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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 4-03-2012
Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2012                                                                         

The meeting was opened at 6:07 p.m.

Present:          P. Murphy, C. Keville and G. Thompson
Chairman: B. Kelley     

Old Business:
        Supplemental Billing – A discussion was had regarding the implementation of adopting this program.  Ginny informed the board that the billing is based on occupancy permits.  Carrie was asked to provide a report of yearly occupancy permits.

        D. Powell email – Peter reported that he had calculated an approximate square footage using the deed information.  The result showed the property record card information to be accurate.  Carrie informed the board that no plan for this area could be found.  Carrie was asked to inform Mr. Powell of these results. She will also let him know that his other items of concern will be address as time allows.

Normal Business:                                                                

  • Minutes – The minutes for the March 27, 2012 meeting were read and accepted.
  • Monthly Abatements – March monthly abatements were reviewed and signed.  Noted was the additional paperwork using the new program.                                
  • RE & PP Abatements – The following abatements were acted on as follows:
  • # 13 – 13 Plum Island Blvd.  The information provided was reviewed.  Carrie was asked to provide the property record cards for all properties given as comparable.  Budd motioned to table this abatement to a future meeting.  Peter seconded.  All were in favor.
  • # 14 – 28 Cottage Rd.  The building’s condition was in question.  Deb Rogers, Board of Health spoke with the board regarding the dilapidated condition, and her opinion was that it has been in this state for the past few years.  Peter motioned to reduce the building value to the condition and send a proposal.  Budd seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • #16 – 7R Austin Ln.  The narrative was read.  The plan given was reviewed.  Peter motioned to make an adjustment to the excess acreage for the wetland shown on the plan (-70%).  Budd seconded the motion.  Carrie will send a proposal for the difference.
  • #17 – 60 Old Point Rd.  A request to merge the lot with 4 Cinder Ave. was considered.  The lot was contiguous and undersized; therefore, believed to be merged.  Budd motioned to merge the lots and send a proposal for the difference.  Peter seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • #18 – 87 Hanover St. The proximity to the railroad and bus station was given for the request to reduce the value.  Upon review the property record card, the following adjustments were found -5% on the land for the railroad proximity and -10% on the building for  location.  No opinion of value was given.  Peter motioned to deny the application.  Budd seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • Office work      - Carrie informed the board that an application for abatement was received for 1 Littles Ln.  Carrie will write a notice informing the applicant that the board lacks jurisdiction to act on the application.  Also, the physical inspection to June 30th should remove the resident building from the FY2013 tax roles.                                               
  • Mail – The M.A.A.O. voting ballots were prepared for mailing.  A report from the capital planning committee was given for review.  Paychecks were received.

Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:02. p.m.  Peter seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned.

F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman                              

E. Peter Murphy