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Recreation Commission Minutes 04/16/09
DRAFT- These minutes are strictly a draft copy and are awaiting amendment or approval at a subsequent duly noticed public meeting. Amendments to these minutes will be noted in the minutes of said meeting.  They are being posted on the web site as a draft copy for public informational use.  

April 16th, 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:45 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Sheri Joy, Chairperson
Kristyn Bernier, Commissioner
Wendi Fenderson, Secretary
Jennifer Nyman, Commissioner
Lucinda Erwin, Commissioner

Excused Absence:
Al Koehler
Marcia Berry

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
Glenn Woodward

Citizen’s Forum:
·       Glenn Woodward asked the Commission to establish a rule for equal play time for all sports teams.
·       Kristyn Bernier stated that as far as she knew Parks & Recreation teams were supposed to be equal play time for all the children.  The teams were set up to give all children a chance to play and learn.
·       Glenn asked if it could be put in writing to the coaches and parents in the rules and procedures that are given out to all the coaches and parents.
·       It was agreed that a rule stating all players get equal time could be added to the rules with the stipulation that the child has to attend practices.  
·       Glenn would like to start another team.  He asked if it would be possible to have another team.
·       Jessica Bailey explained the schedule is already set.
·       The Commission discussed the possibility of a club team that would play scrimmage games during the summer.  
·       Jessica Bailey will put a write-up in the school newspaper to see if enough children and parents would be interested in a summer team.
·       Glenn also requested that if at all possible, could he have a majors team to coach next year.

Daycare Program:
·       Laura McCarthy passed out a copy of the summer trips expense sheet
·       She asked the Commission if she should purchase a buss pass for 6 days at $100 or 12 days at $200.  This pass is for parking at the State Parks.
·       The Commission agreed to the 12 days at $200.
·       Summer theme is “Getting Down With Cool Creatures”
·       Daycare children have been looking through the Oriental Trader to determine what items should be purchased for the summer.
·       Kristyn Bernier expressed to Laura McCarthy how much the Commission appreciates her dedication to the children and for all the work she puts into the program.
·       Laura McCarthy explained she had placed copies of the summer schedule at several locations in town.
·       Sheri Joy suggested that Laura look in the Farmington Explorer and include the events scheduled for Fernald Park.
·       Commissioners expressed how much they would like to see the summer program written up in the Baysider.

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Kristyn Bernier to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II a-e.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Jennifer Nyman – Aye, Lucinda Erwin – Aye. The commission went into non-public session at 7:33 PM.
Commission discussed delinquent daycare accounts.  One account is a write off. Voted to seal minutes in perpetuity.
Motion by Kristyn Bernier, second by Sheri Joy to return to public session.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Lucinda Erwin , Jennifer Nyman – Aye.  The Commission came out of non-public at 7:45 PM.

Election of Officers:
Motion Sheri Joy, second Lucinda Erwin to appoint Kristyn Bernier as Chairperson.  Vote was unanimous.

Motion by Kristyn Bernier, second Lucinda Erwin to appoint Sheri Joy as Co- Chairperson.  Vote was unanimous.

Motion by Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to appoint Al Koehler as Treasurer upon his agreement,  and if he does not wish to fill this position Jennifer Nyman will step in as Treasurer.  Vote was  unanimous.

Motion by Sheri Joy, second Lucinda Erwin to re-appoint Wendi Fenderson as Secretary.  Vote was unanimous.
Review of Financial Statements:
The Commission did not receive financial statements for Creative Kids or the Pre-K program in their packets.  Jessica Bailey stated she requested them from both directors several times.  The information was not provided until just before the meeting.  The Commission could not discuss the reports as they had not had sufficient time to review them.  The Commission stated that Jessica Arsuaga’s financial report was unacceptable as all she presented was a printout from the Town financial officer and she presented it as the Commissioners were arriving for the meeting.  The Commission agreed they would like a letter placed in her file.

Director’s Report:

·       Jessica Bailey asked that the Commission’s agreement to allow Jessica Arsuaga to spend up to $80 a month be included in the minutes.  The Commission stated they had agreed to allow Jessica Arsuaga to spend up to $80 a month of the Concession money raised.  After a brief review of the financial statement the commission discussed  suspending the $80 a month purchases without pre-approval of the Commission.

Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to place a hold on Pre-K spending without pre-approval and that there would be no candy or juice purchased.  Vote was unanimous.

·       The Commission agreed to table the discussion of the Grant for the Pre-K program until next meeting due to there has been no official letter sent acknowledging the grant has been approved.
·       The Commission reviewed and signed all the invoices and time cards presented.
·       The purchase request for baseball equipment for the Babe Ruth team was reviewed.  The Commission discussed the request for a drag for the field and decided to not sign off on it.  The Commission did sign off on the request for baseballs and bats.  Jessica Bailey is going to look for a better price for a drag and e-mail the information to the Commissioners for approval to purchase.
·       Jessica Bailey asked the Commissioners what their opinion was about face masks for all the players.  After discussion the Commission felt that the decision of face masks should be left up to the parents.
·       Inventory of the equipment was discussed.  The Commission agreed that all equipment including keys are to be signed out at the beginning of each season and signed in at the end of the season.
Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Jennifer Nyman that inventories for each season will be completed  in a timely manner by the end of the season to include a sign in sign out sheet for all coaches for equipment and uniforms.  Vote was unanimous.

Baseball equipment will be signed back in by July, Soccer equipment signed back in by December, and Basketball equipment signed back in by April.

Bubba Noyes has agreed to do in kind service for the use of the ball field i.e. painting the dugouts, picking up trash, etc.  The Commission would like to have clarification of the intended use of the field to determine the amount of in kind service.  Sheri Joy stated that a formal agreement needs to be written up and presented to Bubba so there can be no misunderstandings.  The Commission would like to have Al Koehler assess how much paint will be needed.  Jessica asked the Commission’s permission to purchase the necessary equipment and paint after Al Koehler’s assessment.  The Commission was in agreement to this purchase.

Commission would like to move the sign to the ball field to be used to announce game schedules.  They would also like to be able to move it to the Transfer Station to announce special events.
Motion  Sheri Joy, second Lucinda Erwin to move the Parks & Rec sign to the ball field.  Vote was unanimous.

Background Check:
After reviewing the Town attorney’s suggestions, the following decisions were made:
1.      page 2 - there will be no change
2.      page 3- it is not redundant. It is two separate issues
3.      page 4- “up to” changed to maximum of two, written or otherwise staying as written
4.      add /town administrator after human resources
5.      weapons violation is staying as written
6.      criminal liability is a separate crime
7.      addition of a sign off line for the Commissioners and the Selectmen
Sheri Joy stated the Commission would like to be placed on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda at their next meeting if possible or as soon as it is possible to discuss the Criminal Background check policy.

Jessica Bailey explained the applications for background checks received so far were from the coaches that were at the coaches meeting.  She still has one head coach’s application missing.  Jessica was told to finish collecting applications from all the coaches that she has not received one from yet.  She does not have to include umpires.
After a discussion about the cost of the background checks, Kristyn Bernier is going to check to see if there is a special price for non-profits. She is also going to check into the requirement of finger printing.

Award Banner:
·       After a brief discussion the Commission agreed they do not see the necessity of a banner for the undefeated season as the Commission has already purchased a plague.

Fund Raiser:
·       Jessica Bailey was approached by a woman who would like to have a fund raiser for a new ball pitcher machine.  There is no need for one at this time but it was suggested the woman might want to have a fundraiser to generate money for the drag for the baseball field.

Opening Day:
·       The Commission expressed their desire for the press i.e. Foster’s and Baysider to be present for the opening day ceremonies.
·       Jennifer Nyman expressed concerns about pictures being scheduled for opening day. There is a conflict for several of the team players as that is also the Cub Scouts Fish and Run Day.  It was agreed to re-schedule the team pictures.
·       The Babe Ruth team has offered to carry the flags.  Lucinda Erwin stated the Color Guard will be there to carry the flags.
·       Warm up shirts for all the teams was discussed.  Sheri Joy expressed that the Babe Ruth players will not wear warm up shirts and the sponsors paid for hat and shirt advertising, but will not be getting it. The Commission told Jessica to not offer sponsorship packages for both hat and shirt unless it is the uniform shirt.

Two picnic tables have been donated.  After some discussion it was agreed that one is to  be placed at the beach and one at the ball field.  A thank you letter, signed by one of the Commissioners is to be mailed.

Ball field:
·       Port-o-Potties are at the field
·       Kristyn Bernier asked if all the trash had been removed.  She stated she had been at the fields on Tuesday night and there was trash in the middle of the road.   Jessica Bailey said she would check on it.
·       Goal posts need to be moved to level ground
·       Robert Booth has offered to donate time and material to fix the third base line and to place a bid for leveling all of the fields.  The Commission gave their okay for the temporary fix to the field.

Easter Egg Hunt:
·       Jennifer Nyman expressed that the estimated number of children present at the Easter Egg Hunt was too high.  Sheri Joy asked if Jessica had found out who the donation of candy for the Hunt had come from.  She stated she had not.

New Business:
·       Auditors report was discussed.  Jessica was asked to find out if it is available for review.   Also could she find out if the Commission can request a copy of the audit as it pertains to Parks and Recreation.
·       Beach use application was discussed.  The question was asked if the BOS discussed this issue at their Monday night meeting.  Jennifer Nyman stated she had watched the televised meeting and that Selectman Bickford stated there was nothing in writing that stated it was for recreation use, but it was verbal implied.  The Commission feels they should be included in the decision process as to what events should and should not be held at the Town Beach.  They are also in agreement that events should not be held at the Beach as that means closing it to the public and it also creates problems with parking.  The Commission felt that a meeting between the Fire department, Police Department, Rec Commission and the Selectmen should be held to discuss each departments’ opinion on the subject.

A donation of $100 has been received for Parks and Recreation.  Sheri Joy stated it needs to be accepted by the Board of Selectmen.  Also a letter of the thanks signed by one commissioner and the Recreation Director needs to be sent out.

Wendi Fenderson said she had been approached by a previous coach who was not asked to coach this season and wanted to know why. It was stated in the newsletter that anyone interested in coaching should contact the Recreation Director.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 21st, 2009

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Kristyn Bernier to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II a-e.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Lucinda Erwin – Aye, Jennifer Nyman – Aye. The commission went into non-public session at 10:21 PM.
Discussion about personnel issues took place.  No decisions were made.

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Lucinda Erwin to return to public session.  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Lucinda Erwin – Aye, Jennifer Nyman – Aye.  The Commission came out of non-public at 10:35 PM.

Motion Sheri Joy, second Lucinda Erwin to adjourn.  Vote was unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 10:36 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Laura Zuzgo

ON May 21st, 2009 AT THE