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Recreation Commission Minutes 03/09 - approved
March 12, 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:34 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Sheri Joy, Chairperson
Kristyn Bernier, Commissioner
Marcia Berry, Treasurer
Wendi Fenderson, Commissioner
Jennifer Nyman

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
Jessica Arsuaga
Al Koehler
Robert Barbarisi

Citizen’s Forum:
·       Robert Barbarisi discussed the possibility of a benefit Spaghetti dinner for the Lytle family.  
·       The commission was in favor of this.
·       Bob was given names of people who might be able to help.  
Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to help with the Carl Lytle Family Benefit Spaghetti Dinner.  Vote was unanimous.

Letter of Resignation:
·        Letter of resignation from Dwight Jones was read by all the commissioners.  
In response to Dwight Jones’ letter of resignation, where derogatory comments were made regarding recreation commissioners, Kristyn Bernier stated she felt it was a “backhanded” way to deal with an issue.  She felt it was a “coward’s way of backing out of a responsibility that was not taken seriously since Jones failed to attend meetings, participate in recreation issues or confront the commissioners directly with his concerns” and that they were not given an opportunity to address the issue.  
·       Sheri Joy stated she agreed with Kristyn.  
·       Al Koehler stated that Dwight should have addressed the Commissioners with his concerns.
Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to accept Dwight Jones’ letter of resignation.  Vote was unanimous.

Daycare Program:
·       Collection jar at General Store was discussed.
·       Commission did not agree to it.
·       Jessica Arsuaga stated it has been removed.
·       Moonlight Ball was discussed.  Suggestions were made on how and where to advertise.  She has confirmed Kingswood Prom Night is not the same night as the Moonlight Ball.
·       Commission expressed appreciation for the financial statements
·       Commission agreed to Laura McCarthy having a Tupperware fundraiser.
·       Commission asked that Laura McCarthy calculate what the cost will be for the summer trips.
·       Commission asked Jessica Bailey to contact Farmington to see about combining some of the trips and to set a rate to be prepaid if Creative Kids is hosting.
·       Jessica Bailey is to modify the registration forms for the summer program to include what time children will be dropped off.
·       Laura McCarthy received praise on time sheets
·       Vouchers and time sheets were signed.
·       Candy has been donated for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Equipment Purchase:
·       Commission reviewed list of requested replacement equipment.  
·       Jessica Bailey explained the need for each item on the list.
·       Commission signed off on purchase order for equipment

·       Jessica Bailey explained what each sponsorship package included.
·       Sponsors already signed up are Northern Exposure and Randall Communications.

New Business:
·       Request for a banner to be purchased for the undefeated teams.
·       Commission decided against a banner.  Sheri Joy will contact the party making the request.
·       Jessica Bailey stated the undefeated season plaque has been ordered
·       Discussion on possibility of new trophy case to share with the school.  
·       Discussion on how to get more teams, possibly Friday night game.
·        Jessica Bailey said she would not know if that was possible until she gets the schedule.
·       Possibility of families with more than one child participating receiving a discount. Commission said no.  The fees set cover costs.

Old Business:
·       Bid received for sign and trailer.   Commission in agreement to not accept bid.  After a brief discussion on misinformation received, the Commission agreed to go to appeal to the Zoning Board for a variance to allow them to use the sign on a temporary basis at the Solid Waste Facility.
·       Egg hunt will be at 11AM on April 4th at the ball field, weather and field condition permitting or at the New Durham Elementary School if weather/field is bad. Age groups will be PK/K and under, grades 1 & 2, and grades 3 & 4.
·       Electric at the beach was discussed. Jessica stated she is still waiting for bids and she has not been able to reach Steve Guyer at the vocational-technical school.

·       Sheri Joy spoke to School Superintendent to see how he felt about extending the PK/K program to include neighboring towns.  He had a positive response, but stated details would have to be worked out with Barbara Reed.
·       Baseball field set-up scheduled for April 7th from 2PM to 7PM.
·       Reviewed time and places of registration night.  Jennifer Nyman stated she will be available to help out.
·       Baseball camp is already posted on the website and taking registrations.  Parents need to sign up as soon as possible to guarantee a place.  This is open to all the communities and the Town needs some kind of guarantee that residents of New Durham will have a place as the hosting Town.
·       Jessica Bailey stated she has sent e-mails to both Bubba Noyes and Kelly letting them know when the fields will be set up.  She has asked them to let her know what their needs for the fields will be so that fees may be determined.
·       Kristyn Bernier suggested contacting PD for names of juveniles doing community service.
·       Baseball registration nights are set for March 25th 3:30PM-5:00 PM and March 27th 5:00PM – 6:30 PM.  Jennifer Nyman will help.
·       Eagle Scout, Scott Quigley, wants to do a project at the ball field.  He would like to build an observation deck on the walking path.  He will meet with the Commission when he has plans drawn up.

Approval of Minutes:
Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to accept the  minutes of February 12th, 2009 as amended.  Vote was unanimous.
?       Page 2, Prom Night, first paragraph, insert “and all future fundraisers are” after “it” and before “is published.”  

Criminal Background Check:
Kristyn Bernier presented a copy of the proposed background check.  The Commission is requesting to be placed on the agenda to meet with the BOS on this issue.  The overall consensus is that a policy needs to be in place to protect the children of this Town.

Memorial for Lytle Family:
Jessica Bailey once again stated she is trying to set up a meeting with the Lytle family to determine how the money placed in a fund for the family is to be spent.  Sheri Joy expressed interest in attending this meeting.

Fun, Games, & Giving:
The Commission discussed having a Town wide day of events this summer.  All Departments, Committees, and Boards are invited to put on an event.  The Commission is looking into starting the day with a 5K race and letting the rest of the departments build around it.  The Commission would like to raise money towards fire works in the coming year. Kristyn Bernier stated she will send out invitations to all the Departments, Committees and Boards.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 16th, 2009.

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Kristyn Bernier to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II a-e.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Marcia Berry – Aye, Jennifer Nyman – Aye. The commission went into non-public session at 10:14 PM.
Discussion ensued concerning accident/incident reports, finances, and employee issues.

Motion by Kristyn Bernier, second by Sheri Joy to return to public session.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Marcia Berry – Aye, Jennifer Nyman – Aye.  The Commission came out of non-public at 10:30 PM.

Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 10:31 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Laura Zuzgo

ON APRIL 16th, 2009 AT THE