Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
October 30, 2012
The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler and C. Keville
Chairman: B. Kelley
Old Business
Classification 11/13/2012 - The legal ad has been placed.
Robert Grasso was asked to address the board. he stated, "The assessors map is wrong". He reviewed his work on the chain of title for the property located at 27 Moody Street Assessors map R40 Lots 12 & 13.. The recorded plan submitted was not done for Map R40 lots 12 and/or13; therefore, the change cannot be made with this as evidence. The Board informed Mr. Grasso that a recorded survey plan would be needed. Carrie volunteered to send the information to Anne Gagnon with the Commonwealth Land Division to see if any information could be shared on their parcel. She will keep Mr. Grasso apprised of any helpful information.
Normal Business:
- Minutes - The minutes for September 25, 2012 were read and accepted by Peter and Sandy.
- Public Participation Session - Dan Blackadar and Gale Meserve, both having interest in 12 Maple Street asked to address the board. Carrie explained the background of the information that led to the lot split, which occurred for the third quarter of the FY2012 billing cycle.
- Gale explained her family background in regard to the ownership of said lands. She further explained a Superior Court Case, that divided the property and allowed the town to recoup tax monies for one or both parcels. The case was based on predatory lending.
She presented the board with property record cards showing the attempt to change the mailing address. The following was introduced:
Card 1 = Printed on 5/29/2012 Florida address. Ginny noted: the square foot on the map is not correct.
Card 2 = Printed on 5/30 2012 Address to Byfield. Budd noted this address was for the FY2013 billing.
Yellow copy = Mailed to Florida 9/12/2012 FY2012
Noted: Gale called to request reports for 9/2012 and the Treasurer's office mailed the information to Byfield.
Card 3 = On 10/4/2012 a revision occurred the mailing address was 10 Maple St. Byfield
Card 4 = 10/20/2011 a Florida address.
/Exhibit A Letter with the wrong book and page was sent. Gale stated she would upset if this wrong information was printed in the newspaper.
Exhibit B = submitted the law that states the town should send the tax bill to the best know address to us. It also stated that the tax payer should do due diligence and Gale and Dana believe they have tried to keep the town apprised of their mailing address.
The bottom line was that Gale believed they had acted responsibly to get the mailing information corrected. She would like to enter into a payment agreement with the Treasurer's office and would not like their mane publishes as a non taxpayer.
She also placed complaints on not receiving return calls and felt mistreated.
The board discussed what was presented. Peter asked, "What is our role". He felt this issue was not in our jurisdiction. Budd stated, "Tracy was not in attendance due to having been on call for over 72 hours dealing with Super Storm Sandy. Tracy has asked Budd to speak with Gale. This is how this issue came to the board.
Budd motioned to develop a letter recommending the removal of their name being published on the tax delinquent list. He also motioned to include a statement recommending any payment plan allowed by law should be researched an entered. Sandy seconded the motion. All were in favor.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - held 3rd Wednesday of each month, next 11/21/12
- ATB – 3 35th continued to Nov. 13, 2012 - Carrie is to prepare the case.
- RE & PP Abatements -
- Office work - Carrie asked the board to review and sign the LA4, LA13, LA15 for the FY2013 values. Upon acceptance, the documents will be submitted, via Gateway, to the Department of Revenue. Budd motioned to approve the forms for signing and give Carrie authorization to sign on their behalf. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
- Carrie informed the board that she was working with Patriot and SoftRight to transfer the betterment files to SoftRight for the upcoming tax billing.
Carrie asked the board to vote on the FY2009 abatement for Verizon. Peter thought we already had, but we were unsure because the minutes were not up to date. Peter motioned to abate the FY2009 Verizon personal property as stated in the letter received. Sandy seconded the motion All were in favor.
Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy