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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/20/2010
Rodney Towne, Selectman
Dwight Lovejoy, Selectman
Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator

Bill Rossignol and Peter Holden of Holden Engineering, Gail and Randy Parker, Sandi Van Scoyoc, Jay Marden, Brandy Mitroff, Victor and Amy Parrish, Dave and Candy Woodbury, Dick Moody, George St. John, Mary, Bill Morrissey and another woman from the Footbridge Committee, Betty Poltrak and another woman from the Historical Society and a man and his son were also present.

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Rodney Towne at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Jay Marden noted there is a brown house on Route 13 that has several vehicles in the yard.  He wondered if they were all registered.  Dwight said Building Inspector Ed Hunter is working with the property owner.


1.  6:00 PM             Holden Engineering              Footbridge

Bill Rossignol from Holden Engineering was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the progress they have been making on the footbridge project.  He said since the last time he met with the Selectmen he has been exploring another location for the footbridge on the Tracy property to bring the footbridge closer to the new library.  He measured and selected a location for the footbridge with high ground and the bridge will be 90 feet long if this location is used.  He met with Library Trustee Eric Seidel and discussed how to get construction equipment into the area.  A couple of options were considered but they decided the best way would be over a field near the library on property owned by Don Grosso.  Some trees on the town land would have to be cut then they could place fabric over the woods with gravel and crushed stone for the construction vehicles to travel over during construction then the fabric and stones could be removed and the natural floor would still be there to minimize impact to the wooded area.  New trees could be replanted.  NH DES would consider that a temporary impact.  Any damage to the field could be easily fixed.  The final path for people coming off the bridge could go along the existing path along the river to the front of the library.  A small wooden platform may be needed to allow access to the library from the path.  Parking for path users may also be necessary and a parking lot near the library parking lot was suggested.  Bill was asked about pros and cons of this site compared to the site on the Montgomery’s property.  The Montgomerys were concerned about disruption to their business at their site, liability to their business and tree cutting was an issue.  The Tracy site is easier to have construction vehicles, near a town domain, the bridge would be shorter, a platform from the bridge is not needed and a trail is already there. He suggested the town try to get a piece of the Tracy property dedicated to the town.  The Selectmen need to talk to him to determine the best method to do this.  Funds for this project cannot be used to enhance the trail system but the trail is not bad.  Sandi Van Scoyoc said the Footbridge Committee considered improvements to the path but that is not part of this project.  NH DOT may be interested in the path location when considering funds for this project.  Gail Parker said the Piscataquog Land Conservancy has an easement on the Tracy property and has already voted to approve and support any work regarding the footbridge.  Burton said there is probably no limit on use of the library land for this purpose under the library warranty deed.  The field is owned partly by Freedom Crossing, LLC and they have verbally approved equipment access.  Jay Marden said there is a scenic easement from the Weber family subdivision in that area as well but that could be adjusted for this project.  Funds have been expended for items not originally planned such as the engineering study at a new site.  This has been discussed with Burton, Tom Jamison at NH DOT will need to be informed as well.  The next step is the Selectmen will contact Mr. Tracy to determine the status of the necessary easement this fall.  Construction could begin in the spring.  Randy Parker and Bill from the Footbridge Committee offered to flag the area once Mr. Tracy has been contacted.  Surveyor Bob Todd could also be asked to sketch and survey the area.  There is an October deadline for an application extension with NH DOT.

2. 6:30 PM              George St. John         Wason Building

Historical Society Chairman Dick Moody and contractor George St. John were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of Wason Building renovations.  The wall toward the river near the entrance was opened up during construction and was found to have severe rot and needs repair.  The windows cannot be saved.  George has sought advice from other contractors he trusts and they have determined the best approach would be to work from the outside of the brick wall into the building.  The windows will all need to be replaced and will take three weeks to get in.  Options including not replacing windows with windows were discussed but determined not to save much money.  The wall repair is expected to cost $8,900.  Then they will move forward with the double door installation after wall repair.  Sheetrock between two windows in the current doorway was found to contain a four inch steel beam.  George proposes removing that steel beam and replacing it with a steel beam on both sides of the door.  A structural engineer will be needed to approve this plan, which is expected to cost $750.  Bob LaPointe has consulted people he knows in the steel business for a price for the columns and learned they would cost $700.  Installation and labor for the columns would be $750.  The Selectmen were invited to view the issues at the Wason Building.  The Town will plan to be more diligent in investigation of the extent of potential projects in the future.  George also suggested the town get a facilities maintenance manager to oversee facility maintenance working with each department.  Burton will search the budget for $12,000 to pay for this project.  The Historical Society budget could front the money this year to be included in next year’s budget.  Engineer Brian Dorwart will be called to see if he has any interest in helping with the engineering requirements.  Jay Marden will donate the steel if the steel he has is the appropriate size.  George will wait to hear from Burton before any action is taken.  The wall has to be done.  The building is not on the verge of collapse unless the windows are touched.  The Historical Society hoped to move into the Wason Building by October 30.  Historical Society members are also concerned about air quality and can take precautions.


1. Minutes of September 7, 2010 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Dwight moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2. Non-Public Minutes of September 14, 2010 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Dwight moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1. Planning:  

Twin Bridge Land Management-Approval for the second long cul-de-sac was denied.  They will meet with the Planning Board next week.  A letter regarding the matter from Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was given to the Selectmen and Planning Coordinator Nic Strong.  Other issues were discussed such as wells.  The developer was hoping to get approval letters from the landowners but the Planning Board would rather have easements.  The Planning Board was concerned that the developer considered denying access to neighbors along the river.  Another access area was discussed but is probably not a good access point.

Francestown Sand and Gravel-They have a pit on Bunker Hill Road where they wanted to expand but a site specific would be necessary which would be too expensive.  They will probably change their plan but keep the current 1-2 acre digging area.

Townes Family Trust-South Hill Road-2 lot subdivision-12.5acres lot for the house and 70-acre separate lot.

Public hearing for Michael Boyle’s home business.  Neighbors concerns were discussed.

There was concern about a property at 252 Bunker Hill Road where a riding stable business is being conducted without a permit.

2. Twin Bridge Development

Discussion of the land to be left as open space has taken place at the last two Planning Board meetings.  It was suggested that it should be state land with an easement to the town but Rodney wondered if it should be the other way around.  Jay Marden noted he feels the town should get the land and the state should get the easement.  The Selectmen believe the same and Rodney will tell the Planning Board at the next meeting.  The easement to the state is for conservation purposes.    


1. Capital Reserve Funding Discussion

The Selectmen discussed how the process works and how sometimes money is put into a particular fund the same year money is taken out of the same fund.


1. New Boston’s 250th anniversary is coming up in 2013.  Budgetarily the town needs to decide how it will participate and get a committee involved.  The grange, 4th of July group and churches were all involved in the planning of the 200th anniversary in 1963.
2. Recreation Assistant Mary Barone broke her ankle over the weekend and Recreation
Director Mike Sindoni has been bothered with back pain possibly connected with moving an air conditioner at home.

3. Burton will be out of the office tomorrow at a budget workshop and will work at home on Friday working on employee reviews.

4. Town Accountant Karen Kraven will be out this week.  Dwight will come in at noon to sign checks prepared by Tax Collector Anne Charbonneau.  She will then attend the tax collector convention.

5. Police Chief Chris Krajenka sent the Selectmen several memos including regarding hiring the prosecutor as an officer 20 hours per week on a temporary basis to help with night and weekend shifts, different video surveillance equipment options and new officer Josh Jokiis doing well at the Police Academy receiving a score of 96% on his academic requirements.

6. Attorney Andrew Lavernois from the Local Government Center will represent the town in the case with Frank Kochanek and Attorney Charlie Bauer will represent Chris Krajenka in that case.  Charlie and a representative from the Local Government Center will meet with Chris Monday and Andrew and a representative from the Local Government Center will meet with the Selectmen Wednesday after the employee barbeque.

7. A representative from Comcast spoke with Selectmen’s secretary Laura Bernard and Fire Chief Dan MacDonald about phone service options.  Dan has always been against using cable for the phones but wants to meet with Burton about it.  It will then be discussed with the Department Managers.  The representative will then be invited to meet with the Department Managers.

8. Pat Bergen called as part of the abutment to an old bridge near her house is gradually deteriorating.  The town owns the property.  Rodney will look at it.


Amy Parrish gave the Selectmen a list of concerns.  The Selectmen will discuss it when Christine is also available.

Brandy Mitroff asked for a public statement regarding the status of the road agent.  The Selectmen have informed John Riendeau he will not be reappointed at the end of his term on October 31.  He is on paid administrative leave until October 31.  The town will now begin the search for a Road Agent.  The job description will be reviewed and updated and a posting for a candidate search will be prepared.  The Selectmen will then review resumes and conduct interviews and background checks.  The work session to review the job description will probably take place next week when Christine returns.  The job is expected to be posted by mid-October.  The Board of Selectmen is running the Highway Department.  Terry Gordon is running the Highway Department at the operational level.
I. ADJOURNMENT:   Dwight made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.