Board of Assessors
Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2011
The meeting was opened at 6:05 p.m.
Present: P. Murphy, S. Wechsler & C. Keville
Chairman: B. Kelley
Town Administrator: Tracy Blais
Normal Business:
- Minutes – The minutes for the January 10, 2012 meeting were read and accepted.
- Monthly Manager’s Meeting update - Next meeting 1/18/2012
- ATB – Proposals for 10 Annapolis Way for FY2011 and FY2012 have been mailed. The case for 121 High has not been scheduled. Carrie will call to check the status.
- RE & PP Abatements – The board was informed that nine applications have been filed. Carrie is doing inspections.
- Overlay – Tracy asked the board what level of funding they thought would be adequate for the FY2013 recap. After discussion, the board’s response was 75,000.00.
- Mail – The board was informed that an ethics presentation will occur on February 15, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in the auditorium of the Newbury Elementary School. Attendees must sign up with Kathy.
New Business:
- Budget FY 2013 – Tracy addressed the board about the FY2013 budget. The budget cuts from last year did not put the town in a secure position for this year’s budget. In fact with the school’s budget increase of 5% and an 8% increase expected in health insurance and budget shortfalls an override is seen to be needed. It is not known if the board of selectmen will ask for an override.
Tracy asked that the board prepare the FY2013 budget showing the funds needed to adequately run our office. The funding for postage, maps, and computers is now centralized and line items in the assessor’s budget are no longer needed.
The process to move to the new software SoftRight will begin in February. Tracy informed the board that there would be a benefit of a reduction in staff’s time due to all bills being printed and mailed by Kelley Ryan. The software will also diminish data entry time as address changes and such will only need to be done once.
A preliminary budget was reviewed. Carrie will email the appropriate budget format to the assessors.
A request to raise Carrie’s salary will be investigated.
Budd asked Tracy for an extension to submit the budget until after next Tuesday’s meeting. SoftRight will be asked to send a representative for next week’s meeting to explain any impact the software change may have on this office. Tracy granted the extension request and will call SoftRight to set up the meeting.
- New Growth - Tracy asked the board for an updated FY2013 new growth projection with the analysis to be given before the town meeting in May. Ginny will be asked to speak with Mark and to prepare the analysis.
At 6:50 p.m. Sandy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Peter seconded the motion. All were in favor.
F. “Budd” Kelley, Chairman
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Sanford Wechsler E. Peter Murphy