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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/14/2010

PRESENT:        Rodney Towne    Selectman
                Dwight Lovejoy  Selectman
                Christine Quirk Selectman
                Burton Reynolds Town Administrator      

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



        1.  6:00 PM             Town Hall Employees     Asbestos Removal

Shannon Silver and various Town Hall employees were present to discuss issues related to the planned asbestos removal from the Town Hall basement.  Burton said the bid package has not yet gone out.  He will speak with Lee Brown tomorrow to discuss when it will go out.  The employees suggested adding the dates the town would like the work done to the bid package.  The town Health Officer, NH DES and the public need at least a ten-day notice of the dates the abatement will take place.  Shannon said a good percentage of Town Hall employees are uncomfortable about being in the building during the abatement.  She spoke to Steve at the NH DES Abatement Bureau who suggested some options including having the work done nights and weekends instead of during the day, and shortening the amount of days to get the work done.  Some options for employees who wish not to be in the building during the abatement include working from home, set up temporary offices in another location such as the school or take vacation days.  9 out of 14 employees who work in the Town Hall have expressed valid concerns about working in the building during the abatement.  Rodney also compared the two types of air quality testing and noted he prefers a monometer test once a day during abatement.  

2.  6:15 PM             Gerry Cornett           Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Transfer Station.

A 1990 tram baler was leaking hydraulics.  It was found a weld had given way most of the way around the trailer.  Transfer Station employees rewelded it saving the town $4,000 in repair costs and it is doing well now but is expected to crack again.  He is trying to get it to last as long as possible.  The baler is 20 years old and was bought used in 1997.  Gerry recommends the town replace it with a refurbished baler.  The Transfer Station has alternate plans if it should fail but in this situation trucking costs would increase.  A new similar baler costs $20,000.  Gerry is monitoring websites for a refurbished one.  If he finds a suitable one he will come to the Selectmen for approval.  If one is not found this year it will be included in next year’s budget.  Any baler bought would need modification.  A baler could be leased but the town would probably do better buying one.

Gerry attended a NRRA conference last week including a safety class.  The instructor recommended all Transfer Station employees use a laundry service for their uniforms and none should wear their uniforms home due to pathogens that may be on their uniforms.  The Highway Department has a uniform service.  Gerry will research the cost of this further.

The Transfer Station Advisory Committee now has a full advisory board.  Gerry would like Selectmen approval to ask the committee to research fees as Donald Moore from the state recommended pay as you throw.  This is probably not right for New Boston.  Instead Gerry would like the committee to research a clear bag or no black bag policy as the Transfer Station is noticing demolition material, hazardous material and paper being thrown into the trailer instead of being brought to the proper location at the Transfer Station.  Dennis has offered to meet with the Selectmen and the committee.  He will be invited to speak to the committee.

The Transfer Station is ahead of revenue expectations for the year.  Markets have stabilized.  Corcoran Environmental, a former vendor, called as they are fully out of bankruptcy and plan to pay back their debts at 100%.  They owe $15,000 to New Boston.

Hazardous Waste Day is coming up.  Gerry is concerned as this has not generated a lot of volume in recent years and is very expensive to have a company come to town to set up.  He recommends the town hold Hazardous Waste Day every other year or jointly with another town such as Francestown in the future.  He will address this with the Transfer Station Advisory Committee.

A Wheelabrator diversion is coming up.  Material is usually diverted for six weeks when the Transfer Station ships to Claremont while the main location undergoes annual maintenance.  New Boston is not being diverted this year due to decreased volumes.  The same amount of residents are bringing less trash.

Chain of calls during a power outage was discussed.  Gerry will be called first then a Selectman will be called when the decision to close the Transfer Station needs to be made.  PSNH will also be called.  The Transfer Station has an SOP for this situation.

        3.  6:30 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Department
                                                                Details For Non Profits

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Police Department is working on.

The Selectmen signed the notification to emergency 911 for transfer of calls from Goffstown dispatch to Bow.  The transfer date is June 21.  The test went well.  2-Way Communications recommends a merge system to start.  They are not yet sure if an isolated frequency is needed.  The computers for the cars will be dropped off at Bow tomorrow to have IMC software installed Wednesday.  Some Fire Department command radios will be programmed to be able to communicate with the Police Department.

The COPS grant closed Wednesday.  New Boston’s application will be submitted tomorrow.  If approved a new police officer would be hired with federal funding covering costs on a sliding scale over a period of three years.

There are four possible candidates for the corporal position.  Oral boards are scheduled for July 15.

There are three possible candidates for the open patrolman position to replace Greg Hurtik.  The oral board is not yet scheduled.

Goffstown offered $350 for Greg’s vest as he has been hired as an officer there.  This will be accepted.

Chris will attend a class two days per week starting July 6.

One new cruiser is complete and on the road.  The second is due to be completed tomorrow then will be on the road.  Some additional equipment will be installed later.  The old cruisers will be posted for sale in town and on Craigslist.

The non-profit Police Detail discussion will be rescheduled.

        4.  7:00 PM             Dan MacDonald           Fire Department

Fire Inspector Russ Boland and Fire Department volunteer Scott Hunter were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects they have been working on with the Fire Department.

New Boston is eligible for a $1640 grant for safety equipment.  A check could be received within a week and a half.  Various town departments were consulted for what safety equipment they could use.  The grant money will be used to purchase traffic vests, gloves and a welding helmet for the Highway Department, a first aid kit and four traffic vests for the Police Department, cut resistant gloves for the Transfer Station, an eyewash station and first aid kit for the Town Hall and an eyewash station, and skid and fatigue resistant mats for the Fire Department.

The Highway Department will need a welding ventilation system in the future.

The 2009 Emergency Operation Plan was reviewed.  This is needed to be on file and accepted in order for the town to be eligible for the above grant and other grants.  Russ recognized Scott for his work on the project.  Scott noted it is not complete, it is a working document.  The current document includes the essential items.  Still needs housekeeping items such as a town resource list, table of contents and page numbers.  It was suggested it be accepted as a working live document needing continued maintenance.  The previous version was accepted in 2003.  A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 2:00 regarding possible hazard mitigation money.  The Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday will review the grant.  Copies of the document will go to department heads for review.  Karen Thompson was present and requested a copy.  She said Tricia would continue researching information for the document.  Rodney moved to accept the 2009 Emergency Operation Plan as a living document for management of town emergencies.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to update the Selectmen on issues the Fire Department has been working on.

Progress has been made on the issue with the Air Force Tracking Station.  An agreement is close to being reached to extend lease of the fire station building (the Fire Department got the room back), if the fire truck leaves New Boston we will get the equipment to use once a New Boston truck is stationed there, and New Boston was asked to bill them for fire/medical services.  New Boston will be asked to provide coverage up to the standard currently provided.  New Boston has to compile a cost for services and has settled on a fee of $33,350 paid in advance for one year.  This is a five-year renewable contract.  New Boston responds to the Tracking Station an average of four times per year for medical.  Burton will research whether the income is to be part of the General Fund of the new Revolving Account.  The Fire Wards approved this arrangement, as did the Selectmen.  

Gerry Perron has offered three $20,000 cisterns to New Boston for free.  He has offered to install them.  Excavation costs are not yet covered.  A quote from D&S Excavation is expected.  The location for the cisterns has been found and the land tested.  They will be installed next to the tennis court with a pipe going to the paved part of the driveway.  Jack Moorehouse from the state might classify this project as hazard mitigation not capital improvement.  A second downtown location is planned for additional cisterns in the future.

The Fire Wards sent a letter to the Selectmen asking to change a portion of Wilson Hill Road to Thompson Lane.  Part of this section is a Class VI road.  The name doesn’t meet the criteria the town uses to name roads.  Rodney is considering other names.  The Road Agent will make a recommendation as to where the road should begin and end.


1. Minutes of June 1, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


  •    Planning:  
A public input session was held regarding earth removal regulations.  The Selectmen are concerned about the changes the Planning Board proposed such as the operating license renewal period.  Instead the Selectmen wish the procedure to remain that the Code Enforcement Officer would review each pit yearly to confirm they are in compliance with RSA 155e and the site-specific plan.  If they are not in compliance then the license to operate could be revoked.  The Planning Board may need more guidance from the Selectmen on this topic.  Attorney Bill Drescher has reviewed the Planning Board’s document.

The Planning Board discussed Robert and Crystal Nadeau’s application to subdivide three lots on Francestown Road.  A shared driveway was originally planned for a side lot but after a sitewalk it was decided each lot would be designed with its own driveway.  State approval will be needed for two wetland crossings on the property.

The Planning Board was asked to accept the plan presented for the wetland crossing on Wilson Hill Road and keep it on hold for five years.  The state approved it and is holding it until 2015.  The Planning Board decided to hold the permit for five years with a 10% per year increase on the $44,000.

The wood operation on Joe English Road is still an issue.
The Planning Board plans to discuss Twin Bridge Land Management’s subdivision at their next meeting but this may be postponed.

2. Selectmen Meeting Procedures- The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.

3. Indian Falls Road Right Of Way Issues-Road Agent John Riendeau noticed residents on Indian Falls Road were building and planting into the right of way. Burton and John viewed it and agree it is in the right of way.  The Selectmen will write to the residents to inform them they have encroached the right of way, they won’t be forced to move it but the town will not be responsible if it gets damaged during snow removal or road maintenance.

1 Post Office Directional Signage-A citizen expressed concern, as drivers are not paying attention to the road directions painted on the road by the post office.  He asked for signage to make the directions clearer.  Burton will ask Don Grosso the property owner when the paint on the road will be redone and if he is willing to erect signs in the area.  The Police Chief and Road Agent will be consulted about the location and type of signs for the location.

2 FEMA-Lyndeborough Road Culvert-FEMA held a meeting in Goffstown.  Burton didn’t attend the meeting but sent an application.  Bob Ledy from FEMA will visit New Boston in a few weeks.  Burton told him the repairs would be complete by then.  The Lyndeborough Road culvert repair area was paved today and the guardrail will be installed tomorrow.  The road can then be open.  McCollum Road and South Hill Road were also paved.

3 Footbridge Letters-The Selectmen reviewed and signed letters to the Montgomerys and Michael Tracy.

4 Walker Request-A resident wrote to the Selectmen as he lives on Meadow Road at a point where the Air Force Tracking Station property can be accessed.  He has spoken to Rick Malkin head of security at the Tracking Station who is willing to move the cement barriers in that area and then replace them in the winter to allow for plowing.  The turnaround will be blocked this way.  The Selectmen suggested installing a dead end sign.  Rodney will discuss the options with the person who sent the letter.

5 Capital Assets Project For Auditors-Burton and Town Bookkeeper Karen Craven met with Sheryl Pratt from Plodzick and Sanderson to review the spreadsheet to use for capital asset projection.  Bridges, roads, buildings and equipment worth $10,000 or more will be included unless it was acquired through a FEMA grant and is worth $5,000 or more.  This should be done before the spring audit.  Burton is working on the other auditor recommendations with Sheryl including making sure receipts are turned in for all credit card purchase and putting the internal controls in writing.


1 Dwight reviewed a letter he prepared to the Selectmen regarding complaints he has received about George Merrill’s Route 114 Storage Facility.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter will be asked to look into these issues.

2 The Selectmen will discuss correspondence from the Supervisors of the Checklist regarding the laptop at their next meeting.

3 The Selectmen reviewed and approved a letter to the editor to be published in the New Boston Bulletin.

4 Burton viewed Frog Rock Road as discussed at the June 1 Selectmen’s meeting.  The logs blocking the entrance have been removed.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:26 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:10 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien