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Recreation Commission Minutes 02/09
February 12th, 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:41 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Sheri Joy, Chairperson
Kristyn Bernier, Commissioner
Marcia Berry, Treasurer
Wendi Fenderson, Commissioner
Lucinda Erwin, Commissioner

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
Laura McCarthy, Daycare Director
Jessica Arsuaga
Jennifer Nyman
Al Koehler
Amy Nicholson

Chair Joy welcomed Al Koehler and Jennifer Nyman to the commission.  The Commissioner explained they had not yet received and accepted Dwight Jones’ resignation, making it not possible to fill his position on the commission at this time.  Chair Joy also stated they had not been notified of which one was appointed to take Paula Gehl’s place and which one was appointed to Dwight Jones’ place.  Al and Jennifer were told they could stay and have input to the meeting, but they would not be able to vote at this time.

Daycare/Pre-K Program:
Discussion ensued on the following issues
·       Clarification of deficit for daycare and pre-school programs
·       Review of expenses
·       Director summarized the report
·       Letters sent for arrearages
·       Notification sent to parents of increase in fees
·       Pre-school daycare participants to be contracted

Citizen’s Forum:
·       Commissioners explain the reason for the increases and contracts
·       Amy Nicholson asked why the Pre-K/Daycare falls under Parks & Recreation, it was explained that it was for insurance purposes
·       Contracts are necessary for planning staffing needs
·       Exceptions cannot be made for one and not others  
·       Commissioners explained the deficit of the program
·       Explained Governor Wentworth School District has nothing to do with the program.
The Commission reviewed the grant proposal and application.
·       Itemized budget needs to be completed, e-mailed to Commissioners, Commissioners to need to respond quickly, grant to go out at end of next week
·       Kristyn Bernier explained edit changes she had made
·       All paragraphs were reviewed and input from all the Commissioners as well as the program directors was incorporated into the document
·       Kristyn Bernier suggested including the possibility of scholarships for the program
Marcia Berry was excused from the meeting at 7:30 PM.

Prom Night:
Commissioners said they were glad to see prom night on the schedule, but would appreciate a heads up before it is published.  
·       Name changed to Moonlight Ball
·       Time changed to 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
·       Date changed to May 16th, Sheri Joy asked if they had checked when high school prom was as there might be a conflict.

Creative Kids:
·       Naughty notes were discussed
1.      some no longer in program
2.      notes have been sent out
3.      ask Vickie Blackden to send out letters as Financial Officer for the Town
4.      include that if not paid the children will not be allowed to participate in Recreation events and programs
·       Commission expressed thanks for the financial handouts
·       Finances were reviewed
·       Sheri Joy asked Laura McCarthy how many hours she is working.  Laura stated she is with the children 30 hours and spends about 17 hours on administrative responsibilities.
·       Part-Time help was discussed plus Jessica Arsuaga taking over some of the administrative duties for the Pre-K program.

·       Fees currently are:
Morning & Afternoon $50 a week
Morning or Afternoon $40 a week
Per Session                    $ 7.50
Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Lucinda Erwin to change the Creative Kids fees fulltime morning and afternoon to $55, Part-time to $38, Contracted per diem $8 and non-contracted per diem to $8.50.  Vote was unanimous.

·       Schedule for Summer program be presented at next meeting
·       Laura McCarthy was asked if she was buying snacks for the Daycare
·       Jessica asked the Commission if they would consider allowing $50 a month to be spent on snacks.  Commissioners felt the program needs to be more financially sound before that can happen.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on March 12th, 2009 at 6:30 PM at the New Durham Elementary School teacher’s lounge.

Jessica Arsuaga and Laura McCarthy were excused from the meeting at 8:26 PM.

Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the minutes of November 19, 2008 was postponed until the March 12th meeting as there was no quorum.

Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to accept the minutes of January 21st, 2009 as amended.  Vote was unanimous.
Amendments made to the minutes were:
Page 3 – insert after first sentence in first paragraph “This request has been previously requested and documented in past meeting minutes.”

Director’s Report:
The following items were reviewed and discussed:
·       Sign money to go into the revolving fund, before selling, find out if it can be used on a temporary basis, how much are trailer, sign and letters worth?  Hold off on decision until information is received
·       Kristyn Bernier will contact Theresa Jarvis about CPR classes
·       Criminal background check policy is still with Town counsel, Commission discussed possible standards they would require for coaches, will establish protocol for this at the next meeting
·       Volunteer of the Year will be presented at the Town Meeting, Jessica Bailey to write letter of congratulation and notify them when the Town meeting is and that their presences is requested.
·       5/6 Recreation Girls Basketball Team is undefeated; Alton and Barnstead do not want to participate in yearly tournament.  Jessica is researching invitational games that the girls might be able to attend
Jennifer Nyman was excused from the meeting at 9:02 PM.

·       Commission suggested getting a plaque to hang with plates stating the undefeated seasons.  The Commission felt the girl’s team should be recognized at the Town Meeting
Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to purchase a plaque to hang at the school with a plate added for each undefeated season.  Vote was unanimous.

·       Summer Baseball camp will be held the first week of August, registration forms will be included in the school news letter before the end of the school year
·       Jessica Bailey requested permission to purchase candy for the Easter Egg Hunt
Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to allow Jessica Bailey to purchase candy for the Easter Egg Hunt. The Commission reminded Jessica no hard candy or gum. Vote was unanimous.  Jessica will hand out candy at the next meeting for the Commissioners to fill the eggs.

·       Estimate for electrical work
1.      higher than Commission expected
2.      Jessica Bailey informed the Commission she had talked to another electrician that came in at around the same price.
3.      Sheri Joy suggested contacting the Kingswood Vocational program to see if it would be something they would be interested in doing
4.      Kristyn Bernier suggested checking with Brook Electric on Powder Mill Road
5.      Al Koehler suggested Becky Corneau’s father-in-law who is also an electrician
·       Barbara Reed asked the Commission if the insurance for the 6th grade ski trip covered transportation to the event as well as the event.  The Commission stated it only covers the children at the event.
·       Easter Bunny costume was discussed.  The Commission felt it was not necessary
·       Tony Eldridge will light the flag pole at the ball field when it goes in.  Sheri Joy will talk to Mark Fuller to see when that will be
·       Al Koehler was asked how his volleyball tournament fundraiser turned out.  He explained it had gone well and they had raised over $1400 and were not done yet as T-Shirts had been ordered.
·       Al Koehler explained he was starting volleyball clinics for the 4/5 grade girls.  Sheri Joy asked if he had filled out a facilities use form and he stated he had not.  Sheri explained he needed to do this for insurance reasons.  He is going to talk to Barbara Reed about insurance.  The Commission stated if it was a clinic and not try-outs the Recreation Commission would be willing to allow it to come under their umbrella.  He was asked to e-mail the commissioners if he would like it to be done under Parks & Recreation.
·       Purchase orders were reviewed and signed
·       Jessica Bailey let the Commission know she is awaiting an update from Ron Gehl on the Beach Sand Permit.
·       Revolving Fund summary was reviewed.  Lucinda Erwin asked about the volley ball court account.  It was explained that it is encumbered until a court was established
·       RSA’s pertaining to Parks & Recreation  

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Kristyn Bernier to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (a-c).  Roll Call- Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Lucinda Erwin – Aye.  The commission went into non-public session at 9:08 PM.  The Commission entered into non-public session at 9:42 PM

Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to come out of non-public.  Vote was unanimous. The Commission came out of non-public at 10:08 PM.  No decision were made.

Motion Sheri Joy, second Wendi Fenderson to adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Laura Zuzgo