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Recreation Commission Minutes 05/15/09-Draft

                                                      MAY 15, 2009
                Held at The New Durham Elementary School 6:30PM


Kristyn Bernier
Sheri Joy
Marcia Berry
Lucinda Erwin
Jennie Nyman
Wendi Fenderson


Al Koehler

Posted public meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission for the purpose of discussing appointment to the Commission called to order at 1840 hours.

Discussion ensued regarding Lucinda Erwin’s interest in being re-appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission and BOS Chair Ron Gehl’s nomination of another party without seeking Commission input or requesting that Erwin address the BOS as the other interested parties were asked to do.

Kristyn Bernier advised Commissioners that BOS Chair Gehl had accepted a ballot box from the ND Fire Department in which Fire Department members were allowed to vote for their choice of appointment to the 3 year Fire Chief position. Selectman Gehl nominated the Fire Chief based upon this vote. It was pointed out that the Fire Department is a paramilitary organization in which safety and liability are issues, and yet the members were allowed to vote for their leader. It was also discussed that fire department members and the FD Chief are paid. Conversely, Selectman Gehl did not seek Commission input to re-nominate an incumbent, and yet the Commission is made up of 7 equals who are strictly volunteers.

Sheri Joy expressed that there was no valid reason not to reappoint Erwin, particularly in light of the volunteer time she has devoted to all aspects of the Rec Commission. Joy also pointed out that when Selectman Gehl’s wife’s Commission spot was up for re-appointment in 2008, Paula Gehl was re-appointed automatically by the BOS without any interviews, process or fanfare.

Marcia Berry pointed out that Erwin has been involved with rec programs for years and still has very young children at home who will be involved in rec for years to come.

Jennie Nyman expressed that it was not only a slap in the face to Erwin but also to the entire Commission regarding the manner in which Selectman Gehl circumvented the Commission and dismissed potential input from its members.

Wendi Fenderson expressed that she has been approached by people who are dissatisfied with the disorganization of the Recreation Department, that parents are too frustrated to volunteer as a result,  and that Erwin has been working alongside the other Commissioners in trying to address these issues as well as other matters the Commission has faced this year.

Erwin stated that she felt as though she had been completely dismissed by Selectman Gehl and that she should have been given the courtesy of addressing the BOS if there were any issues with her re-appointment. Erwin stated that Selectman Gehl knows nothing about her or what she has put into this board.

Kristyn Bernier expressed that the BOS needs to re-address the manner in which volunteers are treated in the community, as fewer people are willing to step up to the plate to actually work. Bernier used the example of Opening Day at the ballfields and how Erwin was at the fields at 7AM prepping for the event and then handling the concession stand until noon since so few parents volunteered to help out. Bernier expressed that Erwin has given countless volunteer hours coaching, budgeting, reviewing grants and correspondence, manning the concession stand, planning and participating in events and assisting with the daycare/pre-school financial issues and other administrative matters. Bernier further stated that individuals are not given information on what the role of a Commissioner entails, and that many think it is only coaching and helping out with sports. It is important that interested parties be willing to commit to delve into all of the other responsibilities of the Commission. Fenderson and Nyman stated that when they applied, they had no idea what the position entailed and that it is so much more involved than they realized.

Bernier pointed out that one of the issues brought up in the BOS meeting was the need for “new blood” on the board. Commissioners discussed that Commissioners Koehler and Nyman have been on the Commission for a few months, that Bernier and Fenderson have just reached the first year,  that Erwin has three years on, and that Berry and Joy have many years serving the community and Commission. It was discussed that there is an equal distribution of experience on the Commission at this time, with more members being “rookies” than veterans.  Commissioners discussed having veteran Commissioners with knowledge and experience being vital to the 4 newer members and to the Recreation Department.

Sheri Joy made a motion to nominate Lucinda Erwin for re-appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Kristyn Bernier. All in favor: Berry –aye; Joy – aye; Bernier – aye; Nyman – aye; Fenderson – aye. Erwin abstained from the vote.

Kristyn Bernier suggested employing the same methodology as the Fire Department in regard to voting, so in addition to the verbal vote, Commissioners were given a paper ballot. Ballots were placed into the box by individual Commissioners. Erwin abstained. Boallots placed at 1905 hours.

Kristyn Bernier motioned to adjourn meeting at 1907 hours. Seconded by Sheri Joy. All present in favor by stating “aye”.

Meeting adjourned at 1907 hours.