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Recreation Commission Minutes 11/08 - 11/11/08

November 11th, 2008

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 6:07 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Sheri Joy, Chairperson
Kristyn Bernier, Commissioner
Marcia Berry, Treasurer
Wendi Fenderson, Commissioner

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
David Bickford, Selectman
Laura McCarthy, Daycare Director
Jessica Arsuaga

Lucinda Erwin
Dwight Jones

After a brief discussion of the formatting of the minutes of the meetings, a motion was made to change the format of the minutes.  Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy for the minute taker to abbreviate the minutes to include pertinent topics, motions, and decisions.  If a member wishes to have something documented, it will be done at the next meeting.  Vote was unanimous.

Daycare Program:
Discussion ensued on the following issues
               -   Clarification of deficit for daycare and pre-school programs
·       Review of expenses
·       Director summarized the report
·       Personnel expenses
·       Letters sent for past due accounts
·       Notification sent to parents about paying the difference between what the program charges and the State pays
·       Pre-school daycare contracts need to be done by next meeting
·       Check into possible volunteers for the Pre-school daycare & how fingerprinting and back ground checks will be handled
·       Grant writing possibilities
·       Revolving Fund definition
·       Snacks be provided by parents
·       Cut costs where possible
·       Research local daycare centers for fees and set price for Creative Kids & pre-school
·       Meeting set for November 19th at 6:00 pm for Laura McCarthy and Jessica Bailey to meet with Commissioners to discuss new daycare rates
·       Check into possibility of 50/50 raffle at the craft fair

Approval of Minutes:
After reviewing and discussing the edited minutes provided by April Whittaker,
Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Marcia Berry to accept the minutes of October 14th, 2008 as amended.  Vote was unanimous.

Director’s Report:
The following items were reviewed and discussed:
·       Invoices explained and signed
·       Daycare Director time card
·       Will Chase achievement to be posted on web site and in newsletter
·       Concession Stand concerns.  The Commissioners agreed they do not want to hire a concession stand worker.
·       List of items to be donated to the Ferry Beach concession stand at the craft fair and to the Creative Kids program (see attached).  Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to donate the listed items to the Ferry Beach concession stand and the Creative Kids program.  Vote was unanimous.
·       Invoice for water pump repair in the amount of $1098.91
·       Rec Commission sign located at Town Hall needs Selectmen’s approval per Building Inspector and Town Ordinance
·       Basketball Tournament in York, ME.  The Commissioners chose to not pay the entry fees to the tournament, but advised that the team could fund raise in order to participate.
·       Web Site needs updating and editing
·       Question regarding Daycare cell phone being out of service for approximately 3 months despite paying for service
·       Christmas House Decorating Contest.  Post notices ASAP
·       Stipend for cell phone for Recreation Director. Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to reduce the stipend from $40 a month to $20.  Vote was unanimous.
·       Unexcused absences. Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to request the Board of Selectman remove the non-attending member from the Commission. Vote was unanimous.

Motion by Kristyn Bernier, second by Sheri Joy to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II(c).  Roll Call-  Wendi Fenderson – Aye, Sheri Joy – Aye, Kristyn Bernier – Aye, Marcia Berry – Aye.  The commission went into non-public session at 9:08 PM.
Discussion ensued concerning accident/incident reports, finances, and employee issues.
Minutes of Non-Public meeting of September 24th were reviewed. Motion Sheri Joy, second Kristyn Bernier to accept the non-public minutes of September 24th, 2008 as written.  Vote was unanimous.

Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Wendi Fenderson to review a letter written by Kristyn Bernier by the Commissioners and Selectman Bickford only.  Vote was unanimous.

Jessica Bailey and Laura Zuzgo were asked to leave the non-public meeting at 9:48 PM.

Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Sheri Joy to seal the minutes of the non-public session on November 11, 2008. Vote was unanimous.

Motion Kristyn Bernier, second Marcia Berry to come out of non-public session. Vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 11:34 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Laura Zuzgo