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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/09/2010

Rodney Towne, Selectman
Dwight Lovejoy, Selectman
Christine Quirk, Selectman
Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator

Also present were Recreation Commission members Lee Brown and Kim Borges.

A. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Christine Quirk at 9:30AM.

B. APPOINTMENTS: Recreation Commissioners Lee Brown and Kim Borges

They reviewed for the Board how a $30,000 deficit in the Recreation Revolving Fund came to be and how they were dealing with it. Basically, the commissioners had not been factoring into the revolving budget the cost of social security and medicare taxes on the After School and Summer Camp employees that amount to approximately $4-5,000 per year over 5 years. The auditors did not address this situation previously because the fund overall had a surplus. Going forward this expense will be factored into the annual budget.

To reduce and then eliminate the deficit the commissioners have reduced spending on non-critical items. They assured the Selectmen that all regular programming was continuing and was not being hindered by the spending cutbacks. To date the deficit has been reduced to about $10,000 and they believe the remainder can be made up during the first quarter of 2011.

The Board then moved to enter non-public for a personnel matter. Rodney made the motion. Dwight seconded it. All voted in favor at 10:05AM

At 10:30 AM a motion was made to exit non-public by Christine with a second by Rodney. All were in favor.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:31AM with a motion by Rodney and second by Dwight.  All in favor.