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Recreation Commission Minutes 06/09
June 17, 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order 6:38 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Kristyn Bernier, Chairperson
Marcia Berry*, Commissioner
Al Koehler, Commissioner
Lucinda Irwin, Commission
Wendi Fenderson, Secretary
Jennifer Nyman, Commissioner

Excused Absence: Sheri Joy

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
Stephanie McEvoy
Brett Lindsay

*Attended part of the meeting

Citizen’s Forum:

Stephanie McEvoy asks the commission to address several of her concerns:

·       Can the Commission provide an update on the walking path?  Stephanie bought her brick 2 years ago.  Kristyn Bernier reports that the commission had to settle an issue regarding the bald eagle nest.  Kristyn explains that the walking path is 100 % volunteer based and 100% supported by donations.

·       What is the job of the commission? Kristyn Bernier reports that there was a group called NDAA, which was the fundraising arm for the recreation programs.  That association dissolved leaving money in a revolving fund, which the Recreation Commission oversees.  Town Administrator directly supervises the Recreation Director, the Commission does not have a supervisory role, and the Recreation Commission for is an advisory role to provide guidance to the Recreation Director.  The Commission does works to establish policies for the town sports to adhere to. i.e. the fair play policy.  

·       What is the job of the Recreation Director? Jessica Bailey responds working with the support of the Recreation Commission to run all the sports programs.  Kristyn Bernier continues that anything that needs to be completed or planned goes for the town recreation department it goes through Jessica Bailey.

·       If someone has an issue or concern who do they address?  Kristyn Bernier states that any issues need to be brought to the Town Administrator, or bring them the Recreation Commission.

·       Why is the Concession stand not open?  Many other fields that our teams travel to have their concession stand open.  Would it be possible to have the team parent’s work to the parents to develop a schedule for them to volunteer in the concession stand? It is hard to give a time at sign up. Kristyn reports that it has been extremely difficult to get people to volunteer in the concession stand. It is always the same people volunteering.

·       Brett Lindsay would like to have a meeting established with the coaches and the Recreation Commission to discuss a number of issues he feels is hurting the programs.  The first being communication, Bret Lindsay would like to see mandatory coaches meeting and additional meetings every two weeks.  He has been involved in Rochester Recreation program and the processes they have to educate, and communicate with the coach’s work well. Currently there is a third base issue that needs to be addresses as it is a safety issue.  Brett Lindsay reports that it may be helpful to develop subcommittee to assist the Recreation Commission with projects that may need to be done and better communication with the coaches.    

·       Brett Lindsay reports that this is the worst season he has ever experienced and he has been coaching for 14 years.  Communication has completely broken down and there needs to be accountability and more supporting of coaches.  Brett Lindsay discusses a process in which that each team has a vote on policy and procedures.  Discussion ensued on options.

·       Many families are struggling in this economy and feel that the rates are increasing and they are not getting what they need form the recreation programs.

·       Stephanie McEvoy asks for clarification on Dawn Roiter’s role at the Suncook Valley League meetings and Jessica Bailey will clarify her role and voting rights.

·       Stephanie McEvoy asks how the Fisher Cats tickets were disbursed? Kristyn Bernier reports that the commission has been struggling on how to make it fair.  Discussion ensued.

·       Stephanie McEvoy asks why the Jamboree and play schedules were not handed out or posted on the website as Alton and Gilmanton was?  Jessica Bailey states that the ones they posted were not accurate.  Discussion ensued.

·       Stephanie McEvoy states that there should be involvement of parents and children not the same people.  Last year it was very confusing due to Jessica Bailey sending out an emails canceling the spring clean up, not everyone got to their email, some people cleaned up the field and some did not.  Discussion ensued

·       Jessica Bailey sent an email regarding no use of ATV’s on the field and the tone of the email hurt a lot of people who have volunteered their time and it felt to them that the Commission did not care about all the volunteer hours and were making judgments and not knowing all the facts.  Kristyn Bernier states it was not a decision made by the Recreation Commission rather the BOS due to safety issues.

·       Brett Lindsay states that having a fair play rule is like opening up a huge can of worms.  We should go by the Suncook Valley league rules of equal, three innings in the field, two innings and one up at bat.   Kristyn Bernier states she has had several meetings with parents and is working on a new way to distribute the teams.
·       Commission Al Koehler states that communication will reunite the coach’s parents and community but it must start now.

·       Kristyn Bernier states that more phone calls need to be made regarding sensitive issues not emails.

Preschool and Daycare Programs:
·       Jessica Arsuaga reports she believes that the preschool program will have good numbers for next year and has received her waiver regarding her certification courses.  She will hopefully be taking them in July.  

·       Laura McCarthy reports she is ramping up for the summer and is excited and working on a pay scale for Vicki.

Directors Report:
·       Jessica Bailey reviews invoices with the Commissions and asks to be able to place an ad in the newspaper regarding the summer recreation program.  Kristyn Bernier states that it should also go home to all the children before the end of school. Jessica Bailey discusses tai chi, no extra programs.

·       Jessica Bailey reviews the CIP projects that were submitted and asks for the commission to review and submit changes. Kristyn Bernier asks Jessica Bailey to add the foundation for the shed expansion.  Discussion ensued.

·       Jessica Bailey reviews the Rookies jamboree schedule.

·       Jessica Bailey reports on the beach permit update provide by Ron Gehl,  Kristyn Bernier asks Jessica Bailey to see what is a good time for Ron Gehl to come to a Recreation Committee meeting.

·       Jessica Bailey reports that a soccer sign up night at the school was slow.

·       Jessica Bailey reports on the baseball raffle, Kristyn Bernier asks Jessica Bailey to write thank you notes to the donors and send out a list of the winners.
A motion was made Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Lucinda Erwin that to charge $300.00 for the request of field usage from the Alton Adult Softball league with $100.00 returnable retainer, if all requirements are met. (Vote was unanimous)

·       Lucinda Erwin states that that the port-a-pottie and trash need to be on the beach next year by Memorial Day, and the buoy out by the end of September.

·       Kristyn Bernier states that if the camps ask to use the beach Jessica Bailey needs to have a plan and have them use weekdays mid afternoon.

·       Kristyn Bernier states that Lucinda Erwin has a suggestion that on July 25th 2009 to host a thank you BBQ for all the volunteers at 1PM at the ball fields.  Discussion ensued.

·       Jessica Bailey reports on the bottom line in the revolving fund of $12,125 plus another $3500.  However there are some outstanding invoices.

·       Kristyn Bernier reports that due to the concerns that were brought forth in the Citizens Forum she feels that a meeting should be set up between the Commission and the coaches.  Discussion ensued.  The meeting will be on June 30th at 6PM.  Kristyn will put together an agenda.

·       Jessica Bailey reports the soccer coaches meeting is Aug 10th 6pm, and Kristyn Bernier suggest that Jessica Bailey should have the coaches fill out the state police record release form, so she can check them in the basic registries.

·       Jessica Bailey reviews the CKC program and preschool budget for next year. Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Marcia Berry seconded Jennifer Nyman to approve the daycare budget, and pre-school budget, upon approval of continuing the pre- school program. (Vote was unanimous)

Jessica Bailey was excused from the meeting.

·       Kristyn Bernier reviews the letter from April Whitaker suggesting transferring the revolving fund to the BOS for overview.  All Commissioners share that they do not want to transfer ownership of the revolving fund to the BOS, as the reason the Recreation Commission was established was for checks and balances.  Kristyn Bernier will respond to April Whitaker regarding the Commission’s position.

A motion was made by Jennifer Nyman seconded by Lucinda Erwin to add Wendi to the role for the last meeting.  Minutes are approved as amended. (Vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Lucinda Erwin to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II a-e. Wendi Fenderson-Aye, Kristyn Bernier-Aye, Lucinda Erwin-Aye, Jennifer Nyman-Aye, Marcia Berry-Aye, Al Koehler-Aye

A motion was made by Marcia Berry, seconded by Jennifer Nyman that the preschool program, currently directed by Jessica Arsuaga be discontinued after school year, and create a new preschool program directed by Laura McCarthy (Motion did not carry)

A motion was made by Lucinda Irwin, seconded by Kristyn Bernier to eliminate preschool program, as it exists. (5 Aye and 1 Nay the Ayes have it)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Jennifer Nyman to request of the Board of Selectman to return the direct supervision of the Recreation Director and Creative Kids program to the Parks and Recreation Commission as it had been the original responsibility (vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Marcia Berry that the direct supervision of the Creative Kids Program Director becomes the responsibility of the Recreations Commission and not the Recreation Director. (Vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Al Koehler based on issues discussed and in-light of a parent email that came forward the commission requests a non public meeting with the BOS only at their earliest convenience. (Vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Al Koehler to seal the minutes of the non-public session (vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Wendi Fenderson to return to public session.  Roll call-Wendi Fenderson-Aye, Kristyn Bernier-Aye, Lucinda Erwin-Aye, Jennifer Nyman-Aye-Marica Berry-Aye, and Al Koehler Aye at 12:13AM

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Wendi Fenderson to adjourn, Vote was unanimous.  The meeting adjourned at 12:14AM