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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/14/2010
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
February 17, 2010

PRESENT:                Rodney Towne            Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman       (Absent)
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator      

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

Public comments were made as follows regarding the process for the March 1 meeting dedicated to hearing feedback on the Police Chief.
Jay Marden said he will not be available to attend the planned Selectmen’s meeting regarding this topic scheduled for March 1, 2010 so he would like to say he is concerned about the negative press Chief Krajenka has gotten.  He feels Chief Krajenka was hired to enforce the law and not be a shrinking violet.  It is the duty of the police to enforce the law.  He considers Chief Krajenka to be forward, polite, businesslike, upstanding and professional.  Jay is hoping Chief Krajenka will continue to be New Boston’s Police Chief indefinitely.
Gordon Russell said he would like to speak in favor of retaining Chief Krajenka as police chief.  He has had several direct conversations with Chief Krajenka.  He expects the chief to get facts from people, not beat around the bush.
Karen Thompson asked if there would be a time limit on this discussion at the March 1 meeting and was told there would not be as long as people continued to make valid points and not repeat themselves during the meeting.  She also said she has been following the subject in the Union Leader and a lot of people who are not residents of New Boston have indicated they plan to attend the March 1 meeting.  She asked that the meeting be confined to New Boston residents if possible.  David said the Selectmen plan to research that point but Selectmen’s meetings are open to all.  Rodney said town residents would have first priority to speak then people from other places would be allowed to speak.
Leo Joy asked if Lee Nyquist would attend the meeting as Town Moderator and was told Lee would not be there as Town Moderator but if Lee wishes to attend as a resident of New Boston he is welcome to.
David said this topic is not on the agenda for tonight’s Selectmen’s meeting.  Chris Krajenka will be present at this meeting later to discuss other things relating to the Police Department.  The Police Chief is the only topic expected to be discussed at the Selectmen’s meeting scheduled for March 1 but other topics will be discussed at that meeting if time allows.
Brandy Mitroff said the March 1 meeting was scheduled as a result of the petition most have heard about.  The Selectmen have not been presented with this petition but as a service to the town they have decided to hold this meeting on March 1.  She expressed surprise that the petition has caused negative publicity for the town but has not even been turned in.
Randy Parker suggested an explanation of procedure be given at the beginning of the meeting, explaining how the system works when Selectmen make personnel decisions.  David said an Attorney will be present at the meeting and will be relied on heavily for this issue.  David expects the Town Attorney will probably spend approximately half an hour discussing procedure.
Leo Joy commended the Selectmen and thanked them for holding the meeting on March 1 even without seeing the petition.


        1.  7:00 PM             Gerry Cornett   Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to discuss topics relating to the Transfer Station operation.
  • Facility Status.  The Transfer Station finished underbudget in 2009.  Mixed Solid Waste volumes increased by 20 tons, possibly due to spoilage after the ice storm.  The recycle rate has remained the same.  Volumes have mostly decreased but glass volumes have increased.  The town has a minimal fee to get rid of it, but by recycling the town pays $5 per ton instead of $79 per ton to get rid of it via the normal solid waste disposal process.  
  • Equipment.  All equipment is up and running.  The Transfer Station purchased a used salt spreader this year.  It is running well, and is planned for rehab in the spring.  All Transfer Station equipment is in good shape.
  • Problem with the scale.  The scale was recently experiencing problems where it would not stay zeroed out.  The vendor was contacted and felt it was probably something mechanical and would charge $500 to send someone to look at it.  Gerry took it apart and found concrete had pushed against the scale due to the severe frost heaves this year.  The problem is now solved.
  • Reinforcement of recycling efforts.  The Transfer Station wants to focus on recycling paper.  The town makes $40/ton for it.  Residents are doing an outstanding job recycling.  Volumes are down right now, probably due to the economy and winter is their normal slow time of year.
  • 2010.  No projects are planned for 2010, just general maintenance is planned and the Transfer Station plans to keep spending low.
  • Trucking bid.  The New Boston Transfer Station is considering combining trucking with the Weare Transfer Station.  Weare has their own 10-wheeler and this partnership could mean big savings for both towns.  They plan to start working together on this after voting in March.  New Boston Transfer Station has a good working relationship with the Weare Transfer Station.  Currently the town uses an independent contractor to handle the trucking of our solid waste.
  • Commodities prices.  These are doing well and are not inflated.  New Boston Transfer Station’s relationship with the NRRA is much improved.  The NRRA’s new director is fiscally minded and doing good things for the industry.
  • Single stream.  Concord is starting a coop and has asked towns to sign a 15-year contract.  Gerry doesn’t see this as a good thing for New Boston.  He is not sure how it would be viable.  Trucking costs to get the material to Concord would be too expensive for New Boston ($400 each trip).  Gerry said the only advantage to single stream recycling would be if there were no recycling program in place.  It needs to be more cost effective before it should be considered for New Boston.  Gerry will meet with a representative from NRRA about this to see if it would be a good choice for New Boston but so far the representative has not recommended it for any towns he has visited.
  • Electronics waste.  Gerry has located a company from Georgia that will pay the town per pound of electronics waste if you have a large enough quantity.  Gerry plans to try the program with the school.  They are getting a grant and will be getting rid of most of their computers.  The Transfer Station will pallet them and then call the company to pick them up.  The town currently charges residents to take their electronic waste but if this program works this could become revenue for the town.
  • Gordon Russell was present and asked if the flow of plastics could be updated.  Gerry said Weare has switched to commingled 1 through 7 but lost their revenue source of plastics by doing so.  We continue to sort plastics and thus get paid for them.
  • Jay Marden noted that a lot of people have been applying for jobs at the Transfer Station.  Gerry feels this is due to the economy.  
        2.  7:15 PM             Chris Krajenka  Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to discuss topics relating to the Police Department operation.
  • Switchover of the communications dispatch center was discussed.  Chris has met with the Weare Police Chief regarding their recent switchover with Bow and learned it has been seamless.  The communications company recommends New Boston use a 100-watt system although a 50-watt system would also work.  Chris recommends the New Boston Police Department move forward with its communication switchover.  Sue Desruisseaux from Goffstown has asked to speak to the New Boston Selectmen before New Boston makes the switch.  She would like the Selectmen on both sides of the issue to discuss grade of service.  Dave also recommended this meeting take place and Burton will schedule it for March.  Chris also checked with the towns that left the Bow communications service center and confirmed that the cost of the service was the issue that prompted them to switch to Merrimack County Sheriff’s communication service.  They all indicated to Chris that they would have stayed with Bow if not for the cost and also commended Bow’s dispatchers.  Issues New Boston has with Goffstown communication service include dissatisfaction with Goffstown’s service during the flood and ice storms, they are always busy, sometimes too busy to handle New Boston’s calls and are considering laying off two dispatchers, they use a trunk system and software that is not compatible with New Boston’s and do not plan to become compatible with New Boston’s software within the next five years.  Sencom has also indicated the police department phone line would need to be upgraded costing thousands if they stay with Goffstown dispatch.  Chris has tried test communications with Bow in tough communication spots in town and was able to communicate.  New Boston will still use their other towers for communication with Bow.  Randy Parker said he attended a meeting where coverage after hours was discussed.  The attendees were told to contact Goffstown Dispatch after hours at the meeting.  Chris indicated the best way to contact the police anytime is by dialing 911 or calling the Police Department phone number.  Calls will go to Bow once the switchover happens who would then call the state police after hours.    The mutual aid compact with Goffstown and Weare will still be in place after the switchover and Goffstown or Weare may respond to calls after hours.
  • Alcohol event details.  An officer usually attends this type of event.  The library is planning a wine tasting and auction night March 13 to benefit the Whipple Free Library.  200 people are expected to attend.  An officer was present at the event last year. There is a question of if an officer is needed at the event this year.  A committee is working to establish criteria for details to make answering this type of question easier.  The cost v. the need for security at an event on public property is the issue.   Criteria used are volume of people and type of event.  The criteria the committee decides on will ultimately go to legal review.  An officer was present at this event last year.  Rodney suggested the same thing should be done this year until the town has established the criteria.
        3.  7:45 PM             Ellen Kambol            Town Hall Energy Grant & Renovation

Ellen Kambol of Windy Hill Associates was present to update the Selectmen of the status of the town’s application for an energy grant.  She said the application was submitted Tuesday morning.  A copy was given to the Selectmen for their records.  She then extensively explained to the audience the process the New Boston Climate and Energy Commission and the volunteers who have been working on the grant have been doing.  Ellen estimated this volunteer work is worth $35,000-50,000.  The town will receive word on if it will be awarded the grant on March 10.  The town is voting March 9.   Warrant Articles 24, 25 and 26, will affect the grant award.  If successful $660,000 worth of work will be able to be done on the Town Hall for a tax neutral project.  Ellen reviewed the points the state will consider in deciding how to award the grant and compared how New Boston is prepared for the project.   If the grant is awarded to New Boston the committee will meet with the Department Managers and employees to plan the department move during construction.  The project would probably be ready to start late summer 2010.  Willard Dodge was present and commented on how fortunate the town is due to the work by Susan Carr of the New Boston Climate and Energy Commission, David Ely and Ellen Kambol of Windy Hill Associates.  David Ely thanked George W. Stevens for designing this rock solid building in 1888.  Ellen also noted this volunteer spirit is a long standing tradition in New Boston, continuing recently with the new library, the grandstand (which recently won an award) and now the Town Hall renovation.  The Selectmen thanked David and Ellen for their work on this project.


        1.  Minutes of January 19, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
  •  Non-Public Minutes of January 19, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

  •   Planning:  
  • The Planning Board adopted the New Boston Commercial Design Guidelines and New Boston Driveway Regulations with no changes or comments.
  • The Townes family trust subdivision was approved. This is a 2-lot subdivision off South Hill Road.  The drainage problems were found to be not very significant.
  • Frederick K. Lorden Irrevocable Trust subdivision of 4 lots off McCurdy Road.  There is a potential new owner of this subdivision.  The present owners came to the Planning Board with a development proposal to connect Susan Road to McCurdy Road.  This was previously planned to build over a piece of property the subdivider didn’t own, but they now have the title to that piece of property.  This subdivision is planned for three phases.  Phase 1 would begin with construction off McCurdy, which would end with a temporary cul-de-sac of 1500 feet, longer than normally approved cu-d-sacs.  Phase 2 would be a second temporary cul-de-sac off Susan Road.  Phase 3 would be to eventually join these and they would not be cul-de-sacs anymore.  The Planning Board will confer with the Fire Department for their recommendations.
  • Part Time Employee-Vacation- Burton sent a memo out in January after a question about this came up at the monthly Department Manager meeting.  Part time employees earn vacation time as the year goes on.  Some Department Managers said they found it challenging to provide for vacations for these folks given that the time is not earned in advance.  The Selectmen decided to make not change to the decision they made on this topic a couple months ago.  They do not feel it is that much of a problem to manage.
  • Town Seal-Different town departments use different seals on their patches and equipment and are considering a unified seal.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka brought forward a design by Gail Parker.  The concept was floated to others who were concerned the design was too complex.  There was also an argument against it as the design features the Community Church building and this would not keep church and state separated.  Rodney feels this argument is not significant because the design is not promoting religion, it is promoting history.  The Police and Fire Departments would use the seal on patches and the seal would be used in many other places as well.  The Selectmen feel the canon design is appropriate in every way, most people asked have preferred the canon design for a unified seal and also agree one seal should be used.  The seal and need to change it will be discussed at the next Department Manager meeting.
  • Gravel Ordinance-Planning Coordinator Nic Strong has this on the Planning Board agenda for the next meeting.  Burton asked Rodney and David to attend.  The Selectmen will review Nic’s memo regarding this topic.  The Selectmen would like to go to a five-year gravel permit renewal period coterminous with the each pit’s site specific plan with NH DES.

  • Conservation Commission Appointments-Conservation Commission Chairman Burr Tupper was present to discuss the recent applications the Commission has received from people wishing to become members of the Conservation Commission.  The applicants have attended Conservation Commission meetings and the Commission has discussed the applications and asks the Selectmen to appoint them to the Conservation Commission.  They ask that Tom Morgan and Elliot Konner be appointed to the Conservation Commission as full members from 2010 to 2013.  Rodney moved to accept the appointments of Tom Morgan and Elliot Konner to the Conservation Commission as full members from 2010 to 2013.  David seconded the motion. All were in favor.  The Conservation Commission asks that Rick Searle be appointed to the Conservation Commission as an alternate member from 2010 to 2012 and Michael DiPetrillo be appointed to the Conservation Commission as an alternate member from 2010 to 2011.  Rodney moved to accept the appointment of Rick Searle to the Conservation Commission as an alternate member from 2010 to 2012 and Michael DiPetrillo be appointed to the Conservation Commission as an alternate member from 2010 to 2011.  David seconded the motion. All were in favor.  Barbara Thompson has indicated she would like to continue her position as an alternate on the Commission.  Burr Tupper and Mark Brown are interested in renewing their membership for another three years.  The Selectmen will appoint and reappoint all town committee members in March or April.
  • 2009 Encumbrances-The Selectmen signed the 2009 encumbrances and they will be attached to this meeting’s minutes.  Rodney moved to approve the 2009 encumbrances as listed.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • Saunders Pasture Concerns-Conservation Commission Chairman Burr Tupper said the Conservation Commission received a letter of concern from Gordon Russell and Anne Pendlebury regarding spraying for invasive species done by the Conservation Commission at the parcel.  The letter has been forwarded to the Commission members and they will discuss it at their March 4 meeting.  The Commission is also discussing their management plan with the PLC to change the contract saying they will notify them of any intent to spray any herbicides on and land on for which they hold easements.  
Gordon spoke saying he was appointed as steward of this town property since 2000.  He has been a steward of different properties for 30 years.  He lives across the street from this property.  He has noted invasives coming into this field since 2006 and suspects they came in from a brush cutting job done there in 2005 when the contractor probably didn’t clean his mower before cutting at this site.  In 2009 Gordon noted some dead areas and learned a highly toxic herbicide had been sprayed.  He didn’t know it was going to happen and is not sure if the PLC was notified, or how approvals were granted.  He has tried to research it in the Conservation Commission minutes and can’t find it.  He said a vote should be taken and the Selectmen should be notified as grantors of the easement when this work is planned.  He is not sure if the right product was used in this case.  He has recommended repeatedly that the invasives be removed manually.  He feels this is very important due to the location and wildlife that reside there and as it is a recreation area, he is concerned about wildlife, people and pets when herbicides are used.  A timber cut plan was done there and the appropriate procedure was followed.  The easement plan is specific about these actions.  He read a portion of the easement plan aloud.  He said this cannot happen again.  The plan is very specific of the procedure to be followed.  He wondered how these decisions flow through the chain of command.  He wants to make sure the procedure is followed every time there is a change to what the easement plan directed.
The Selectmen said they are ultimately responsible but don’t follow the day-to-day actions of the Conservation Commission.  The Selectmen see the minutes of the Conservation Commission meetings and if they notice an issue they discuss it with the Conservation Commission.  The Selectmen rely on the Conservation Commission most of the time, if there is an issue such as this the Selectmen will review it and step in if they feel it is necessary.
Burr said the Conservation Commission had a management plan from Bay State Forest that said they would spray for invasive species.  The Conservation Commission sent a letter to the head of PLC and Gordon who sent a letter back to the Conservation Commission indicating she and Gordon had read the letter and approved the action.  A licensed person came out to do the work.  The work has been reviewed by other departments and experts in the field and found to be appropriate.  The Conservation Commission has decided they need to modify the management plans so when they do plan to apply herbicides they will notify the easement holder and make sure the proper procedure is in place and the proper people are notified.  As far as the herbicides used they rely on the state to recommend the proper one.
Gordon read quotes of the Conservation Commission minutes that he has been able to find regarding spraying at Saunders Pasture.
Pam Pendlebury asked the Commission had considered other options to remove the invasive species other than spraying.
Burr said the Commission would be happy to manually cut if they can find the volunteers to do it.  The only other options are to leave the invasives or spray.
Pam asked if the money used for spraying could have been used toward hiring people to remove the invasives manually.
Burr said this could be done if it is found to be cost effective to the Conservation Commission after considering their funding sources.
  • Building Identification Names-The new library is coming on line and being set up for security monitoring.  The new library will be called the Whipple Free Library, the old library will be called the Wason Building and the old historical building will be called the Old Engine House.
  • Retirement Plan:  Fund Change Suggestions-The Retirement Advisor Mike Fortier has suggested the town change two bond funds offered to employees to better performing funds.  The Selectmen approved this but asked that the employees be advised and encouraged to contact Mike to explain the change before this takes place.  Mike plans to review the program every year to see if any changes should be made.
  • Elections:  Booth Set-Up & Take Down-Highway Department employee Mike Parks was asked to work with Don Chapman on this as Don no longer wants to do it and Mike has helped him with it last year along with other Highway Department employees.  The Highway Department will not be expected to help out every year but Mike was asked as he is a part time summer Highway Department employee and is available to help out with election set up as well.  Don will be asked for ideas to pass on about how to set up for elections and to supervise this year as he has been doing it a long time.  Jim Federer and Willard Dodge have also indicated they are willing to help.
  • Google:  Internet Access Project-Bob Fessenger e-mailed the town about Google’s new high speed internet program and asked if it would be offered in New Boston.  Burton referenced an article on the subject from the Wall Street Journal that indicated New Boston is not big enough to be considered for the program.

  •   An issue regarding personnel folders has been in the news.  Employees have approached Rodney about what should be in a personnel file.  Primex has someone who is available to explain it and Rodney asked that an employee seminar be scheduled.
H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) at 9:40 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  9:43 PM.     David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien