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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/04/2010


Rodney Towne, Selectman
Dwight Lovejoy, Selectman
Christine Quirk, Selectman
Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald, Victor and Amy Parrish, Glen Dickey, Betty Poltrak from the Historical Society, Mike Fallett and Recreation Commissioner David Hulick were also present.

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   




1.  6:00 PM             Dan MacDonald           Fire Department

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of plans for a new Fire Station.  The Fire Wards recently met with the CIP Committee where there were questions about the 2013 financing plan for a new Fire Station.  The Fire Department doesn’t have land yet for a new Fire Station.  They have looked at 4-5 pieces of land in the past.  Architect Roger Dignard has also suggested the town might be interested in buying a house with land that is for sale on Route 13 to build the Fire Station there.  The Fire Department was not in favor of having the Fire Station on the land off River Road that the town was recently considering purchasing as it was too far from the center of town.  That area might be a viable location for a Fire Station once the town has hired firefighters manning the station but not a good situation with the current volunteer program.  Roger also felt the site of the existing Fire Station is too small for a new Fire Station due to larger vehicle sizes.  A parcel of at least 3 acres is needed.  A funding proposal should be prepared by 2013 or 2014.  A round of Fire Department vehicle purchases will begin in 2015.  The Fire Wards will revisit the landowners they have spoken with before to see if they have any interest in selling land to the town for a new Fire Station.  They may also consult a real estate agent to see if there are any properties with enough land for sale in the downtown area.  The Selectmen will then get involved in any negotiations.


1.  Minutes of September 20, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1.  Planning:  
Lorden Revocable Trust McCurdy Road to Susan Lane Development-The developer planned to have the open space in the development owned by a homeowners association but the Planning Board felt the town should own it with an open easement to the PLC and the developer had no issue with that.

John Neville met with the Planning Board with more information and details regarding expansion of his site on Whipplewill Road.  20 residents and their lawyer were also present as they are concerned about the 5 year crushing and blasting plan.  John offered to hold a meeting with residents, his surveyor and planner to come to an agreement on plans to complete his project.

Twin Bridge Land Management cancelled and plans to present new plans next Tuesday.

The owner of the riding arena on Bunker Hill Road came in to present evidence he wasn’t running a business at the property.  He had posted an ad on Craigslist to explore if he should go into business but received no calls so determined there wasn’t any interest in services he would offer.  The horses at the barn are his horses, he is not boarding horses.  He does give riding lessons that make it seem like a business.  The Planning Board will check with town counsel on mixed use when they deal with the cordwood business on Joe English Road and may make a decision on this at that time as well.  Burton spoke with Town Attorney Bill Drescher last Thursday who said he would review the material he has already prepared on the Bilodeau Cordwood business and write to the Selectmen about it.

2.  Police Department Cameras-The Police Chief provided three quotes for a security camera system at the Police Station as the Selectmen asked him to.  Two companies are offering the same type of technology and one company offered a different type of technology.  Mike Fallett was present and said the type of equipment used is very important-multiple bandwidth is needed.  He and Glen Dickey who was also present did not want RFID capable equipment used.  Victor Parrish was present and said he is in favor of the security cameras for safety to prevent rapes and murders.  He also said he works in the technology field and RFID has nothing to do with video.  He said protecting the police department employees and finances of the town with cameras is fiscally responsible and having a camera for the ball fields and playgrounds is more fiscally responsible than hiring another police officer to watch over these areas and protect the children.  Recreation Commissioner David Hulick was present and said the Recreation Department has spent money on the town grounds and would like to protect the property they have improved, deter vandalism and protect the children using the facilities.  Glen said the fear of residents against the cameras is that the state will become a surveillance state.  He understands the need for surveillance of the police department and other areas but is concerned a precedent could be set for surveillance of even more areas.  Mike commented on the fear messages that have been in the media for the past 10 years and that this is contributing to the government becoming a tyranny, the government will try to use security cameras to try to save residents from their fears, he is concerned about the future of the country.  Mike suggested the town look into for security equipment for less money.  The Selectmen said the town has already used that type of equipment without success and therefore are exploring other options.  The cameras being considered now are for the school to replace cameras they already had, the interior of the police department, recreation plans to replace its damaged camera at the white buildings, a camera for the fields and playground behind the town hall and a camera for the interior hallway of the Town Hall.  Rodney moved to authorize the Police Chief to accept the bid from EyeP Video for installation of a Police Department security camera system for $9,186.00.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  Lyndeborough Road Bridge Opening Date-Engineer Jason Lodge sent a letter saying they are hoping to open the bridge to traffic by the third week of October.  The town is working to be prepared to send paperwork to the state as soon as the last bill for the project is received in order to receive the reimbursement check from the state by the end of the year.

1.  911 Mapping-All new 911 materials were brought in and reviewed by Fire Inspector Russ Boland.  There were some issues but it is ready to send.

2. Winter Sand Quotes-The Selectmen opened the following bids:  Thibeault $6/yard delivered-clarification is needed on if the bulldozer is included in this quote.  AJ Gomes $10/yard including screening, delivery and raking.  D&S $7/cubic yard.  Highway Department Employee Terry Gordon mentioned concern over type of sand.  Terry, Dwight and Road Committee Chairman Tom Miller will visit each vendor to determine the quality of sand offered and clarification on Thibeault’s quote will be obtained before the Selectmen make their decision on which vendor to use for sand this year.

3.  Personnel Manual Wording Change-Planning Coordinator Nic Strong sent a suggestion for a wording change for the page each employee signs and returns when they receive their manual.  The original statement was obtained from the Local Government Center and has been reviewed by attorneys.  The Selectmen decided to keep the original wording.

4.  Delegation of Gun Permit Authority-Town Attorney Bill Drescher wrote to the Selectmen regarding a gun permit matter he is handling for the town.  The Selectmen are in charge of gun permits but usually delegate the issuance of permits to the Police Department.  Burton prepared a document for the Selectmen to sign authorizing the Selectmen to delegate this duty per the appropriate RSA.  The Selectmen signed the document and it will be sent to the Police Chief.

5.  State Budget Outlook-Burton recently attended a seminar about the status of the state budget and reported the following:  The ARRA federal stimulus money is helping the state budget but will run out and will be a challenge to replace.  Two-thirds of the state budget is made up of health and human services and education.  Forty percent of revenues are from federal grants.  The state needs $200 billion and has $9 billion in its “rainy day fund.”  The state will consider areas to get money from when it does its next budget such as the room and meals tax and highway block grant they currently share with towns.  The state also asked towns to contribute more to the state retirement system and promised it would return to original funding levels when it was able.  The town and state timelines are different, the town budget is determined in March and the state budget is determined in June when it is too late for towns to make any budget changes.

The Selectmen and audience members then discussed what could be done about the budget.  Mark suggested finding ways the town could cut spending.  Burton said the Finance Committee reviews each budget line each year to determine if town spending is appropriate. When asked about the tax rate, Burton said the town has a lower effective tax rate compared to surrounding towns which is a reflection of the long term strategic thinking of town leaders on the town and school side.  The CIP plan helps make sure the town is responsible in capital improvement needs and Recreation Department programs are fee based which help keep the tax rate steady.  Rodney said the town would use federal grant money in the appropriate places in the budget and try to cut spending.  


1. The all boards group sent a letter to the Selectmen asking the Selectmen and Planning Board to meet with them to review issues regarding the Twin Bridge Land Management cul-de-sac plans.  The Selectmen agreed that was appropriate and the meeting will be scheduled to take place during the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2. Mr. Stearns on Tucker Mill Road sent in a complaint about water on the road, which has been an ongoing problem for his property and the town.  A culvert will be installed in the area.

3.  Burton is completing the Department Managers’ employee reviews this week.


Historical Society member Betty Poltrak was present and asked for an update on the status of repair of the disintegrating wall at the Wason Building.  She was told Historical Society Chairman Dick Moody is getting additional quotes for the project, which the Selectmen will review and decide who will do the project.  Betty also said the Historical Society members have been working at the Old Engine House and she and Polly Brendle have twice noticed the alarm was not on when they entered.  This concerned them and they made sure it was on when they left.
Mark asked the Selectmen to include more details regarding the discussion topics listed on their meeting agenda.  The Selectmen decided to add a second line on some topics.

I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(e) at 7:45 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:59 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Dwight made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.