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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 10-23-2012

Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes

October 23, 2012

The meeting was opened at 6:00 p.m.

Present:          P. Murphy, C. Keville and G Thompson
Chairman: B. Kelley

Old Business

Classification 11/13/2012
Noted:  The Senior Work Off Program increase in the amount earned was not on the Fall Town Meeting warrant.  The board would like it to be placed on the warrant for the Spring Town Meeting.

Normal Business:                                                                
  • Monthly Manager’s Meeting update  - held 3rd Wednesday of each month, next 11/21/12
  • Public Participation Session - Robert Grasso submitted paperwork for 27 Moody Street Byfield.  He wants to correct the boundary line between Map R40 Lots 12 and13.  He would also like to correct the ownership through a chain of title he has done. The board would like a review the properties to be done.  They asked Carrie to invite Mr. Grasso to next week's meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • ATB – 3 35th continued to Nov. 13, 2012  
  • RE & PP Abatements - The board was informed that the Appellate Tax Board decision for Verizon's personal property in FY 2009 needs to be abated.  The 2008 will be withdrawn upon receipt of the check.  Interest is to paid from May 1, 2009.  Budd motioned to abate the FY2009 personal property tax.  Peter seconded the motion,  The board reflected they were happy to settle this case.
  • Office work      -  Carrie was asked to check the Department of Revenue's letter of instruction and to submit the LA4.
        New Business:   
                Carrie informed the board that she had given Tracy, Town Administrator the new growth number for FY2013 before she left for the town meeting tonight.  Tracy said, "Carrie, this could have saved a job".  Carrie responded, "I understand".  Tracy then asked to be put on the agenda for next week's meeting to discuss new growth and the issues arising from 12 Maple Street.
        Ginny stated, "We used 75% of last year's number. The high number seen this year is unusual".  She went on to ask if a Fall Town Meeting was an every year occurrence?  If so, Patriot Properties would need to be asked to start the yearly review earlier in order to have the growth number ready ahead of time. Peter stated, "We are to cooperate with the administrator, not argue".  Budd thought there may be some communications challenges.

The warrant for town meeting was reviewed.  Peter noted that Colby Farm was on to be accepted as a town road.  He then spoke about the foundation going in on Newman Road and wondered the value being lost from the time of construction to January 1, 2013.

At 6:50 p,m.  Peter motioned to adjourn the meeting. Budd seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman                              

____________________________                    ______________________________
Sanford Wechsler                                        E. Peter Murphy