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Recreation Commission Minutes 01/09
             New Durham Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting
                                January 21, 2009

                                   January 21, 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:12PM at the New Durham Elementary School, Old Bay Road, New Durham.

Sheri Joy, Chairperson
Marcia Berry, Treasurer
Lucinda Erwin, Commissioner
Wendi Fenderson, Commissioner
Kristyn Bernier, Commissioner

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director Parks & Recreation
Laura McCarthy, Director Creative Kids Program
Jessica Arsuaga, Director CKC Preschool Program

Dwight Jones

Creative Kids Club and Preschool Program

-Laura McCarthy explained that bills had been sent out and past due fees were coming in. She reported that there are several new children, bringing the numbers for the program to 8 full time children and 20 part time children. A financial analysis was presented, however contracts were not completed, nor was a complete budget presented, thus the Commission was unable to make a determination of an appropriate fee for the program. The increase that Laura McCarthy had proposed was not sufficient to cover expenses. It was brought to the  Daycare Director’s and Recreation Director’s attention that the revenues for the program for 2008 were down more than $8,000.00 from 2007, and that as of December 30, 2008, the program owed the Revolving Fund $3401.41. The Commission requested that the Daycare begin a monthly budget, documenting expenses and revenues, and report back to the Commission at the February meeting with a final determination of an appropriate fee for full time, part time and non-contracted children. It was also requested that contracts be completed for all attendees.

-Preschool Director Jessica Arsuaga presented a financial analysis of the program and requested that the Commission reconsider the November vote to raise fees by $5.00 per day. Jessica Arsuaga and Jessica Bailey were informed that as of December 30, 2008, the Pre-school program owed the revolving fund $3051.14. After discussion, Sheri Joy motioned to keep the fees as voted upon in November but to reduce the $20.00 fee on Fridays for children attending full time to $15.00. More discussion ensued that it might be feasible to also reduce the $20.00 Friday fee to $15.00 for those attending 4 or more days. Sheri Joy amended the motion for the Preschool fees to be set at $15.00 per day for children attending 4 or more days, while fees for all other attendees will be $15.00 per day Monday through Thursday and $20.00 on the full day Friday session. The motion was seconded by Lucinda Erwin. All in favor. The fee increase will be effective on March 1, 2009, and it was requested that a cover letter be drafted to send home with parents.

Jessica Arsuaga presented a grant application for the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation. The grant awarded can be up to $10,000.00 and is for creative educational programs. Sheri Joy made a motion to allow Jessica Arsuaga to pursue the grant. The motion was seconded by Lucinda Erwin. All in favor. Jessica Arsuaga was asked to complete the grant application draft for review at the February meeting as the deadline for submission is March 01, 2009.

Jessica Arsuaga informed the Commission that she had been running a concession stand during Saturday basketball games, and that she is considering planning a fundraising ball.

Sheri Joy asked that all contracts for Pre-school attendees be completed for the next meeting.

Recreation Manifests:

Jessica Bailey requested signatures for time sheets and manifests.

Motion by Sheri Joy, second by Kristyn Bernier to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II(c) at the request of  Laura McCarthy. Roll call: Sheri Joy – Aye, Marcia Berry – Aye, Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Lucinda Erwin – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye. The Commission entered into non-public session at 7:55PM.

Discussion ensued regarding delinquent daycare accounts, children attending without forms and parent permission and “emergency” situations requiring the use of the CKC Program.

Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to come out of non-public session. Vote unanimous. Return to public meeting at 8:16PM.

Jessica Arsuaga and Laura McCarthy were excused from the meeting at 8:17PM.


-       Sheri Joy requested that the Director request pre-approval for purchases as opposed to presenting the Commission with manifests after purchasing.
-       Sheri Joy requested that more specific details regarding deposits for programs be brought to meetings, as well as exact figures for what is in the revolving fund since these figures were not made available at this meeting.
-       The Commission requested that Jessica Bailey supervise the Directors of the CKC and Pre-school program in regard to tracking expenditures and revenue and keeping a budget.

Volunteer of the Year:

Jessica Bailey asked the Commission for nominees for Parks and Recreation Volunteer of the Year. After discussion, a motion was made by Sheri Joy to award Dan and Lynette Place for the recognition. Second, Kristyn Bernier. All in favor. A gift certificate will be purchased at Johnson’s to present with the award. It was requested that Jessica attempt to have this recognition added to the BOS meeting agenda for January 26th. The Commission also decided to recognize Dan and Lynette Place at baseball opening day ceremonies.

Athletic Equipment Inventory:

-       The Commission requested that the Recreation Director have an accurate written inventory of all athletic equipment as the inventory included in the Commissioner packets was an approximation. It was explained that inventory should be a time to check all equipment for defects as well as have exact quantities so as to be able to make decisions on what will need to be purchased for future seasons.
-       Clarification was asked regarding if all three new soccer nets were in and were the appropriate size. Jessica informed the Commission that all three fields have new nets and all are sized accordingly.


-Sheri Joy requested that any donation that comes in for any Recreation program be brought to the Commission for acknowledgement and placed on the BOS meeting agenda per RSA 31:95e. It was further asked that any thank you note for donations to the rec department be signed by the Rec Director and the Commission and not the Town Administrator as this does not fall under her purview.
-a $200.00 donation had been accepted in December for the preschool program, and the Commission had not been apprised of this until this meeting, nor had RSA 31:95e been followed for the acceptance of the donation.  

Criminal Check Policy:

-No update has been received from the Town Administrator regarding the volunteer background check policy which was drafted and given to the Rec Director for BOS review in September 2008. The Rec Director was asked to find out the status of the policy so that it can be instituted for the 2009 baseball season.

Acceptance of the November Commission Meeting minutes. Two minor changes were requested. Motion to accept minutes by Kristyn Bernier, second by Marcia Berry. All in favor.

Event Calendar:

-events for 2009 were discussed, including a monthly senior Liverpool Rummy game at the library and possible VNA health screening;  Easter egg hunt; opening day with baseball photos scheduled on May 9; closing day “spring fling” event; concert and luau; and other upcoming events. The list will be given to the Librarian for inclusion in the Town Explorer.

Concession stand:

-The Commission agreed to continue to set soccer fees so that $10.00 refunds will be given to parents when they have completed a mandatory 2 hour block of time running the concession stand.
-It was requested that the Director seek high school students who may need to complete community service hours at Kingswood as a graduation requirement.
-Discussion about the possibility of allowing concession stand hours be worked in lieu of registration fees for families experiencing financial hardship. The stipulation was made that families would need to pay 50% of the fee up front and then receive a full refund following completion of committed time. Two hours will equate to $10.00.

Motion Sheri Joy to allow, on a limited basis, family members to work hours in the concession stand in lieu of soccer registration at a rate of $10.00 refund for every two hours worked. Second Lucinda Erwin. All in favor.

Absentee member of Commission:

-Sheri Joy updated the Commission that Dwight Jones has not responded to her letter or call requesting his resignation. Jones has missed every meeting since August, has not participated in any event since March, and has not contacted the Chairperson regarding these absences.
-Sheri Joy advised the Commission that she has presented a letter to the Chair of the Board of Selectmen seeking the BOS to remove Jones from the Commission per Parks and Recreation Commission By-Laws. This issue is scheduled on the BOS agenda for January 26.
-New membership was discussed. Sheri Joy requested that Jennie Nyman be nominated to replace the position vacated by Paula Gehl. All members in agreement.
-Sheri Joy requested that Al Koehler be nominated in anticipation of the removal of Dwight Jones by the Board of Selectmen on January 26. All members in agreement.


-Rec Director advised the Commission that there had been an issue with a coach from another community behaving in an unprofessional manner and using profanity in the presence of the children. The Director has brought this to the attention of the director of that community’s rec program. The Commission asked that Jessica Bailey follow this call with a letter to document the incident and request an update of how it has been handled. It was agreed if this behavior occurs again with this coach, the coach will not be allowed to participate in New Durham.

Motion to adjourn by Sheri Joy. Second Lucinda Erwin. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM.

Next meeting scheduled for February 09, 2009, 6PM at ND Elementary School.