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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/06/2010

Rodney Towne, Selectman
Dwight Lovejoy, Selectman       
Christine Quirk, Selectman              
Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator     

Brandy Mitroff, Planning Coordinator Nic Strong, Road Committee members Tom Miller and Willard Dodge, Town Clerk Irene Baudreau, Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown, Ellen Kambol, David Ely and Attorney Morgan Hollis were also present.

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



1.  6:00 PM             Tom Miller              Bridge Inspections

Road Committee members Tom Miller and Willard Dodge were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the bridge inspections that recently took place when Tom met with Steve Leokis a retired bridge design employee who now works for NH DOT.  They viewed Gregg
Mill Bridge and noticed it is suitable for rehab.  Options were discussed including a 20-25 year fix that would cost $50,000 to fix bad spots on the deck and areas of outside beams, replace the rail with steel the town already has, and a 75-year fix that would cost $104,000 including removing the superstructure and replacing the stringers and deck, not including guardrails that would cost an additional $3,000.  The Selectmen decided to do the $50,000 repair.  Bill Rossignol from Holden Engineering will be asked to contact Tom and prepare plans to put this project out for bid.

The second bridge they viewed was the Riverdale bridge and it is expected to be on the red list soon.  The opening will need to be increased due to new DES regulations and it could cost $1.1 million.  Burton will notify Nancy Mayville at DOT and request an estimate for bridge replacement from her.  The Gregg Mill bridge is due for repair in 2014, Burton may ask to switch it with Riverdale.  There is $416,000 available in two separate bridge capitol reserve funds, $113,000 could be taken from the Gregg Mill bridge repair account if it is moved to another year plus $21,000 leftover from the Tucker Mill bridge, $282,000 is still needed that could be funded with Warrant Articles at $70,000 per year.

The bridge at Doherty Lane was viewed and noted to be improperly constructed and erosion needed to be measured periodically.  This is New Boston’s responsibility and Tom recommended that acting Road Agent Terry Gordon be asked to measure the erosion after every rain event.  An emergency wetland permit is needed to fix this bridge. Burton will call for the wetland permit.  The repair could cost $25,000 if done by town employees. Road repair options in the area were discussed which would cost $10,000

Tom recommended the March 2011 Highway Road Improvement Warrant Article planned for Old Coach Road be replaced with a Warrant Article for these projects.  The Road Committee is meeting Thursday night and will work on prioritizing town road issues.  

The Tucker Mill bridge opening will also have to be increased when it is repaired.  Hilldale and Colburn bridges are in good shape.  The culvert on Bedford Road at Foxberry Lane will need to be modified after Doherty Lane.

The Road Committee will review the paving schedule to make sure it is appropriate.

The grader is repaired and the repairman will put the footings on.  The Highway Department is still grading roads.

Willard reviewed the quote from Glen on the salt shed project.  It is expected to cost $90,913 including lumber costs and the overage contractors add in to projects.  Paving will be an additional cost.  Glen will meet with Burton and then the Finance Committee to discuss it.   Now that $70,000 is needed for Riverdale bridge the salt shed will probably be postponed until 2013.

2.  6:30 PM             Lee Brown                       Town Properties Groundskeeping

Postponed to next Selectmen’s meeting.

3.  7:00 PM             Morgan Hollis           Lorden Subdivision Open Space

Attorney Morgan Hollis representing the Lorden subdivision applicant was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Open Space portion of the Forest View II subdivision off McCurdy Road with the Selectmen.  The Planning Board and the applicant are exploring the option of the town owning the open space in the subdivision with easements to the PLC and reserved rights to the lot owners.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher has reviewed the suggestion and offered an opinion.  The Selectmen decided that the land should not be owned by the town.  Morgan will convey this decision to his client, the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission.

4.  7:30 PM             David Ely/Ellen Kambol  Town Hall Renovation

Lee Brown, David Ely and Ellen Kambol were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Town Hall Renovation plans.  The group plans to break the different areas of the town hall into individual projects and work on them during off hours and on weekends to minimize the project’s impact on employees and moving offices.  Town Clerk Irene Baudreau was present and noted TurboTech was in fixing her computer and they said the wiring needs to be redone as  it doesn’t meet fire code, there is no firewall and the computers are flickering on and off several times per day.  The Town Hall computers are also running off a household use modem not a commercial modem.  A company called Mainstay Computers offered to check computer connections.  The Town Clerk’s office could close for one week mid-month for renovation purposes.  The Planning office could close Thursday to Monday for renovations of its space.  Some work needs to be done in the boiler room as a result of the asbestos abatement.  David and Ellen asked if the town would like some air seal and thermal work done at the same time.  They will get some quotes for this cost and the Selectmen will decide if it should be included.  A blower door test for $2500 could help identify which areas are affecting air quality and energy efficiency.  They plan to do the work on the police storage area first (in back of the stage) and use the area for secure storage during renovations then move the police files into the area last.  The stage stability was investigated and it was determined it will need structural reinforcement and that is included in the quote distributed to the Selectmen.  Security wires for the cameras planned for the Town Hall lobby and hallway will be installed during the renovation.  Some modifications will be made to the sprinklers such as adding some heads and moving some around.  Ellen requested a 15% contingency be added to this project instead of the usual 10% and the Selectmen agreed.  They will meet with the Selectmen again at their December 20 meeting.


1. Minutes of November 29, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2. Non-Public Minutes of November 29, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


  •  Planning:  None.
2. Cul-De- Sacs (Letter to Planning Board)-The Selectmen discussed options for rules and regulations for future town cul-de-sacs.  They would like the rules and regulations to be made clear to all parties and will prepare a letter to town departments regarding this matter.

3. Any Remaining Town Budget Discussions-The Selectmen discussed some budget items in preparation for the 2011 budget.



1. Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to discuss a project to run pipe from the new cisterns recently installed at the school property down the road along the ballfield to the Town Hall.  He asked the Selectmen if $2,000 from the Fire Department budget that was not used this year could be used for this project and the Selectmen agreed.

2. Friday is the deadline for employees to contact the LGC contact relative to prescription drug co-pays.

3. Nancy Mayville from NH DOT got back to Burton about the information the Selectmen were looking for for the Road Agent search but she was unable to get the information.  The Selectmen reviewed the job description and advertisement venues were discussed.

4. Burton reviewed the Police Department budget today.  There are no viable candidates for the corporal position.  The possibility of the prosecutor or another part time candidate taking on this job was discussed.  Burton will discuss it with the police chief.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:57 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.