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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/28/2010
PRESENT:                Rodney Towne            Selectman
                        Dwight Lovejoy          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman               
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator      

A. CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


LeeAnn Shelton of 31 Whipplewill Road was present to meet with the Selectmen to ask them to implement a noise ordinance.  There has been a problem in her neighborhood since March where teenagers have been allowed to hold rock band practice in a garage at 43 Whippoorwill Road day and night since March.  The Sheltons have tried to be neighborly by calling and visiting to ask them to play less or quieter but the situation has not changed.  The police have been called to the residence several times but don’t have much authority to change the situation without a noise ordinance.  The Selectmen will discuss it with the Police Chief.


        1.  6:00 PM             Dick Moody                      Wason Building

Dick Moody was not present but Burton had information to update the Board.  The Historical Society plans to remove the island in the center of the Wason Building.  They had considered keeping only one bathroom and converting the other to a kitchenette but have since learned from Fire Inspector Russ Boland and Building Inspector Ed Hunter they need to keep two bathrooms.  The Historical Society funds will cover the burglar alarm installation that Russ will order and have installed.  Either George St. John or Warren Houghton will be selected to build the double doors at the handicap entrance for under the $10,000 that was donated to the Historical Society for the project.  

2.  6:15 PM             Burr Tupper             Conservation Commission

Burr Tupper was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a request from the Conservation Commission to appoint a Conservation Commission member to a regular position on the Planning Board.  Burr discussed the NH RSAs regarding Conservation Commissions that the Conservation Commission is relying on for this request and the concerns the Conservation Commission has had about proposed development on wetlands in town and the status of the Piscataquog River.  They would like to be part of the Planning Board for education, discussion and exchange of information between both groups.  The Conservation Commission proposes alternating members on the Planning Board as the Selectmen do.  The Technical Review Meetings were discussed and Burr asked that moving these meetings to evenings instead of during the day might be beneficial to allow Planning Board, Fire Department and Police Department members to attend.  Burr also said several changes to the wetland ordinance were proposed last year but were then dismissed.  These changes are important to the Conservation Commission and they would like to see them implemented.  The Selectmen suggested an alternating member of the Conservation Commission could attend Planning Board meetings to gather information and report back to the Conservation Commission.  Burton has also researched the applicable RSAs and consulted the Local Government Center for their opinion on this request.  They feel this request is guided by RSA 673:2 regarding Planning Boards.  A copy was given to Burr.  There is an alternate position open on the Planning Board.  The Selectmen could appoint a Conservation Commission member to the Planning Board as an alternate if they wish to.  A regular member position would need to open to appoint a Conservation Commission member as a regular member of the Planning Board.  A Warrant Article may be needed to establish a regular Planning Board to include a Conservation Commission member at all times.  An alternate Planning Board member position is ok for a Conservation Commission member for now.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong will be asked to research the possibility of a rotating position on the Planning Board.  Burr also asked that the Conservation Commission and Open Space Committee be scheduled to meet with the Selectmen quarterly.


1. Minutes of June 18, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2. Non-Public Minutes of June 18, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3. Non-Public Minutes of June 22, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1. Planning:  
  • Tom Miller, Willard Dodge and other members of the Road Committee attended the Planning Board meeting and recommended new methods for core testing roads.
  • Bob Waller has been operating a business out of his home since 1985 without the applicable approvals from the Planning Board.
  • Building Inspector Ed Hunter met with the Planning Board to discuss issues with signs erected around town.  He offered to start a subcommittee for the Planning Board to draft regulations for signs around town.  The Planning Board was in favor.
  • PSNH plans to remove dead trees along town scenic roads. They have been designated with tape.
  • Bob and Crystal Nadeau subdivision on Francestown Road applied for three driveways with one entrance.
  • The Planning Board expressed concern regarding the cul-de-sac issue that the Department Heads are only five people making decisions for the whole town.
  • George Merrill has been moving dirt in and out at his storage facility.  The Planning Board determined that is ok as it is his dirt.
  • The Bilodeau cordwood business on Joe English Road needs to be addressed.  The Planning Board is in the process of determining if one person could handle that amount of wood.  The Selectmen decided to write to the Planning Board with a copy of Attorney Bill Drescher’s opinion on this matter.
2. Selectmen Meeting Procedures- The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.   

3. FEMA-Lyndeborough Road Culvert-Burton and Road Agent John Riendeau recently met with two FEMA representatives.  A replacement metal culvert would have cost $6,711 but NH DES required the culvert be replaced with a different one that cost $38,000 plus guardrail, paving and engineering costs totaling approximately $90,000.  It is believed the new culvert will be cheaper to the town in the long run as it is expected to last 75 years instead of 10 years that the metal one would have been expected to last.  The FEMA representatives liked the work done and offered to pay 75% of the cost to install a guardrail on the other side where there has never been one.  The town agreed to this.  All the paperwork is now in and the completed forms should be returned by FEMA soon.  The representatives also reviewed the damage at Nicola Strong’s property but decided to wait for DES’ decision on what can be done in that location before offering any reimbursement.  John called Kirsten Polkan at DES for a status of their decision, as there is a time limit to finalize any FEMA reimbursement projects.  

4. Corcoran Bankruptcy Update-The court handling the bankruptcy sent a form to the town for completion.  It has been completed and returned saying the town agrees to the $14,574 reimbursement amount.  New Boston has a class 6 claim.  Corcoran intends to try to pay 100% of all outstanding claims.  They now have a viable operation running in Maine.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett has indicated he will not use them again as a recyclable vendor until the money they owe New Boston is paid.

1. Board/Departments Communications-A memo was prepared for the departments regarding the chain of communications from Burton, Dwight as an individual and from the Selectboard.  Normally, Board decisions will be communicated to the Departments via the Town Administrator.

2. Footbridge Meetings-The Selectmen and two representatives from Holden Engineering will meet with the Montgomerys June 29 at 2:00 at Kiki’s Tavern.  The Selectmen also wish to speak to Mike Tracy about his location before committing to the site.  He has indicated he is available this week.

3. Computer for Supervisors of the Checklist-Town Clerk Irene Baudreau and Assistant Town Clerk Cathy Strausberg were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a request for a laptop computer from the Supervisors of the Checklist costing approximately $1,000 for the computer and software.  This was not budgeted but is expected to improve the capabilities and efficiency of the election preparation process immensely.  The Town Clerk’s office usually handles the election preparation but no longer has time to do it. They have asked the Supervisors of the Checklist to do it and they agreed but will need the computer to do it.  They will set up at Town Bookkeeper Karen Craven’s desk on days she is not in to be close to the Town Clerk’s office and files.  The Supervisors also have to complete a purge by September 2011.  Money for the computer may be available from the RSMS budget line.  Rodney expects to know more about the status of the RSMS computer by July 13.  Selectmen’s Secretary Laura Bernard will meet with the Town Clerks to help them find a compatible computer for the Supervisors.  It will be needed soon to prepare for the September primary election.

4. Survey Options (Reed Property)-Quotes have come in from Bob Todd ($600), Earl Sandford ($750) and Dahlberg ($775-875) to survey the property Reed owns at the corner at Wilson Hill Road and Bedford Road where the town will get an easement.  The Selectmen decided to ask Bob Todd to survey it.

5. Welfare Conference-Burton attended a Welfare Conference last week regarding the book titled The Art Of Welfare Administration.  A new software system was also discussed.  Burton likes the concept of it.  It will be offered to towns free for the first year and $308 yearly thereafter.


1. Burton is meeting with Lee Brown June 29 at 3:30 to discuss the asbestos abatement and Old Engine House spec/quote readiness.

2. Rodney spoke to Scott Walker about his request to move the barriers at the entrance to the Air Force Tracking Station at the end of Meadow Road.  Rodney was concerned that if the turnaround is blocked cars will turn around in the Walkers’ driveway instead.  The Walkers have indicated they are more concerned about cars parking in the turnaround for extended periods of time.  A dead end/no outlet sign has been ordered for the area.  The Selectmen will send a letter to the Walkers discussing the options.  The Selectmen questioned how far the town maintains the road.

3. John Burrows called regarding crushing material.  He is ready to visit New Boston next week.  Road Agent John Riendeau is gathering information for the amount of material to be crushed.  $28,000 is available in the budget to crush.  Some additional crush could be placed on Beard Road with some off-site road improvement money.

4. John Neville cancelled for this week.

5. New England Forestry has indicated their concern on Frog Rock Road is recreation debris they have noticed in the area.  The Police Department will be contacted about the matter.  The Selectmen will suggest other options such as an unlocked gate in the area and will also ask New England Forestry to report the issue when it occurs.  The same will be done at the Cochran Hill and Hooper Hill areas that have also been blocked in the past.

6. The Air Force Tracking Station has sent correspondence saying two demolition shots of unexploded ordinance have been planned for June 29 between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I. ADJOURNMENT:    Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien