correction process – Peter asked why this was still on the agenda. Carrie explained that the information for entering the address changes she had was contradictory between the billing company and the software company. Ginny commented that anything that involved the billing company should go through the treasurer’s office. Sandy suggested a letter be written.
Tracy was asked to join the meeting. She stated that she was not aware that this was still an issue. Peter commented that this should be simple and she agreed. Tracy requested the following information be provided as soon as possible:
- The number of betterments originally issued
- The number of betterments that were paid off in full by each fiscal year
Diane joined the meeting and brought a copy of the email sent to her from the billing company. The email set out a procedure for entering the address changes. She commented that the software company agreed with this procedure via a phone call. Carrie stated that she did not get the same information from the software company.
Sandy made a motion that the software company be asked for a written procedure to enter the address changes. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carrie will email Lee at SoftRight with the request.
- Mail – Carrie informed the board that the ethics program needed to be completed. A completion certificate should be brought into Leslie Haley, Town Clerk. The information is on the town website at the bottom of the home page. Carrie will forward the email from the clerk’s office as well.
New Business: State Owned Land – Carrie presented the board with a request from Tom Dawley, Department of Revenue, for reimbursable signoffs on the Commonwealth’s most recent land purchases in Newbury. A copy of the Guidelines for Development of a Minimum Reassessment Program was distributed. This shows the criteria for state reimbursement. After review, Sandy motioned to table this item to a future meeting. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Sandy motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy