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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 08/19/2008
Town of New Boston
Zoning Board of Adjustment

Meeting Minutes

Approved 09/16/08

Members present:  Chairman Dave Craig, Vice Chairman Harry Piper, Greg Mattison, Ed DiPietro, Phil Consolini, Clerk Laura Todd.

Minutes from May 20th, hearing were approved as written by Harry Piper and 2nd by Phil Consolini,  passed.

2008-5 “Area Variance”  Jencks/Sagna

Application for an “Area Variance” made by Kary Jencks and Francois Sagna for property located at Map/Lot 18/33, Molly Stark Lane, presented by Frank Brookshire, Architect was on the agenda.

Dave Craig read the notice of application.

Dave Craig disclosed his connection with the applicants as his clients, and asked if anyone was uncomfortable with his chairing the hearing.  No one was uncomfortable.

Greg Mattison disclosed that he may be working on this project and asked if anyone was uncomfortable with his sitting on this hearing.  No one was uncomfortable.

Frank Brookshire then presented the application, showing the location of the proposed garage on a plan by Meridian.  A copy of this plan is in the file.  The garage meets all side set back requirements, with the front set back the only area that it does not meet.  The garage will be set back from the road the same as the house.  He explained that a mound of soil and shrubs would be removed to aid in better sight distance for the neighbor’s driveway.  He noted that a house not far up Meetinghouse Hill Road has a similar situation with a driveway within the front setback.  A full set of drawings of the garage is in the file.

Dave asked if the board had any questions, then asked Mr. Brookshire to present the criteria to support the application.

Mr. Brookshire read the criteria from the application.  (See file)

Dave asked when the house was built.  At least 200 years ago was the answer.  Dave commented long before any zoning.

Tom Hatch, the only abutter to attend had no comment.

Phil Consolini made a motion to approve the variance as presented, seconded by Harry Piper.

Harry supported the motion by saying this is a classic case of a structure that will not impede anymore then what is already there.  Sight distance will not be hindered on the junction of Molly Stark Lane and Bedford Road.  

The motion passed.

Motion to adjourn by Phil Consolini, seconded by Harry Piper @ 7:20 PM, passed.

Respectfully Submitted
Laura Todd