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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/29/2010
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
March 29, 2010

Rodney Towne
Dwight Lovejoy
Christine Quirk
Burton Reynolds
Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



7:00 PM
John Riendeau
Highway Department
Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Highway Department is working on.
  • Lyndeborough Road washout-the hydraulic analysis was sent to the NH DES Friday.  Kristin Polkman from DES e-mailed John saying she will work on it this week.  John has been working with Mitchie Corp. and received a quote of $41,500 for the arch precast bridge needed.  The middle section of the arch is already made but the headwalls are not yet made and the representative proposes redirock for a more solid wall in this case.  The Mitchie representative also said DES will probably not allow a natural bottom box in this area.  The people working on the permit are ready to submit it but are just waiting for the DES decision before submitting it.  John will also ask Kristin what the procedure is for cleaning up asphalt that washed down the streambed.
  • The new stop signs discussed at the last meeting are not ready for a public hearing.
  • A precon meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00 AM at the Town Hall with the contractor for the Lyndeborough Road Bridge.  John Ryan asked John to send a form to Chris Stewart when this goes out to bid.
  • Burton researched cutting trees as a resident asked to cut four trees on a town right of way.  John has looked at the trees and noted one is a trouble tree.  He agrees the trees should be cut.  John Stout has been cutting other trees for the resident and offered to cut the town trees as well.  Burton’s research shows this can be done.  Other trouble trees around town will be cut with money from a FEMA grant.
7:30 PM
Lee Brown & Mike Sindoni
Recreation Department/Town Hall Cellar
Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss several projects he has been working on.  Recreation Director Mike Sindoni was unable to attend tonight’s meeting.
  • Asbestos abatement-Lee’s company cleaned out the basement to prepare for testing of asbestos pipe insulation, plaster and soil.  Two survey firms are preparing quotes and they are expected to be received this week.  The survey will include taking samples, giving a written report of their findings and sending the work out for a bid.  Lee also suggested the Selectmen might ask the surveyors to take samples from areas upstairs to have information available when it is time for Town Hall renovations.  This is expected to cost an additional couple hundred dollars.  An air test will also be required post abatement and that will cost approximately $450 for a half day or $750 for a full day.  Lee’s company also removed moldy drywall and rotted framing and improved those areas.  
  • Historical building renovation-The Recreation Commissioners have discussed this and thought another one-person department could also be in the historical building with the two-person recreation department.  They suggest this should be known before they begin renovating the building.  David Ely of Windy Hill Associates was asked what that would cost and said the $2,375 “program fee” is the only applicable charge.  Lee suggested the Recreation Department could float this amount for the town if the town thought it was worthwhile.  David is also getting numbers ready for the Finance Committee this year.  Historical Society Chairman Dick Moody has not yet started this process for their move into the library building.  Lee suggested a third party could put out the bid package for the historical building renovations and evaluate the bids.  David Ely has said he is willing to put the package together.  Some interested bidders have met with Burton about the project.
  • No parking signs were placed on one side of Old Coach Road contingent upon the Recreation Department finishing a practice field and parking area. Now that they are done they ask that no parking signs be placed on the other side of the road for safety of residents participating in the activities at the ballfield.  The police chief is in favor of placing these signs.  The signs may need to be approved in a public hearing.  If so, the change will be posted in the New Boston Bulletin.  The crosswalk in the area will be repainted green.
  • The Recreation Department will take charge of maintenance of the ballfields and town common.  The Commissioners are contemplating bringing the maintenance in house instead of hiring a subcontractor to do it.  They expect after buying the necessary equipment this investment will start saving money for the town in two years compared to the cost of a subcontractor.
  • There may now be a roadblock for the Recreation Department to acquire the Depot building.  It is believed that coal slag is present there, which could leak into the groundwater, and if the building is transferred to the town the town will probably be required to remediate this.  Evaluation of coal slag at the site could cost $12,000.  However, this building has great historical value to the town and the town could eventually be left with the property anyway.  Lee and Glenn Dodge will speak to the Playground Association again but it will probably be the decision of a group including the Selectmen on how to handle this property.
8:00 PM
Katrina MacIntosh
NH Div. Youth & Families
Katrina MacIntosh from the Manchester office of the NH Division of Youth and Families was present to speak with the Selectmen to ask for help in recruiting foster homes in the New Boston area.  She reviewed 2009 NH foster family statistics and also the process to become a licensed foster home.  Brandy Mitroff from the New Boston Bulletin offered to publish an article on this subject.  Katrina will also contact her for information on upcoming town events where the NH Division of Youth and Families could set up an information booth and meet residents.

1. Minutes of March 15, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2. Non-Public Minutes of March 15, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3. Minutes of March 18, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

4. Non-Public Minutes of March 24, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

5. Minutes of March 1, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


  •  Planning:  
  • A public hearing was held regarding subdivision non-residential site review regulations.  The Planning Board adopted these as written.
  • The Planning Board reviewed a revised draft of the Open Space report.  A public hearing on this will be scheduled for the first week of May.
  • A public hearing was held on a major subdivision 9 lots on Wilson Hill Road for Victor and Lees Lemay.  A waiver will be required for the cul-de-sac and this is not expected to be an issue.  They also need construction monitoring and road bond estimate.  Their deadline was extended to the next Planning Board meeting.  A meeting has been scheduled at the site with the property owner April 12.  Christine will attend.
  • Twin Bridge Land Management 26 lot subdivision.  Abutters were present.  A sitewalk is scheduled for April17.  The application was accepted as complete.  A long cul-de-sac is planned.  The Fire Wards and Road Committee have indicated they are dissatisfied with the plan.

1. Commodity Bids With School-the SAU has invited the town to participate in a buying group.  The town is sometimes interested in their oil bid but has never participated in the buying group.  Putnam has been the town’s oil vendor for several years.

2. 2010 Goals-The Selectmen reviewed a list of goals for 2010.

3. Appointments-More applications for appointments to town committees are expected.  Rodney noted it should be the responsibility of the chairman of each committee to notify its members when their term is ready to expire, ask if they are interested in continuing and if so make sure they submit their application on time.

4. Personnel Files-Tom Mahon from Primex held a seminar for the New Boston Selectmen and representatives from several surrounding towns regarding what goes into personnel files.  The Selectmen are considering sending a letter to Department Managers telling them what they learned.  The Selectmen will also decide how Police Department personnel files should be handled as police personnel files are kept at the Town Hall and the Police Department.

5. Complaint Form-Burton will ask the Department Managers for their ideas for a standard form that all departments would use anytime they receive a complaint.  All complaints would then be brought to the Selectmen’s office for their review.


1. Burton has not yet heard from the Town of Bow about dispatch but is trying to set this up for discussion at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2. The Road Committee met last Thursday and is making plans to attend a class for the RSMS program.  Rodney is getting the computer parameters for the Road Agent to purchase the computer program.  The committee also discussed the issue of applications for very long cul-de-sacs including the one requested by Twin Bridge Land Management.  The committee plans to borrow the Recreation van at the next meeting to look at road conditions around town.  Town Emergency Manager Dan MacDonald will also attend to discuss emergency traffic routes and control points.

3. Christine received a call from the alarm company that an alarm was going off sensing high water in the Town Hall boiler room.  Rodney then suggested if he got the call he would come to the Town Hall to check on the problem and if a problem existed call the Fire Department.  The alarm company is supposed to call Rodney first, then Christine then Dwight.  Burton will check with the alarm company to make sure the call list is up to date.

4. Christine asked if the Selectmen’s meetings could start at 6:00 instead of 7:00 and everyone agreed.  Burton will also ask the Department Managers about this time change at the next Department Manager meeting.

5. The Police Department is ready to move ahead with two new police vehicles.  The leases are ready to sign.  The Selectmen approved this.

6. The yearly town employee salary survey form has come in from the Local Government Center.  Burton usually compiles the information for this and sends it in then the Local Government Center will publish a book with the information from all towns in the state.  This information is then used to make sure the town employee salaries are competitive with surrounding towns.

7. The Selectmen chose the canon with the date the town was established as the town seal.  All departments will now be required to use this seal.  It will also be included in the background of the Mission Statement to be posted in each town department.  


Willard Dodge was present and asked about the status of selling the old CAT grader that has been stored at the Highway Department.  The CAT dealer was contacted last year and suggested selling it on ebay for a minimum of $1500.  The town could possibly get $2500 for it.  Dwight would like to help with this project.  A cleanup of the Highway Department property will also be considered.
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 PM.   Dwight seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien