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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/17/2010


Christine Quirk
Rodney Towne
Dwight Lovejoy
Burton Reynolds
Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:    Michael Fallon was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss concerns he has about the plans for surveillance cameras in town.  He feels this is a precedent setting system, which will expand to have no limit of what can be surveilled in town.  He thinks it is a bad idea for monetary and psychological reasons.  Monetary due to the economy and the federal government is expected to provide less money to the town in future years and the cameras will represent an ongoing expense to the town.  Psychologically due to the institution of surveillance no one likes it, it breeds anger and resentment and feelings among citizens especially the youth that the town doesn’t trust them and expects them to do something wrong.  He urged the Selectmen not to set the expectation that youth are this way, instead rely on other resources such as community members keeping a watchful eye on the town.


Historical Society & Recreation
Moves to Wason Building & Old Engine House

Architect David Ely was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the spatial allocation study he has prepared at the request of the town for the Town Hall and Old Engine House.  He has given a programming report to Burton.  He has also prepared drawings.  The Old Engine House interior renovations are planned to be done first, nothing structural. David suggests the Town Hall would be renovated in two phases.  The first phase would take care of immediate needs.  The second phase would consist of major renovations including an elevator.

A sitewalk was then taken to the Old Engine House.  David Ely explained the Recreation Department and Tax Collector would move their offices to this building.  A meeting is planned for Wednesday between David, the Recreation Department and Tax Collector to discuss this further.  David expects bid specs for this renovation project will be put out in one month.

A sitewalk was then taken to the Wason Building.  Historical Society President Dick Moody noted space is limited.  The Historical Society plans to replace the doors at the handicap entrance with two sets of double doors to retain an air gap.  Jay Marden noted an anonymous donor has offered to pay for installation of these doors up to $10,000.  The lowest bid they have received so far for this portion of the renovation project is $12,000.  Willard Dodge was present and asked the Historical Society to get more quotes for this from local contractors.  Dick noted the back room would be filled with large historical town items such as the hand pumper, the cannon, etc.  The Historical Society has considered using the Wason area as a public meeting room or strictly as a historical library.  A burglar alarm system will need to be installed at $1100.  The fire alarm system will need an upgrade at $2,000 once the phone line is reinstalled.  There is a WIFI system the library left that the Historical Society would like to keep and use.  A sump pump upgrade is also needed.  The Historical Society expects the town to pick up these costs.  Burton asked about the possibility that the Historical Society could take on archival storage of older historical materials currently stored at the Town Hall.  Dick said the building is expected to be full with other historical material and they are hoping to attract more with this new larger space.  There is a water problem in the basement and it cannot be used for storage.  They expect to understand this issue more once they move in.  There is also a question of a roof leak.  Jay will ask Don Chapman when it was last a problem.  Dick noted the Historical Society is prepared to pay for library shelf removal, painting and carpet cleaning or replacement.  The unused shelves will be sold at the June 12 library book sale.  Teachers might also be interested in them.  The Historical Society plans to start packing up materials at the Old Engine House this week and could move into the new building in July or August.  

The Selectmen asked the Historical Society about the necessity of the two sets of double doors at the handicap entrance.  Jay said two sets are not necessary but are a good idea.  If it is not done now it will probably be done at another time.  This will continue to be the handicap entrance.  The Mill Street door by the stairs will also continue to be used.  The Selectmen asked the Historical Society to consider this option further.

Fire Inspector Russ Boland was present to discuss the alarm system in the Wason Building.  The current fire alarm panel is only two years old.  This should be supplemented with audio/visual strobes.  The smoke detectors should be replaced, as they are over ten years old.  The attic work originally proposed probably won’t be needed.  There is no burglar alarm in the building now but this should be added at a cost of $1,100 for all doors with the same alarm company the town now uses.  The burglar alarm will have a separate panel.  The phone system should be reinstalled right away as both alarm systems run on it.  The sprinkler system is partial and John Carter from the alarm company recommends not changing that.  It runs on the domestic water supply and alerts the Fire Department by phone once it is hooked back up.  

The sump pump was discussed.  The building currently has a drain in the floor that drains to the river.  When the river is high Don Chapman plugged it and switched to a sump pump.  Instead the Historical Society proposes putting a hole in the cellar and installing a substantial sump pump, then plug the drain.  This would be similar to the ejection pump setup the Community Church recently installed.

The Selectmen clarified a comment the Historical Society made in the past where they stated they would pay for entire Wason Building renovations, now they are asking the town to pay for some items.  The Historical Society said they meant renovations such as painting and carpeting but expected the telephone and security system arrangement they currently have in the Old Engine House would move with them.  This is not worked into the budget and won’t happen now.  The fire and burglar alarm system are necessary before the Historical Society moves into the building.  This is not to exceed $2,000 for fire alarm upgrades.  The Historical Society will pay for it this year and the Selectmen could reimburse them next year if the cost is built into the budget.  The Historical Society will hold a special meeting to discuss the alarm and doors as the Selectmen have asked.

Chris Krajenka
Police Department
Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the pending contract for communication services with Bow.  Chris asked for guidance as the Police Department has an opportunity to improve efficiency and officer safety by switching communication services from Goffstown to Bow.  New Boston has been negotiating with Goffstown for months.  They have now said they cannot upgrade to the system New Boston needs for the same efficiency and until 2012 at the earliest.  Burton said the Goffstown Selectboard did not discuss this at their meeting May 3 and is meeting tonight to consider offering a lower fee for dispatch to New Boston and consider offering a system such as Bow is offering to New Boston.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher has reviewed the Bow contract.  His comments will be sent to Bow to revise the contract.  The Fire Department will stay with Goffstown dispatch, as they do not require the system the Police Department does.  Rodney moved to contact Bow with the changes suggested by Bill Drescher, and once complete to enter into the contract with Bow for Police Department communication services.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Rodney moved to amend his motion to include a minimum of 30-day notice to Goffstown.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Minutes of May 3, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.  Non-Public Minutes of May 3, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.  Minutes of May 10, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
4.   Non-Public Minutes of May 10, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


 1  Planning:  
-The Montgomerys met with the Planning Board regarding their request to build a deck and platform below it at the Tavern.  There were a lot of concerns including the status of their shoreline protection application approval, septic confirmation and driveway expansion request.  The Planning Board voted not to allow this exception, Doug Hill was in favor, Christine and Mark Suennen were against.  The other Planning Board members were absent.  It was noted there was a previous septic issue that was resolved when Little People’s Depot began a preschool in the tavern location.  However, there could be a huge impact if the system fails.  Health Inspector Shannon Silver has been consulted on the issue.
-The application to install a wetland crossing on Wilson Hill Road was adjourned to the next meeting.
-The Planning Board held a Public Hearing and adopted the Open Space Plan.
-The Planning Board is considering holding only one meeting in July and one in August.  They will discuss this again and decide at their next meeting.
-The Planning Board will discuss the road inspection process immediately prior to their next meeting.

  • Appointments To Transfer Station Advisory Committee-The Transfer Station Advisory Committee has met and determined the status of each of its members.  Susan Clay will serve as a regular member until 2011,Gordon Carlstrom and Joe Constance will serve as regular members until 2012, Andrew French and Gregory Gaultaire will serve as regular members until 2013, Kevin St. John will serve as an alternate member until 2011 and Jim Federer will serve as an alternate member until 2013.  Dennis Bowler has decided he does not want to serve on this committee but is willing to help Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett in other ways if needed.
  • Selectmen Meeting Procedures- The Selectmen will review it and discuss it at their next meeting.
  • Complaint Form-The form will not be available for public use.  It is ready to implement.  Forms and the process will be put in final form and made available to the Department Managers.

  • Lyndeborough Road Culvert Replacement Contract Award-The lowest bidder was John Neville Excavating by approximately $7,000.  Road Agent John Riendeau and Burton went through each aspect of his bid submission and John Riendeau met with him to make sure he had included everything the town needs in his bid.  John Neville is ready to begin the work right away.  John Riendeau is now comfortable that John Neville’s price is correct and he is recommending John Neville be awarded the job.  Burton will write to each bidder informing them of the Selectmen’s choice and disclosing all bids.  Rodney moved to accept the bid from John Neville Excavating for replacement of the Lyndeborough Road culvert for $30,485.00.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  This project could be complete in two weeks pending DES approval expected this week.  An application sent to Washington DC for FEMA money for events occurring in this time was approved.  FEMA will schedule a meeting to confirm details of the funds and submit a report.  The Lyndeborough Road culvert project should be completed by then and the bills will be ready to submit for FEMA funds.  When the money is received a hearing for acceptance will be scheduled.  The project will be funded through another Warrant Article that will be refunded after the Public Hearing.  FEMA pays 75% of the total costs, the state will pay 12.5% of the remaining costs and the town will be responsible for the rest.  The total project is expected to cost $80,000.  DES will also view Nicola Strong’s property that was damaged during the flood and make a decision of what can be done there.
  • Camera System-Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to discuss projects he is working on for the town including asbestos abatement and the camera system.  The Lawson Group has completed asbestos testing of areas in the Town Hall, Old Engine House and white buildings and is about to submit a summary of their report.  The Selectmen will schedule a sitewalk in the Town Hall basement to view the areas found to contain asbestos.  Lawson will also schedule a safety meeting with the employees to discuss their safety during the abatement process.  There will be a half-day charge for the meeting.
Lee is also here to follow up on his meeting with the library, Recreation Department, school and Police Department regarding an integrated surveillance system.  All departments agreed there was a need for a system, the town would start small and expand as needed.  Lee and Chris met with Brendan who lives in New Boston but does IT for Derry who uses a similar system with one software package and separate equipment for all facilities.  They have 70 cameras at a cost of $80,000.  Brendan gave a demo of the system, visited the various New Boston locations and offered to design the system for $2,400.  This cost would be split between the six interested departments (library, Recreation, school, Police, Town Hall and Transfer Station) at $400 each.  Brendan will meet with the Selectmen to discuss this project, will set standards and then it will go out to bid.  Each department feels there is a need for surveillance without overstepping as Mr. Fallon stated earlier in this meeting.  The previous surveillance camera system was publicized for two years without complaints.  In that case the youth were a problem, Recreation went to the Police to try to deal with it and the camera was eventually destroyed.  The goal of this system is not monitoring but just to be referred to if a crime is suspected in the surveilled area.  Most of the planned cameras are replacements of cameras that were in place for years under another system.  The Police Department and Recreation Departments will go on line first.  The school has cameras and can integrate into the system.  The library, Town Hall and Transfer Station can move forward next year or anytime they are ready.  The Selectmen approved splitting the cost between the six interested departments at $400 each.
  • Montgomery Septic Easement-John and Kirsten Montgomery were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss their request for a septic and well radius lot loading easement on the town property the library has recently built on.  The Montgomerys believe their current septic system is almost maxed and they won’t be able to develop the tavern property much further without the easement and eventual increase of the septic and well capacity.  They have no specific development plans at this time but want to know if the easement is available.  The Selectmen asked if they have done research on the existing septic system and they stated they are relying on information their engineer Earl Sanford has given them.  The Planning Board is also waiting for this information and confirmation of permits.  The Montgomerys submitted a letter to the Selectmen and the library trustees.  The library trustees met with Earl and consulted with Town Attorney Bill Drescher.  They have decided that an easement would not conflict with their plans for the land.  But the land was deeded to the town in such a way it could be used for other town purposes.  It is now up to the Selectmen to decide if the easements will be allowed.  Burton said a town vote is probably not needed in this situation; the matter would probably be scheduled for a public hearing with the Planning Board.  The Selectmen will schedule a sitewalk with Earl next week.

1 Tom Lazott has reapplied for his position on the Forestry Committee.  Rodney moved to reappoint Tom Lazott as a regular member of the Forestry Committee for a period of three years.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2 Assessor George Hildum sent a letter with his opinion recommending the Selectmen deny Doug Hill’s request for abatement.  The Selectmen concur and will write to Doug informing him of their decision attaching George’s letter.  Rodney moved to deny the request put forth by Doug Hill Construction for a tax abatement on his Christian Hill Farm Drive property.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3 Burton will be out of the office Thursday and Friday.

4 A bill was received from David Ely for $2,375 for his work on the plans for the Old Engine House and Town Hall.  The town could pay this totally under building maintenance, split it with the Recreation Department or assign it to the Warrant Article for the work to be done at the Old Engine House.  The Selectmen decided to split it 50/50 between the Warrant Article and building maintenance.

5 The bonding of the Lyndeborough Road project was discussed.  Usually a project is bonded for the amount of the bid.  In this case it might be a better option to bond for a higher amount in case the project fails because it was underbid.  Burton will research the applicable RSA.

6 Rodney will work on the issue with the legal bill.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:54 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:07 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien