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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 07/19/2010

PRESENT:                Rodney Towne            Selectman
                        Dwight Lovejoy          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman               
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator      

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Kevin St. John of 84 Butterfield Mill Road, a 50 year resident of New Boston, was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss concerns about the decrease in customer service from town departments and that he heard departments yelling at each other and at town employees.  He read a statement aloud.  He is concerned that town department relations are deteriorating.  He also cited two examples of customer service from town departments and outcomes to those involved as follows:  He called the Town Clerk with a question and the response was not good customer service yet this employee was not suspended.  On the other hand he called the Road Agent with a problem that was fixed immediately, and has since heard the Road Agent was suspended for losing his temper.  In Kevin’s experience a helpful employee was suspended.  He is also concerned as he has heard that Mr. Lovejoy has been yelling at the Town Administrator and other Town Hall employees.  This is not in line with the Town Employees’ Mission Statement or good principals.  Kevin knows everyone loses their temper from time to time but this shouldn’t be a reason that someone would be in fear of losing their job.

Dan Garrity of 25 Mill Street, a resident of New Boston since March, was present to meet with the Selectmen to observe how town government operates and to support the recycling effort at New Boston Central School.  He has noticed two dumpsters behind the school and thought at the time they were too full, he would like to see more recycled at the school.  He is happy to be in New Boston.

Victor Parrish of 21 Hopkins Road was present to meet with the Selectmen as he is a concerned citizen for the general culture town management is exuding.  He has heard rumors of a “hit list” a list of town employees to be fired.  In Victor’s professional management experience if an employee needs to go it is a direct reflection of the manager’s ability.  Victor also referred to the wording of the employee mission statement.  In the last lines of the mission statement help the employees is mentioned, not the methods the town is using to manage the employees.  His wife Amy works for the town and was yelled at by Dwight.  Dwight stated at the time of the incident Amy was the only person in the office and received the brunt of his frustrations that day.  He has since apologized as soon as the matter was brought to his attention.  He has also reminded her how valuable she is and how much the town needs her.  This incident has no comparison to other town incidents.  Victor said it is unprofessional and unacceptable that a manager of the town would unload on an employee, it is proper to step away.  Town managers need to set an example.

Willard Dodge was present and commended the Board for taking action that should have been taken years ago.

Jennifer Daler of Temple, NH was present to meet with the Selectmen as she is running as a candidate for the state Senate for District 9 representing New Boston and other nearby towns.  She noted she is interested in recycling and learning what is important in each town should she be elected.

Dave Danielson was present to meet with the Selectmen as he is running as a candidate for the state Senate for District 9 representing New Boston and other nearby towns.  He left information for the Selectmen’s review.


        1.  6:00 PM             Gerry Cornett           Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss an idea to expand recycling at the school that has come up since Pinard is no longer hauling trash for the school.  Several options were considered and they have decided to buy a box truck to haul trash and recycling back and forth between the school and Transfer Station.  NH the Beautiful has offered a 50% grant toward the project.  Bonnie Bethiume from NH the Beautiful is present to discuss the grant opportunity.  The grant would include purchase of the truck, painting, welding and modification to the truck.  The truck would then be presented to the students and they would be told this is their recycling program.  The material would be processed at the Transfer Station and any revenue would go properly to a cause chosen by the students.  This will save the school money as they have a contract to empty the dumpsters at approximately $10,000 per year.  A truck has been located in Rensallear, NY for $4,800.  Gerry wants to go look at it with Butch Byron.  The truck comes from NH and passes state inspection.  The truck could also have secondary uses in the community in the off-season.  Brazecom Industries has offered to modify the truck to allow for recycling receptacles in the truck.  They are also considering other ideas to get people involved such as holding a raffle at school to choose a student to ride in the truck in the Fourth of July parade.  The project has received support from the grange, will be covered in the New Boston Bulletin, and the girl scouts and many other town groups have become involved in the project.  Bonnie said this project is unique in the state and they hope it will be a model for other towns.  The Selectmen signed the grant application and gave it to Bonnie.  She said NH the Beautiful will meet the second week of August to decide on the grant award.  

Gerry also mentioned the Transfer Station is well above its projected revenues for the six month mark.  He will update the NRRA with this information.

The Solid Waste Committee will meet tomorrow night and discuss the topics he discussed with the Selectmen at their last meeting.

2.  6:30 PM             Susan Carr                      Energy Commission

Energy Commission Chairman Susan Carr was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Energy Commission is working on.

They recently attended an Energy Solutions Conference where bidding for towns to get better rates was discussed. Town billing Information was given but they haven’t received a reply yet.  The town may be able to negotiate for lower energy rates.  Burton also noted a person from Hollis contacted him about working with New Boston and other NH towns on this type of thing.

The Commission also learned there are newly forming grants for Town Hall energy projects.  She asked if the Selectmen have made any decisions or commitments for any Town Hall projects and the Selectmen said none energywise, just for asbestos abatement.

Susan noted the showcase community grant is coming up.  She suggested that the prior grant application be reconfigured to improve its grant point value.  $10 million is available through this grant.  

The Commission is hosting two movies at the library.  The first is A Crude Awakening in July and the second will be A Carbon Nation in August.

Susan commended the town for having people present at the Fourth of July celebration encouraging recycling.  This is also being done at the concerts on the green.

        3.  6:45 PM             Dan MacDonald           Fire Department
Fire Chief Dan MacDonald and Fire Inspector Russ Boland were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Wildfire Mitigation Water Resource Project the Department is working on.  The materials have the potential to be donated to the town by Gerry Perron, the location has been chosen, the plumbing will be donated but the pipes and excavation will need to be paid for.  Dan and Russ have spoken to Jack Moorehouse from the NH Department of Emergency Management Operations who has noted there is an emergency management grant of $228,000 available to fund the installation of the materials required for the Wildfire Mitigation Water Resource Project with a 50% match amount from the town. The town has already met more than the 50% match amount in the $114,000 value of the donation of the water tanks. This grant would be a Wildfire Mitigation Water Resource Project grant to go toward the goal of becoming a firewise community.  Jack has already set docket space with the governor’s council aside for New Boston’s application for this program.  If approved construction could begin anytime, as funds would be guaranteed.  The Wildfire Mitigation Water Resource Project would be located between the play area and the tennis court.  Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown, Principal Rick Matthews and the School Board have approved this project.  Motion by Selectman Towne In an effort to obtain fire wise status, accept the donation of water supply system components, approve their installation and authorize the submission of application for the wild fire mitigation water resource system grant. Seconded by Selectman Lovejoy, motion passed.  
The Fire Wards recommended changing the name of a portion of Wilson Hill Road.  Road Agent John Riendeau recommended the newly named portion of the road extend from River Road to where the road meets Hutchinson, Popple and Inkberry Roads.  Dan noted a fair number of town roads are named after families that have lived in town for many years.  He asked the Selectmen to reconsider the name Thompson for this road.

        4.  7:05 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Police Department is working on.

The communications project is complete.  The switchover was made June 26.  The computers were up and running after July 4.  There have been no problems or pitfalls other than the day Chris went on vacation the radios were down but that was quickly resolved.  There have been no problems since.  The appropriate batteries are installed on the Dodge property tower.  There is a Ridgeview tower compatibility issue that is being resolved.

The hiring process is almost complete for the newest patrol officer candidate.  The potential candidate Joshua Joki has only the physical left.  Chris will send the Selectmen a memo for acceptance to get him into the next Police Academy that begins August 30.  Applications need to be in to the Academy by August 2.  Regarding the open Corporal position, the majority of the candidates did not have the requisite background.  There are only 3 candidates left.  One has completed the oral board.  The oral board will need to be rescheduled for the other two candidates.

The officers have been very busy with investigations and issues with understaffing.  In comparison, there were 203 total incident reports last year, this year to date there have been 163.  Arrests are up from 16 to date last year to 28 to date this year.  The department has not been spending as much time this year on traffic stops, 700 traffic stops took place last year to date, there have only been 496 traffic stops this year to date.

Recent police activity was reviewed.

Car 5 was damaged when Officer Pierce was backing up and struck a rock causing scratches to the rear bumper.

Nightly vandalism has been taking place including damage mailboxes, white buildings, school resulting in an injury to a custodian fixing the problem, the apple barn and the Fire Department.  The community will be asked for any information regarding these incidents and will be reminded that any tips remain totally anonymous.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 6:51 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:00 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Chris is concerned about a Goffstown High School reunion that is scheduled to take place until midnight at the 4H Fairgrounds.  He recently found out about the event by a sign that was posted in Goffstown center.  80 people have RSVP’d and the organizer needs 110 to pay for the event.  This will be an event involving alcohol; Chris feels at least one officer should be present at the event.  However the organizer does not want any officers at the event, as they can’t afford the detail costs and is even having a hard time meeting the costs to hold the event.  Willard Dodge was present and noted the town formed a committee to determine detail criteria.  A final meeting with the Selectmen has been scheduled for August 2 but this will be too late for the event in question.  He said the Chief is concerned about a detail at this event due to his responsibility for the safety of the town but events at other locations such as the Friendly Beaver Campground would not need an officer but events at the Fairgrounds generally do.  David Woodbury was present and noted he is also on the detail committee that has been discussing which events or groups would be included in the officer requirement.  He also noted groups holding events benefiting the town would not be required to have an officer present, but this group does not fall under this criteria.  There was debate over whether this event is a public or private event.  Chris is also concerned as the event ends at midnight, one hour after officers go off duty.  Willard read the ordinance that doesn’t apply in this case, this one falls under a judgment call by the chief regarding his responsibility.  Chris wants to stay consistent by requiring at least one officer at this event.  The Selectmen recommend continuing with the current policy until the new criteria are agreed upon.

        5.  7:20 PM             Alan LaPenn                     Use of Class VI Road

Alan LaPenn was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a problem of nightly partying in his area of Saunders Hill Road/ Newton Dodge Road.  He gave photos of littered beer bottles and campfire remains from the area to the Selectmen.  He says he picks up 1 to 1.5 bags of trash per week from the area.  The partiers are also doing donuts in the road and ran over his mailbox.  The police have been called and are trying to combat the party situation.  Alan asked for a barrier on this Class VI Road as it doesn’t go anywhere and is blocked at the other end.  He also recommended placing surveillance equipment in the area to try to find out who is doing it.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka said the department doesn’t have the necessary surveillance equipment and can only borrow some from the state if it is a felony level crime.  This activity is a violation of state and town law.  People will still be able to hike and fish in the area with a barrier in place.  Class VI roads can be subject to bars and gates but this requires a Town vote.  There would be a cost to the town for a barrier but the chief is not opposed to one.  The Selectmen will view the area with the Police Chief this week.

Kim DiPietro of Clark Hill Road was present representing Piscataquog Trailways and said their long-term plan is to put a footbridge over the dam in that area at no cost to the town.  The group does not support closing any town Class VI roads but are aware of the problems in this area.  She recommended a compromise to allow horseback riding, hiking and fishing in the area.

        6.  7:30 PM     Lee Brown                       Asbestos Abatement

Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on the status of the Town Hall asbestos abatement project.  Three quotes have been received.  Northridge Contracting had the lowest bid.  The Lawson Group has worked with them before with success.  The bids were broken out for different time slots.  The best option is to do the abatement during off hours (second shift) over five days.  Air quality will be tested each night and given to Health Officer Shannon Silver to post for the employees to see when they come to work in the morning.  The Old Engine House is being retested to confirm vermiculite.  The results are expected this week.  The school plans to remediate tiles, bathrooms and entries in the white buildings.  Lee is drafting the contract and getting the certificate of insurance.  $15,000 is set aside for the Town Hall project and it is expected to cost almost the entire amount.  Employees still have the option to take time off during the abatement.  Rodney moved to accept Northridge Contracting’s bid of $7,850 for asbestos removal during off hours.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The project is expected to be done in August.


1.  Minutes of June 28, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2.   Non-Public Minutes of June 28, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning:  None.

2.  Selectmen Meeting Procedures- The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.  

3.  Footbridge-The Selectmen authorized Burton to contact Holden Engineering to ask them to survey the Tracy location to compare it to the Montgomery location.  A letter will be sent to the Montgomerys to update them.

4.  Post Office Traffic Signage-The Police Chief and Road Agent reviewed the area.  There are currently arrows painted on the road indicating which direction to go.  An additional option would be to erect signs in the area.  The postmaster has indicated there is not much of a traffic problem in the area.  This issue arose out of a complaint from a citizen.  The Selectmen will ask the property owner Don Grosso for his opinion on the matter.

1.  Mid Year Financials-Burton reported the budget is doing generally well.  The upcoming state budget is expected to be a problem for New Boston again.  The governor has asked the state to cut its budget by 5%.


        1.  A meeting with the employees is scheduled for Wednesday at 11:15 to introduce the newly revised Personnel Manual.


Brandy Mitroff from the New Boston Bulletin gave the Selectmen a proposed article to be published in the New Boston Bulletin regarding the recent suspension of the Road Agent.  Burton suggested Town Counsel might be asked to review it as well.  Victor Parrish was present and questioned why the town would dictate what is published in the newspaper and how the town would be held liable by an article.  Brandy said she doesn’t have to ask the town for its opinion on an article but because the paper is a monthly she would like to be accurate in this sensitive situation.  Rodney indicated he would like to go into non-public session to discuss this matter.  Willard Dodge was present and indicated he is against using taxpayer money to have counsel review this and that the Selectmen have no right to enter non-public session to discuss it.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:32 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  8:37 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

The Selectmen indicated that the Road Agent had been suspended, returned to work for four days and then took a two week vacation.  They indicated that the Highway Department has been functioning excellently while he has been out.  Highway Department secretary Amy Parrish was present and did not agree with that statement.

Victor Parrish also questioned the capabilities of the Selectmen’s recording equipment and offered to help the town get some better equipment.  The Selectmen indicated they have learned through the right to know law that there has to be only one official set of minutes kept on record.  They erase the tape recordings once the minutes are finalized at their subsequent meeting and feel this system is working for their needs.  The final minutes are then posted on the town web site.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien