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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/19/2010

Rodney Towne
Dwight Lovejoy
Christine Quirk
Burton Reynolds
Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 6:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


C.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 6:05 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

D.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 6:30 PM.     Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


Chris Krajenka
Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Police Department is working on.
Chris reviewed a list of Police Department goals for 2010 with the Selectmen as follows:
-The department needs to hire a corporal.  
-Justin Pearce graduated from the Police Academy last week and is now on the road in training with the Department.  
-Chris asked to adjust the records clerk’s hours from 10:00AM-2:00PM to 2:00PM-6:00PM or 3:00PM-7:00PM to better meet the needs of the community.  The Selectmen agreed to this change.
-Increase DWI arrests by 5%.  This will require additional officer training for some of the newer officers.
-Decrease motor vehicle accidents by 3% through speed reduction caused by police visibility.
-Increase Department training by 10%.  Justin has expressed interest in taking over as the Department’s new DARE officer.  This seems to be a   good fit as he has prior experience working with children.
-Building and operational improvements:
-Two new cruisers are in.  The Department is now in the process of switching equipment and getting the oldest vehicles ready for auction.
-Install security system at Police Department
-Transfer dispatching duties.  Burton is waiting to hear back from Bow with the contract and budget information, Town Attorney Bill Drescher and        Goffstown.
The Fight Crime Invest In Kids Program approached Chris and asked him to go to Washington DC May 5 to meet with Senator Shaheen, the Merrimack County Sheriff and two other New Hampshire Police Chiefs.  The program will pay for the trip.  The Selectmen agreed he could attend.

The Police Department is at capacity for record storage.  Some records have not been accessed in years but the Department must keep them.  Chris asked if the town had any off site storage options planned.  Burton said some Town Hall records are planned to be stored at the old library building and maybe some Police records could be stored there as well.  Most town department managers have said they want their records stored in town.  This could be an option for other departments but might not be secure enough for the Police Department.  Chris will research the security requirements for Police records.  He will also get some pricing for storage at facilities in Manchester.

A town employee fingerprints used to obtain a federal background check has been sent to the state lab three times but due to their computer software they have been unable to scan it.  Chris will ask the State Police tomorrow what can be done about this.  The state background check does not require fingerprints and that has come back clear.

Chris will meet with Road Agent John Riendeau to discuss if any additional stop signs are needed around town before the Selectmen schedule a Public Hearing for new stop signs.

The radio repeater contract has been finalized.  The service has been in effect for a year.

Burton received an e-mail from the COPSfast program where they offered to reconsider New Boston’s application for their program where they would fund an additional officer for the town one year earlier than this staffing change is planned in the town budget.  This will involve updating the previous application but will only take a few minutes.  Chris recommends reapplying for this program.  Even if this program is not awarded to New Boston he plans to keep officer shifts later especially on weekends.

The Selectmen signed the DWI enforcement grant contract from the state.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) at 7:46 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:50 PM.     Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Lee Brown
Town Hall Asbestos Abatement

Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects he is working on for the town.

He distributed a spreadsheet to the Selectmen outlining two proposals he has received for Town Hall asbestos abatement.  They are from Scott Lawson Group out of Concord, NH and Coveno, a Massachusetts company.  They have provided similar quotes to test the basement, inspect and take samples from 29 areas in the basement and then provide a general report quantifying the material to be abated.  Additional quotes were provided for taking samples from the main floor of the Town Hall as well in preparation for the planned Town Hall renovations.  Once the chosen company starts the abatement including cleanout and safe removal of all items a negative air barrier will be established so employees working upstairs will be safe from the asbestos dust.  The Selectmen will ask the company to test the air quality every day while work is going on (approximately five days) to make sure it is safe for the employees to be working in.  The Selectmen also want to know where the material will be taken to be disposed of.  A meeting with the Safety Committee is scheduled for this week to discuss this project.  Lee is also trying to coordinate this project with other town projects including work at the white buildings and historical building to have samples taken from them at the same time.  The Selectmen prefer to use Lawson for this project.


The Recreation Department has been working with Road Agent John Riendeau landscaping facilities over the past few years.  The Department is trying to put the planned projects in writing now that they are expanding their landscaping duties.  A list of landscaping projects was reviewed where the Recreation Department asked for help from Highway Department personnel or borrowing Highway Department equipment.  The Selectmen approved most of the projects on the list.

Lee met with Police Chief Chris Krajenka, and representatives from the library and the school today regarding the new security camera system these departments need.  They are considering a central system using Comcast cables, one server and one software package.  Each camera would cost $200-3,000 depending on the type of camera needed at each location.  Some have shatterproof cases and some can be hidden from view.  The school already has cameras that could be wired into the system.  The Police Department would have access to view all areas and the other departments would only have access to view the areas they are responsible for.  Derry installed this type of system last year.  The person in charge of that system, Ron Robinson, lives in town and Lee and Chris will meet with him to view the Derry system this week.  Another option is John Briggs DVR system.  The security cameras will be announced to the public once they are decided on.  The Police and Recreation Departments have money in their budgets to install a camera system this year, the library and school are financially prepared to install security cameras this year and some private funding may also be available for this purpose.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka recommended getting quotes on the Comcast system from several security companies.  The eventual need for a town IT Technician was also discussed at the meeting today.


1.  Minutes of April 5, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.  Non-Public Minutes of April 5, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning:  
-The Planning Board elected Stu Lewin as their chairman, Doug Hill as vice-chairman and Peter Hogan as the secretary.

-The Planning Board is working on the earth removal regulations.  They are considering allowing gravel pits to operate until 6:00 or 7:00 PM.  They are also considering a change to the amount of acreage a gravel pit is allowed to have open at one time.  Burton will research the rules established by the Selectmen for the Planning Board’s review.  The Planning Board will hold a meeting with the gravel pit owners.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher has not yet reviewed the changes to the regulations the Planning Board is considering.

-Victor Lemay’s 8-lot subdivision on Wilson Hill Road was approved.

-Kiki’s Restaurant owner Kirsten Montgomery was present to meet with the Planning Board, as she would like to add a fenced in patio on the ground plus a deck with a patio off the bar.  She also wants to add 18 additional parking spaces.  Sewer capacity was discussed.  The only sewer system on record handles 1,000 gallons.  Kirsten believes there is a sewer system that handles 4,000 gallons per Sandford Engineering.  If the sewer backs up it will go into the river.  The state agreed to monitor septic capacity when Ragamuffins was approved, it is unknown if they have followed up.  Neighboring residents were concerned about noise when Ragamuffins wanted to open and Kirsten plans to construct a fence to block noise.  It was agreed that noise was to be contained inside the building when Ragamuffins was approved.  The Planning Board asked for a site plan before approving any changes.  This matter may come before the Selectmen.

-The Northpoint Engineering contract was discussed.  The 20% construction administration fee charged by the town seems too high to residents.  Other towns charge approximately 10% and New Boston’s former engineering contract charged 10%.  This will be researched by comparing items covered under the fee to what is covered under other contracts.

-There was an issue as Planning Coordinator Nic Strong recently released a letter from the attorney to the applicant without prior approval from the Planning Board.  The Selectmen felt this was an issue internal to the Planning Board.

-A sitewalk was held Saturday at Twin Bridge Land Management.  It is a cul-de-sac now but could become a Class V road connecting to Lull Road or to other nearby roads (this may pose a drainage issue).  If a longer cul-de-sac were used instead of connecting to Lull Road, residents on Lull Road would probably not be able to see the development from their homes.  A tremendous amount of land for open space could possibly be saved with a cul-de-sac.

2.  Update-Footbridge Project-A basic letter of intent was developed and forwarded to Attorney Dwight Sowerby for preparation.  Footbridge Committee    member Sandi Van Scoyoc then sent it to Kiki’s Restaurant owner Kirsten Montgomery and she sent it back with more specifics.  Burton then spoke to Dwight       Sowerby who recommended he take no further action at this time.   Bill Rossignol from Holden Engineering will go to the area this week to look at it.  Then     another meeting will be planned.  Tom Jamison from NH DOT contacted Burton today with a status and recommended New Boston get an extension on the       project and requested more information from Holden Engineering.  DOT will allow engineering work but not construction at this time.

3. Instructions For Large Road Projects-The Selectmen reviewed a draft letter explaining their expectations that Road Agent John Riendeau not count on or       offer any help from the Highway Department to contractors on large projects without approval from the Selectmen.  The Selectmen will meet with John this        week to discuss it as bids on the Lyndeborough Road project are due next week.

4.  Complaint Form-The Selectmen reviewed and approved sample complaint forms and a letter to Department Managers about the complaint forms.

5.  Selectmen Meeting Procedures-The Selectmen will review revised procedures for Selectmen’s meetings to be published on the town web site.

6.  Bedford Road/Wilson Hill Intersection-Burton and Road Agent John Riendeau met with Matt Reed at his property at the corner of Bedford and Wilson    Hill Roads to review what was decided in 2005. Matt agreed to cooperate with the town on the project.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong will prepare a slope     easement and also suggested the town have the piece surveyed.  The developer will pay for the work.  The town will pay for the survey and filing of the         ea      sement with the Registry of Deeds.

1. Various Board/Committee Appointments/Interviews-
-Andrew French was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding his interest in becoming a member of the Transfer Station Advisory Committee.  He has a background in solid waste and hazardous waste.  Rodney moved to appoint Andrew French to the Transfer Station Advisory Committee for a period of three years as an alternate member.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

-Three members are up this year on the Forestry Committee.  Tim Trimbur and Nancy Loddengaard have applied for reappointment.  Tom Lazott has not sent in his application for reappointment.  Rodney moved to reappoint Tim Trimbur and Nancy Loddengaard as regular members of the Forestry Committee for three years.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

-Jim Federer has applied for reappointment to the Transfer Station Advisory Committee.  Rodney moved to reappoint Jim Federer as an alternate member of the Transfer Station Advisory Committee for three years.  Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

-Dennis Pinard has applied for a position on the Road Committee.  The Selectmen wish to meet with him before appointing him.

-Ed DiPietro has decided not to continue on the Zoning Board.  Harry Piper is interested in continuing but has not yet sent in his application.  Bob Todd might move to a regular member position on the Zoning Board from his alternate position.

2. Investment Policy-The town investment policy needs to be signed every year.  It was last signed in 2008.  The auditors will note that although the Selectmen did not sign the investment policy in 2009 there was one in effect.  The Selectmen will sign the investment policy in 2010.

3.  Annual Audit-The auditors discovered four concerns (less than usual) and most of these have been remedied.  The audit went well overall but took longer than usual.  Sheryl from Plodzick and Sanderson will meet with Town Accountant Karen Craven May 5 to post some line items and then meet with Burton to review the audit results.


1. A problem arose with the timber tax for Nippe and Poliquin.  Based on difficulties the property owner had with the logger they used,  the Selectmen agreed to lower the tax owed from $600 originally charged down to $400.
2.  Burton signed the letter on March 10 allowing a Farmers Market to operate on the town common.  Rodney noted he is concerned about the appropriateness when the town is letting a private corporation use the common to make money but in other cases such as the townwide yard sale New Boston citizens were charged money to use the common.  He asked that this be reviewed next year as the signed letter has already gone out.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
K.  ADJOURNMENT:  Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:31 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien