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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/01/2010


Rodney Towne
Dwight Lovejoy
Christine Quirk
Burton Reynolds
Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



1.  6:00 PM     Dan Cyr and Laura Bernard               Timber Tax
Forester Dan Cyr and Assessing Secretary Laura Bernard were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the form the town uses to calculate the timber tax.  The Forestry Committee designed the current form a few years ago after the town of Marlow experienced some lawsuits regarding timber taxes.  However that worksheet is complicated compared to a new worksheet designed by NH DRA.  Both Dan and Laura recommend the town begin using the state worksheet to be more fair and equitable.  The applicant would be given the worksheet with instructions on how to fill it out at the time they file their intent to cut.  They would then return the completed worksheet with their report of cut.  The information they provide on the worksheet can be verified.  Other towns that are using it have had good experience with it.  As usual if the town has any concerns with a timber cut they can call in Dan to review it.  Laura spoke to former Forestry Committee member Bob Todd about this and he has decided to recommend the town of Lyndeborough also begin using this form as he has begun consulting for them.  The Selectmen agreed New Boston should begin using the state Timber Tax Assessment Form.

2.  6:20 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Details (non-profits)


        3.  6:45 PM             Foot Traffic Committee          Footbridge

The Footbridge Committee was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss options for placement of the footbridge on property owned by the Montgomerys.  The easement issue on the Montgomery property has become clouded.  The committee is exploring other options and will discuss the situation with Kirsten Montgomery.  One site being considered is on Mike Tracy’s property.  He has expressed concerns about liability.  People are already traveling along the river on his property.  The committee would like to meet with him to discuss it but he is often out of town.  A couple other spots are also being considered.  Randy Parker showed a map of the area to the Selectmen showing the town owns property on both sides of the Tracy property.  The committee walked his property with a GPS and noted the bridge could be built on a two-acre piece of his property along the river.  They have considered approaching him about purchasing the two acres.  The Conservation Commission has money put aside for land purchases.  The whole piece is for sale.  The bridge would be shorter if the Tracy location is used.  The town has already spent $25,000 for engineering at the Montgomery location but some of that information is still useful if the location changes.  Construction equipment could be placed on library land.  Abutments would be shorter.  Burton will call Mike Tracy to set up a meeting with him, the Footbridge Committee and the Selectmen.  A tax deduction to Mike Tracy is another option.  The Pisquataquog Land Conservancy has an easement at the location and has noted they are in favor of the project.  The grantor of the easement has also written to the Footbridge Committee saying they are in favor of the footbridge.  An extension on the project is available from the state if needed.  The Selectmen will consider sending a letter to the Montgomerys.

        4.  7:00 PM             Sign Hearing

This Public Hearing was noticed in the Goffstown News May 13, 2010 issue. The notice was read aloud.  The signs will take effect June 7.  Rodney moved to install new stop signs at the intersection of Briar Hill Road at Clark Hill Road, Arrowwood at both intersections with Bedford Road, Bog Road at Bedford Road, and Bog Road at Christie Road.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

5.  7:15 PM             Lee Brown                       Town Hall Asbestos Project
RR Station Discussion

Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of several projects he is working on.
  • An employee information session will be held at the Town Hall tomorrow at 1:00 with Larsen Group to discuss safety during the asbestos abatement project.  The project will then go out to bid.
  • The Playground Association has been talking with the Recreation Commissioners for a few months about transferring the Depot building to the Recreation Department.  The town has had some environmental concerns about the property.  Jeanne Lowell called Lee last week saying the Playground Association needs to refile with the IRS to continue its non-profit status.  The Recreation Commission has spoken to counsel and Lou Lanzilotti about the situation and proposes that a new board of directors be formed consisting of a Selectman, Recreation Commissioners, Glen Dodge and a Historical Society representative.  They could use the rental income to improve Recreation facilities and ballfields.  This would satisfy the non-profit conditions of the Playground Association and give the town time to decide what to do with the building and assess liability.  The Historical Society has expressed interest in the plan.  The Selectmen agreed to proceed.
  • CIP asked the Recreation Department to finalized its building plans for a recreation building.  They were asked to get architect David Ely involved and speak to the School Board about taking over the white buildings.  Lee spoke to School Board Chairman Joe Constance who said the School Board is considering a study of kindergarten and the white buildings might be used to expand the kindergarten program due to the status of the state building aid.  This might need to be looked at from a town wide perspective with the Selectmen involved.
6.  7:30 PM             David Ely                       Town Hall and Old Engine House
Floor Plans

Architect David Ely was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss floor plans for the Old Engine House and Town Hall.  Since the last meeting the Tax Collector has decided not to move to the Old Engine House with the Recreation Department.  Instead the Tax Collector will stay in the current location with a desk, photocopier and some filing space but not as much as originally planned.  Instead the files will move to the Old Engine House or behind the stage in the Town Hall after some structural reinforcement.  No major changes are expected to the exterior of the Old Engine House other than new windows and doors.  David is hoping to be able to obtain historically correct windows depending on the budget.  The building could be modified later to accommodate another department moving in or joining the Recreation Department.  Heating options are being considered.  The burglar and fire alarm systems are planned to be integrated with the Town Hall alarm system.  The Selectmen agreed to the plans.


         1 Minutes of May 17, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as       amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

  • Non-Public Minutes of May 17, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1   Planning:  
  • Twin Bridge Land Management was postponed until June.
  • The applicant sent a letter canceling their application for the scheduled public hearing regarding Kiki’s Restaurant.
  • The Planning Board decided to wait until the new owner of the property at Wilson Hill Road and Route 13 submits an application for a conditional use permit for wetland crossing as this property is being sold.
  • The Planning Board decided to discuss road construction at another meeting when all members would be available.
  • Wason Building Move Expenses-A burglar alarm system will need to be installed at $1,100 not $11,000 as recently published in the New Boston Bulletin.  The Historical Society will likely pay for it.  John Briggs is working on what is needed with Fire Inspector Russ Boland.  The town will pay for replacement of the smoke detectors.   The building permit is ready for replacement of the double doors then the Historical Society will send them out to be rebid.  The bids will be comprised of two quotes, one for the glass and one for the doorframe.  The Wason Building water system is on the church system as is Nan’s House and Randy and Gail Parker’s restaurant building.  When the power goes out none of these buildings get water.  Could the town consider adding this water system to their generator that already powers the Fire Department and the Town Hall?  The Historical Society will sell the unused bookshelves at the June 12 library book sale and the money will be used toward the $1100 for the burglar alarm system.  This sale will be noticed in the Goffstown News.  The Historical Society will unbolt the shelves from the walls.  They expect to be ready to move into the building by August.  The town will pay for ongoing electric and heat expenses.
3 Selectmen Meeting Procedures- The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.

1 Police Dispatch Contract-The new dispatch contract is not back yet from Bow but the town is looking for a start date.  Burton met with Police Chief Chris Krajenka today when he said the subcontractor could have the equipment changes done by the end of June.  Bow will prorate the first month if New Boston does not use them for the whole month.  New Boston has agreed to give a 30-day cancellation notice to Goffstown.  The Selectmen decided to pay for services from Goffstown until July 7 and approved a letter to Goffstown.

2 Hazard Mitigation Plan Report-The Planning Board is working on the periodic update of the town Hazard Mitigation Plan with help from Southern NH Planning Commission.  A Selectmen representative on the committee is needed.  Dwight agreed to take this on.

        3 Indian Falls Road-There is some encroaching on the right of way.  The Selectmen will view the site before discussing.


1 A complaint came in that Frog Rock Road is blocked with logs.  The New England Forestry Foundation had blocked it during logging of their property but now that it is complete they have refused to remove the logs.  The Selectmen will send them a letter asking them to remove the logs, as this is a class VI road.

2 There was a misstatement about Burton published in the New Boston Bulletin.  The Selectmen wanted to clarify that his contacts with Goffstown relative to dispatch services were at their direction.

3 The Selectmen were asked for topics to be published in the Selectmen’s Corner of the employee newsletter.

4 The school Artist In Residence Community Night will be held June 3 from 4:30-7:30 at the Fairgrounds including a fundraiser BBQ, band concert and mural unveiling.  

5 The Selectmen need to meet with one employee regarding their spring review.  Burton will schedule the meeting for next week.

6 The information the Selectmen asked Burton to send to counsel will be sent tomorrow.

7 The library open house is Sunday 1:00-4:00.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien