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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/19/2010
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 19, 2010

PRESENT:                Rodney Towne            Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator      

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



        1.  7:00 PM             Public Hearing  CERT Grant Acceptance

David read aloud the public notice published in the paper announcing the public hearing to accept under RS A31:95b a $7,000 grant from the Volunteer NH Program to help the town CERT program.  The money will be used to provide emergency response traffic control equipment, training and to paint the Stephen Hughes CERT trailer.  Christine moved to accept the CERT grant in the amount of $7,000.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

        2.  7:05 PM             PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING
                                Lee Nyquist             Public Hearing & Deliberative Session

A public budget hearing was called to order at7:05 PM.  Copies of the Operating Budget and Warrant Articles with explanations were distributed.  The Selectmen noted the Operating Budget is still subject to some changes.  The posting date is January 25.  The Operating Budget is $4,031,063, up $142,000 from last year.  The new assessed value of the town according to Assessor George Hildum is $663 million.  The tax rate is expected to decrease 15 cents on the town side this year but the school side is up $1.07.

The Warrant Articles were reviewed as follows:
  • New Library $104,000 CRF Withdrawal.  Library Trustee Chairman Eric Seidel was present and summarized the Warrant Article saying there is $104,000 in an existing CRF for the new library building to be expended for the new library building.  This will have no tax impact.
  • Library building Expense $52,000 (covered by Trust Funds-no tax impact).  Eric said the purpose of this Warrant Article is to authorize the trustees to use $52,000 from savings accounts the library trustees control to use toward the new library building.  These funds are required to complete the project and are equal to 5% of the total project.  The trustees voted in September to use this $52,000 toward the new building project.  The matter was researched and they found that a Warrant Article is needed for a Capital Project.
  • Fire Truck CRF $90,000.  The Selectmen noted this is a typical Warrant Article and there was no further discussion.
  • Revaluation $10,000.  This amount is lower than expected.  Voting no will not prevent the revaluation process.
  • Highway Truck CRF $60,000.  The Selectmen noted this is a typical Warrant Article and there was no further discussion.
  • Highway Heavy Equipment CRF $0.  This Warrant Article will not be included on this year’s Warrant but an amount will be included on next year’s Warrant.
  • Grader Purchase.  $10,000 of Block Grant money will be used this year if needed with the remainder coming from the Highway Heavy Equipment CRF.  This item will have no tax impact.
  • Salt Shed $65,000.  This is the first half of the cost of a new salt shed needed for additional salt storage.
  • Road Improvement $85,000 for Old Coach Road.  This is the first year of a planned multi-year project expected to take five years total, not necessarily contiguous years.
  • Historical Building Renovation $35,000.  This cost consists mainly of installation of a more efficient heating system for the building, improved insulation, new partitions and flooring.
  • Town Hall Renovation was discussed later in the meeting.  This Warrant Article is contingent on receipt of a grant for energy improvements.
  • Asbestos abatement.  This refers to insulation in the Town Hall basement and is key to renovating buildings, as contractors won’t work on a building without asbestos already abated.  This will have no tax impact for 2010.  
  • Lyndeboro Road Bridge.  This will have no tax impact for 2010.  The project is now expected to cost $995,000.  The town has to pay for 20% totaling $191,000.  The town has been putting money away for this project and therefore won’t be asking for tax money in this article.  40% of the total cost will be paid by the state at the beginning of the project and 40% of the total cost will be paid by the state at the end of the project.  The project is planned for 2010 and will all take place in one year.  All easements are in place.
  • Petition Warrant Article.  Frank Partin has brought forward a petition Warrant Article and will speak to it at the Deliberative Session.
  • Ambulance Service Revolving Fund Creation.  This program could be up and running by summer 2010 if voters approve this article.
Moderator Lee Nyquist was present and reviewed the procedure for the upcoming Deliberative Session.  He noted there would be 35 total articles.  He will ask a town clergy person to speak at the Deliberative Session.  Refreshments will not be served.

The budget hearing was closed at 8:16 PM.
        3.  8:00 PM             Chris Krajenka  Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Police Department.
  • Chris sent a memo to the Selectmen regarding Sergeant Frank Kochanek’s resignation and replacement.  Chris has spoken with Corporal Widener and has decided to promote him to Sergeant as of January 25 with a raise of $3 per hour as he is the only member of the department qualified for the Sergeant position.  Christine moved to endorse the promotion of Rick Widener to Sergeant at $3 more than he is currently making as of January 25.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • Police vehicle leases v. purchasing was discussed.  Chris noted the Department has been searching for the best and most economical rotation of police vehicles.  Dave noted each vehicle should be of different ages and one vehicle should be rotated out each year and a new one brought in.  This year three vehicles are coming due for replacement.  Chris noted leasing is a more expensive option in the long run but cheaper in the short term.  Purchasing is more expensive in the short term but less expensive in the long run.  This year funds are available to purchase a vehicle and plan to purchase a vehicle every year.  This year the department will have one vehicle older than preferred.  Purchasing a vehicle would cost $28,000 this year including upfit or the town could lease vehicles at $10,000 each per year for a 3-year payment plan or $8,400 each per year for a four-year payment plan.   Burton is in favor of purchasing vehicles.  Chris is in favor of leasing 2 vehicles this year on the four-year payment plan and keep the Expedition for one more year.  The Police Department budget is now based on this plan.  If the Selectmen decide to do something different the budget will have to be redone such as increasing the vehicle maintenance line.  The vehicles could be purchased for $1 each at the end of the lease and could then be sold for a couple thousand dollars each, which is equity for the town and return on the interest paid.   Chris is concerned that if the town goes to a purchasing plan budget concerns could result in it being cut.  Finance Committee member Brandy Mitroff was present and noted that everyone at the Finance Committee meeting voted unanimously for the lease option.  She said the money for the maintenance line is only one piece of the equation, officers out on the road in unsafe vehicles and cars out of commission for repairs should also be considered.  Burton said if the town continues to lease it will be too expensive to go back to purchasing in future years.  The extra cost per year of leasing vehicles is $1,000-2,000.  Brandy noted the voters seem to prefer leasing.  The Selectmen decided to get two vehicles on a four-year lease.  The vehicle maintenance line will change to $8,000 and the vehicle purchase line will change from $29,000 to $17,000.
  • Chris sent a memo to the Selectmen regarding possibility of a communications vendor change.  Bow Police Department approached Chris to provide dispatch services to the New Boston Police Department at a rate of $20,000/$20,000/$25,000 over the next three years.  Chris has told Goffstown Police Chief Sullivan of the offer and that New Boston is considering changing from Goffstown Dispatch to Bow.  Chris has researched the system and found it compatible with New Boston’s.  He has met with the Bow Police Chief about it.  Bow currently dispatches for Dunbarton, Bow and Weare.  They dispatched for Allenstown and Pembroke in the past but these towns changed vendors as Bow raised the prices at the time and they couldn’t pay that much.  They have since changed to dispatch through Merrimack County Sheriff’s Department.  Other than the cost, these towns were very happy with Bow’s service.  Bow has indicated to Chris that they learned from this mistake and don’t plan to raise the cost to towns using them again.  Chris explained the communications system and it’s compatibility with New Boston’s in detail and said the information transfer would be automatic allowing the officers to be more productive.  A Warrant Article is probably not needed to enter into this three-year agreement.  Burton will check with the Local Government Center to make sure.  Chris also noted Goffstown has been considering terminating their dispatch service, their service has been less than stellar and they have been considering laying off two more dispatchers.  He is not sure how the Police Department vendor change will affect the Fire Department who will continue to use Goffstown Dispatch under a separate contract.  The Weare Fire Department also uses Goffstown Dispatch but the Weare Police Department now uses Bow as of January 26.  Chris will be observing the switch for potential issues before entering into a contract for New Boston.  There will also be some switchover costs including $4,720 for IFC upgrade, Sencom equipment $17,892 for a 50 watt system or $24,145 for a 100 watt system to be installed within 2-3 days and cost for four air cards for attachment to laptop computers at $50 per month each.  However the department would no longer need one phone line so the air card cost would be a wash.  Sencom could do an interim fix for $10,000.  Chris recommends switching dispatch to Bow.  The proposed contract was given to the Selectmen for review and they were invited to meet with the Town of Bow to discuss the contract.  Chris also suggested the Selectmen might want to meet with Goffstown.  Goffstown is available for a meeting January 26 but the Selectmen do not feel a meeting is necessary.  Burton and the Selectmen are in favor of switching.  Chris will get dates of when this could take effect.  The Police Department budget can handle the transition.  It may be possible to have the first year cost prorated.

        1.  Minutes of January 4, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  David abstained.
  • Non-Public Minutes of January 4, 2010 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  David abstained.

  •    Planning:  
  • The Planning Board discussed their goals for 2009 and determined they are mainly met.  They also discussed their goals for 2010.
  • A Public Hearing was held regarding amendments for zoning.  There were no members of the public in attendance.
  • The Townes family Trust major 2-lot subdivision.  The applicant asked for a waiver of the requirement to prepare an erosion plan.  The Planning Board agreed to accept a statement from the applicant saying they are in compliance.
  • Information session was held regarding Vista Road cell tower subdivision on Wilson Hill Road.  The applicant agreed to expand the lot with enough frontage on a class V road to make it a viable lot.  It is likely this cell tower subdivision will go through.  There was a question of what to do with the rest of the lot.  Ken Lombard has been looking at it for open space and Thibeault’s representative was present and indicated Thibeault would rather do that than work toward developing the lot.
  • The Planning Board now has a 30 day window from the time a plan is submitted to decide if it is ready or not.  There are a lot of requirements the Planning Board needs to do for each plan and this usually takes longer than 30 days.  They have divided the list into 2 lists, one to be completed within 30 days and once the 65-day deadline begins they will work on the second list.  A revision of the subdivision regulations will be necessary to reflect these changes.
  • A 74-unit subdivision is planned on Bog Road in Goffstown close to Routes 13 and 114.  Neighbors are anxious to see it fail and asked the New Boston Planning Board to make a case for regional impact.  The Planning Board decided it could cause some additional traffic problems in New Boston and they will write to the Goffstown Planning Board with that decision.
  • Planning Coordinator Nic Strong’s memo regarding gravel was noted but not discussed at the meeting.  The Selectmen and Planning Board need to work on this before the spring gravel season.
  •    Town Hall Renovations Meeting of 1/18- Ellen Kambol, David Ely and members of the Climate and Energy Commission were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the results of the Town Hall Renovations meeting of January 18.  Ellen Kambol spoke for the group saying the following people were in attendance:  herself, Lee Brown, Chairman of the Climate and Energy Committee Susan Carr, Climate and Energy Commission member Kathy Morrissey, David Ely of Windy Hill Associates, Frank Lemay and Geoff Lemay of Milestone Construction, Gerry Perron of Granite State Plumbing and Heating, Doug Waite of Design Day, Fred from Consolidated Electric and Burton.  The group came together to get quotes for the purposes of getting an energy grant to do work on the Town Hall in conjunction with planned renovations.  All the subcontractors are volunteering their time for the quote process.  The letter of intent was recommended to be into the state last week but Ellen has spoken to the state about the town’s confusion on which category to submit their letter of intent and the state said that was just a recommended date and it was ok for the town do more research and submit their letter of intent a little later.  It will be submitted at the end of this week.  The grant application is due February 15.  The subcontractors have agreed to have their quotes in by February 7.  If the town is successful in receiving the grant the funds will be awarded in March 2010 and will need to be spent by March 2012.  Architect Roger Dignard’s floor plan is now too old and will be revisited.  Subcontractors will be in the building working on plans.  Construction will begin in 2010 if the grant is awarded.  The town has $190,000 put away for renovations.  A $400,000 grant will be requested.  $400,000 is the maximum grant amount available for the town.  The school could also have a project that could be eligible for the grant consisting of insulation for the roof and an energy audit.  The Climate and Energy Committee is working with the school to coordinate a grant for their project if the Town Hall project falls through.  However, the Town Hall project is a priority.  The Selectmen recommended asking for the full $400,000 for the Town Hall project as other competing projects are unknown.  The funds will be dispensed in a reimbursement system from the state.  All costs will be designated as either energy related or renovation related.  Window replacement is planned at a cost of $100,000.  All current windows will be replaced with good quality energy efficient windows in a style appropriate for this type of historically significant building.  The current boiler has capacity for this building and the historical building.  The committee is also considering geothermal and pellet stoves for a hybrid system for cooling, ventilation and heating.  Regardless of the final decision on the hybrid system, ventilation and air conditioning will need to be addressed to keep the environment in the building healthy.  Ellen asked the Selectmen to seriously consider a Warrant Article for an elevator for the Town Hall soon.  An elevator pad will be included in the renovation plan.  Bid protocol was addressed and the committee wants to use local subcontractors for the project as much as possible.  The committee will meet with the Selectmen again.  They will also ask for additional asbestos testing as it is possible there is asbestos in the building other than just the basement.  The Selectmen thanked the committee for their work on the project.  Susan said Fire Chief Dan MacDonald has indicated the Fire Department has capability to do a Town Hall blower with infrared.  Rodney will coordinate this with her.
  •    Warrant Article Wordings and Placement-The Selectmen approved the Warrant Articles.

  •    Conservation Commission Appointment-Elliot Konner and Tom Morgan have applied for appointments to the Conservation Commission.  There are two openings on the Conservation Commission.  Conservation Commission Chairman Burr Tupper will be asked if any alternates wish to become regular members and if the new applicants should be made regular members or alternates.
  •    Town Seal-The proposed seal showing town buildings was designed by Gail Parker and was used on the town anniversary coin.  The town trucks use the Molly Stark cannon.  The new seal is ok with the Selectmen.   Burton will ask Gail if she has a larger version of the artwork to show the Department Managers to make sure they approve as well.
3.Dodge Current Use Request-Assessor George Hildum does not wish to allow this.  The Selectmen will prepare a letter with their decision.


  •    Rodney attended the recent Road Committee meeting.  The discussion was around coordinating emergency road management to designate alternate routes out of town in an emergency.
  •  The Selectmen approved a raffle request for Ginger Bateman last year.  She has written again saying the raffle will be held April 30 instead of the original date.  The Selectmen agree to the new date.
  •  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald had suggested a way to cover the unexpected costs of the hose truck repair in the budget as that line is overexpended.  Burton prepared a memo in response detailing how the town will handle the expense referencing the applicable law.
H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:27 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  11:10 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:11 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien