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Transfer Station Advisory Committee Minutes 01/13/2009
7:00 pm TOWN HALL



Board Members Present:        
 K. St. John
J. Constance
J. Sizemore
J. Cavan (Chairman)

Board Members Absent:          
 J. Federer
S. Clay
Also Present:  G. Cornett


The primary purpose of the Meeting was to brief Committee members on the 2008 and 2009 Transfer Station Budgets, 2008 Transfer Station Revenues, and to discuss the possible impact of declining recyclable material prices.

1.      Review of 2008 Transfer Station Budget vs. Actual Results (including Actual Revenues)

Gerry Cornett explained the few significant differences between the 2008 Budget Plan and the final results. The revenue generated in 2008 is very unlikely to be repeated in 2009 due to the rapidly declining market for many types of recyclable materials.

2.      Review of 2009 Budget

Gerry described the reasoning behind the very modest increase in the 2009 Budget (versus 2008 activity) and the steps he has available to further contain costs, if required.

3.      Recyclable Materials Market

All Committee members present have seen or read a number of reports about the rapidly declining market prices for recyclable materials. Gerry confirmed he has been, for most types of materials, seeing rapid price drops for New Boston’s recyclable waste.

Gerry’s estimate for 2009 revenues is $30,000 (Compared to over $120,000 in 2008).

Members asked about the impact on the Transfer Station if the market continues to decline. The main focus of the questions was what will, in the worst case, the Transfer Station due with accumulated materials that cannot be sold? Gerry explained there was sufficient space available, on and off the Transfer Station, to store about two years of materials.

This is certainly an area to watch carefully. At this time, there is no certain forecast to predict where the worldwide decline in demand will fall to and how long it will stay at the low point. Given this uncertainty, it is possible the Transfer Station could not appropriately store very large quantities of these materials while waiting for an up surge in the market. It must be noted that Gerry believes storage will not be a problem.

4.      Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on March 10, 2009, at 7 PM in the Town Hall.

/s/ Jim Cavan
    Chairman, New Boston Transfer Station Advisory Board