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Solid Waste Committee Minutes 12/18/2007

Present: Joe Constance, Chair, Steve Burkhamer, John Sizemore, Jim Federer, Jim Cavan.

  The meeting began at 6:30 and the committee welcomed new member Jim Cavan.

  The committee first discussed the issue of charging modest fees for the disposal of mattresses, box springs, lounge chairs, sofas and sofa beds, the volume of which has increased considerably over the past few months. This is perhaps due to the fact that New Boston is the only town (save for Weare which is in the process of instituting fees) in the area that does not charge for such items.

   The committee asked G. Cornett, Station Manager several questions regarding the increase and discussed possible alternatives. The prospective fees would be modest, perhaps as low as $10.00 for any piece regardless of type and size. Other alternatives suggested included a limit on the number of items per resident per year using bar code technology, or a ticket or other marking system to monitor the situation. After some discussion, the Chair asked Mr. Cornett to keep a close watch on the volume of such items for the next month and for the committee members to carefully consider the issue for a decision at the January meeting. J. Cavan stated he would look into bar code technology not only for this issue but for other uses at the Station as well. This is an important issue since a substantial increase in MSW (non recyclable junk) affects our overall recycling rate and fee arrangements with our disposal vendor. The committee will arrive at a recommendation for the Selectmen at the January meeting.

  The Committee then discussed the overall recycle rate for the Station which has improved to 44% of all materials being recycled which means that revenues to the station will clear $100,000 for the year 2007. G. Cornett stated that the volume of mixed paper has increased tremendously and it is clearly one area that more could be done to encourage residents to recycle this type of material. This would further increase the recycle rate as well as revenues to the Station. Mr. Cornett is already working with a New Boston environmental group on this issue and J. Constance suggested that the New Boston Bulletin be encouraged to do an article on this subject after the first of the New Year. Either J. Constance or G. Cornett or both with speak to Mrs. Mitroff about this issue.

   G. Cornett reported on the need for a new pick up truck at the Station for use in snow plowing and salt hauling. There are two possibilities, both donations to the Stations from concerned and generous residents. The first is a 1999 2500 Dodge pickup with a plow. The second is a 1998 pick up also with a plow and with very low mileage. These possible donations will be further considered and a decision made on both within the next couple of weeks.

  Both the annual report of the Station and the Committee Chair are due soon and drafts will be submitted to members for review soon. J. Constance and G. Cornett will also get together soon to further discuss a plan for a new Recyclable room on Station grounds.

  G. Cornett asked for members to help at the Station during its busiest days of the year after Christmas, December 27th and the 29th. Several members volunteered to assist on those days.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Constance