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Capital Improvement Committee 07/13/2009 Approved

July 13th,  2009


A  meeting of the CIP advisory committee took place on Monday, July 13th,  2009 at 7:00 PM in the New Durham Town Hall located off Main Street.

Scott Drummey                           Chris Lapierre                          
Tom Goss                                        Padraic McHale
Theresa Jarvis

Also Present:  April Whittaker, CIP Coordinator and Recorder

Election of Chairman
Motion Jarvis, second Goss to nominate Chris Lapierre as Chairman, vote unanimous.

Election of Vice Chairman
Motion Jarvis, second Goss to nominate Padraic McHale as Vice-Chairman, vote unanimous.

Facilities Tour:  Chair Lapierre took over the meeting and discussion ensued regarding date setting for a “Facilities Tour.”  The Advisory CIP members will meet on Wednesday July 22nd, 2009 for said tour; starting at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall.  Mrs. Whittaker will advise all affected departments.

Next Meeting:  Next order of business was to reschedule the July 27th, 2009 meeting to August 10th, 2009.  Mrs. Whittaker will inform the Library Director and Recreation Director.

Consensus to have CIP document draft to the Planning Board by Mid September.

Highway Department and Solid Waste Review

The committee met with Mark Fuller, Road Agent and Manager of the town’s solid waste facility.  The review began by looking at the Highway Department Truck Schedule.  Mr. Fuller advised that the last two truck acquisitions had automatic transmissions, which were greatly appreciated by the drivers and working out well thus far.  He noted that the key to keeping the transmissions tuned was a good maintenance plan.  Noted by committee that the next expected replacement was the 2001 GMC 2500.  Mr. Fuller expressed that the smaller truck offered summertime versatility for the department.  Mr. Goss enquired if money was available for this acquisition in 2010 from the HD Truck Capital Reserve.  This was affirmed.

General questions ensued regarding potential subdivisions in the Kings Highway area of New Durham noting the long distance to the HD garage for replenishment of salt and sand during wintertime maintenance.  Mr. Fuller advised that there were three options for the town in the event of more miles of maintenance in the area (i) acquire a 10-wheeler (additional estimated cost $40,000), (ii)  sub-contract or (iii) station/house a truck up in the area with access to sand.  Mr. Fuller did advise that the town had an arrangement with the Town of Middleton for use of their sand during severe storm conditions.

The committee questioned if Mr. Fuller was still comfortable with a 12 year turnaround schedule for two of the vehicles, namely the 2008 Freightliner and the 1996 Ford L8000 ~ Mr. Fuller replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Goss asked Mr. Fuller about the number of mechanics available for work.  Mr. Fuller advised the department had one and half employees devoted to mechanical work, although he felt that two mechanics could be gainfully employed.  He added however, that the wintertime did see all hands attending to general maintenance issues to keep the trucks prepped for winter storms.

The committee next reviewed the equipment schedule and Mr. Fuller provided a thumbnail sketch of the problems with the loaders and grader, but still was comfortable in holding the current loader for another 5 years.

The committee reviewed the infrastructure sheet.  They felt it important to review the physical plant at the highway department in light of the fact that money was being put away for a potential addition.  Mr. Drummey expressed surprise at the proposed doubling of space, noting he was unaware of the space needs.   Mrs. Whittaker again noted to the committee that the biggest concern for both her and the facilities committee was the fact that the department had three large pieces of machinery (all triple digit acquisitions) stood outside year round, or having to be housed in the salt shed during summer to free up space ~ note made of the effect of salt corrosion on the machinery.  Discussion also focused on the cost in terms of energy and labor of having to keep the equipment outside.   

Mrs. Whittaker addressed the drainage section of the spreadsheet advising the committee that approximately $1,000,000 hazard mitigation grant funding would be coming to the town to address drainage in the following areas:~

  • Davis Crossing
  • Birch Hill Area
  • Old Route 11 and Old Bay Road
  • Copple Crown Road and Kings Highway
  • Valley Road
Mrs. Jarvis opined that this was good news for the community and led a discussion regarding how the town could get such news out  such as a series of articles during budget season in the local newspaper and on the web.  

General discussion ensued regarding the need to keep up a small amount of savings probably in a Capital Reserve Fund for future drainage problems that may occur in emergencies.  Mr. Fuller will work on this with the road plan for the committee.

Mr. Goss questioned the $75,000 proposed annually for the road system.  Mrs. Whittaker advised that this money is traditionally raised along with the Highway Block Grant so has been already “in-built” within the tax rate structure.  She opined that the $75,000 could be turned around also into a bond payment if the road plan denotes such costs to fix many of the town roads without affecting the tax rate.

 Solid Waste

The Committee reviewed the solid waste schedule noting that the skid steer had been moved up for replacement.  Mr. Fuller concurred with this move advising that the skid steer was currently undergoing more repairs.   

Mrs. Whittaker thanked Mr. Fuller for his efforts to date in cleaning up the facility, and making the recycling shed more productive.  Chris Lapierre also noted the clean up.  General discussion ensued regarding the brush pile; noted the fact that a company from Plaistow would be coming in to chip and transport the same free of charge thus saving between $6,000 and $8,000 in chipping and transportation costs.  Mr. Fuller advised the committee that demolition fees were still a works in progress and would probably require revision.

Mrs. Whittaker suggested that consideration could be given to increasing the current dollar savings to the highway department addition by deducting in the short term from the solid waste addition money due to the clean up incentives at the recycling and storage shed i.e. more floor space available at this current time.  

The committee thanked Mr. Fuller and requested that he revisit once he is able to collate the road plan subject to time restraints.

Any Other Business

Mrs. Whittaker noted to the Chair that approval of minutes needed to be conducted and apologized for leaving the same off the agenda.

Mrs. Jarvis amended Page 2, first paragraph under title “Fire Department” deleting the word “full” and deleting “Jarvis” (she did not arrive until later in the presentation.)

Page 3, 2nd paragraph, added at beginning of first sentence, “Terry Jarvis arrived”
Motion Jarvis, second McHale to approve the Minutes of June 29th, 2009 as amended, vote 4-0; Lapierre abstaining due to non-attendance.


Motion McHale, second Goss to adjourn at 9:04 PM, vote unanimous.

Facilities Tour ~ Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009
Next Meeting Date ~ Monday August 10th, 2009 @ 7 PM in the town hall
Recreation and Library