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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 08/31/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
August 31, 2009

PRESENT:                 Rodney Towne              Selectman

                                David Woodbury            Selectman

                                 hristine Quirk               Selectman

                                Burton Reynolds             Town Administrator  

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  



            1.  7:00 PM                     Jack McCarthy                   Revaluation

Jack McCarthy was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the revaluation process as his contract has been accepted for the measure and list portion of the revaluation.  He thanked the Selectmen for the opportunity and looks forward to working here. He has been working with Kim Burkhamer preparing a spreadsheet of the types of properties he will encounter.  He presented a compliance cycle to the Selectmen he hoped they would agree to.  Assessor George Hildum normally sends a letter to non-complying residents after he visits their property and places a door hanger asking them to contact him.  Jack suggested a different approach.  He has divided the town into different sections he will visit at different times of the year.  First he plans to publish an article in the October issue of the New Boston Bulletin notifying residents of the revaluation going on.  Then he will send letters to the property owners in the first section of town he will visit.  He will then visit the properties.  If no one is home he will put a door hanger on their door asking residents to contact him.  If they don’t comply within four weeks he will send a second letter and wait another four weeks to hear from them.  He will update his spreadsheet every two weeks.  Some people don’t allow him in their house for confirmation of information on their house.  In that case he usually goes over a checklist of information with them to make sure the information the town has is accurate and ask them to sign the information card.  The Selectmen agreed to the process.  George wrote up the finished contract and it will be executed shortly.

            2.  7:10 PM                      Mike Sindoni                                    Recreation Department

Recreation Director Mike Sindoni was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss progress the Recreation Department is making.

·        Mike said the Recreation Department and Commissioners are extremely interested in moving into the Historical Society Building if they move into the old library building.  He noted the advantages of moving the Recreation Department to the Historical Society such as freeing up space in the town hall, give the Recreation Department more room for separate office space and make the Department more accessible to residents.  They plan to have the office open a minimum of 40 hours per week and expect a heavier traffic flow at the new location.  Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown, Mike and Office Assistant Mary Barone did a walk through of the Historical Society building last week to see how it could be used for the Recreation Department and what renovations would be needed.  They decided renovations would be needed for carpet, heat, water stains on the ceiling, plumbing and paint.  The Recreation Department plans to develop a budget for renovations in time for March budget preparation.  The Recreation Commission will meet again in two weeks.  Burton noted there is money in the CIP for improvements at the library building but since the Historical Society has money for improvements the CIP money could be used to renovate the Historical Society Building for use by the Recreation Department.  Burton said the move was discussed at a recent Department Manager meeting and the other Department Managers didn’t have issues with it.

The Recreation Department is working on a preventative maintenance schedule for their many facilities and how they can be managed budgetwise.
The tennis court has been repaired with the help of the Highway Department is now playable and safer.  This will need further improvements.
The merry-go-round at the town hall playground fell and the Recreation Department is looking into if it can be replaced safely.  Improvements have been made at the swing area.
The concession building near the grandstand is a big hit.  They now have sliding windows on each side.  Electrical and plumbing improvements are planned for next year.  Health Inspector Shannon Silver has been following the operation and making sure they are following Board of Health regulations.
The Recreation Department will do work on Old Coach Road ballfield number 1 in September to resurface the infield by adding some clay to the soil and then putting down new sod.  The Selectmen suggested they check with the Sherburne Gravel Pit for clay.  The fields are in rough shape, not enough irrigation, don’t hold water well and a lot of weeds.  They will need more improvements in the future.
Mary Barone is working full time for the Recreation Department and it is going well.  Mike is now able to get a lot more accomplished and better able to do facility inspections. Mary is able to keep up with the bookkeeping she was asked to do.
The Recreation Department surveyed residents in the spring about a possible health club in town with positive responses.  However the Recreation Department and Commissioners have not found a location for the club and startup costs are high.  They are discussing trying another endeavor to show the town its need for a recreation/community center if the health club doesn’t happen.
New Boston Central School Principal Rick Matthews told the Recreation Department the school would not need to use the White Buildings this year so Recreation will continue to use them.  If Recreation continues to use them they should get a long-term agreement from the school district to use them.  The Finance Committee has also suggested a lot line adjustment to turn over the White Buildings to the Recreation Department and Rick seemed in agreement to that at the time.
Jay Marden was present and asked about the status of the old Railroad Station Depot building on Depot Street and was told the Playground Association still owns that.  Jay also asked what is being done with the rent money and if that should be turned over to the Recreation Department.  Jay asked the Selectmen to write to the Playground Association and ask what their long term plans for the building is and if it should be turned over to the town.  He also asked if it could be made into a Recreation building instead of the Historical Society building and the Selectmen thought there might be enough room there.
The Selectmen asked if Mary will have enough time to continue working on the town website.  Mike said that wasn’t discussed at the last Recreation Commission meeting but it will be added to the agenda of their next meeting.

            3. 7:40 PM                  Jay Marden                                   Historical Society

Jay Marden, Nonah Poole and Betty Poltrak from the Historical Society were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the plan to have the Historical Society move to the library building.  Dick Moody was unable to attend tonight.  Jay said the Historical Society is still interested in taking over the library.  He showed a plan of how they would use the library space.  The back area would be kept secure and the front would be for the public to visit and could even be a town meeting space for large meetings as it could accommodate 30-50 people.  Due to a bequest from the Carr family the Historical Society has substantial funds they have been investing for several years they can use to renovate the library along with a donation of double doors they will use to move large items in and out.  They are hoping to be able to be open to the public more frequently as they will have more space to display items at the new location.  The Historical Society will need a contract to lease the space as it is a semi-private use.  The town would maintain the structure.  The Historical Society will have a plan in place to protect items in the event of flooding.  Burton said Kevin Wason was asked to attend tonight’s meeting but he was unable to attend.  Burton hopes he can meet with the Selectmen and the Historical Society to discuss the planned use and get something in writing that the family would allow this type of use of the Wason library building.

            4.  8:00 PM                      Chief Krajenka                    Employee Manual Update

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on progress the Employee Manual Committee has been making on the recent changes to the Employee Manual.  He said they have met and reviewed the changes.  The old language for sick time was reviewed and the Selectmen will also review it to decide which version should be in the manual.  The Committee has prepared an agenda for the meeting that is being planned with town employees to review the manual.

                                                                                                Monthly Police Report

Police Chief Chris Krajenka then reviewed his monthly police report with the Selectmen.

The new officer Justin Pearse completed the Police Academy and is doing well with his field training.  Officers Frank Kochanek and Greg are doing most of his training.  His swearing in has been scheduled.
The Department finished the ICS training federal requirements.  This is required in order to qualify for any federal grants.
The Department has been working on crime prevention.  At the last Department Meeting Frank agreed to do some speaking on this at the school and other locations around town.
The Police Department budget is expected to be overspent on the vehicle line due to maintenance issues.
Lee Brown repaired the front steps at the Police Department and noticed the handicap ramp was not secure and he recommended it be rebuilt to code.  He gave a quote of $3,000 without a rail that would bring the ramp up to code and $4,000 for a ramp with the rail.  Glen Dodge was asked for a quote and Mark Ciarla will also be asked.  The Selectmen want it fixed and brought to code.
The Police Department doesn’t expect to be able to hire the officer budgeted for this year.
The Police Department is still moving forward with accreditation but hasn’t met its goal.

The Police Department resident survey was completed earlier this year.  An open house is planned at the Police Department for October 17.
CERT is up and running.  Unfortunately, a founding member, Steve Hughes, passed away Sunday. 

Chris and Fire Chief Dan MacDonald met with the family and offered condolences on behalf of the town and offered help to the family and will check in with the family.  The Selectmen also expressed their appreciation for the work Steve did for the town and their condolences to the family.  Chris also said Steve’s enthusiasm and excitement about CERT and the other things he did will be missed.
The officers responding to medical calls are equipped with AED devices and get recertified in CPR training every year.
Officer Hurtik and Officer Wilson have received commendations from victims’ family members for their conduct at calls.
The new Police Department vehicle is in.  It is a Ford Explorer.  The town ordered the basic package but when it came in it was fully loaded.  The vehicle is expected to be fully outfitted and ready in a couple weeks.  This is an additional vehicle for the Department.  The Department will have to start swapping out vehicles next year.
The PLC outing off Milll Street will not require an officer detail due to expected attendance but officers on duty will monitor the event periodically.  There is adequate police coverage for the upcoming Hillsborough County Fair.
Chris is working with others from town to creating a town logo and they are putting together artwork for a town seal.
The town is going forward on the employee commitment contract issue.  Burton will ask Town Attorney Leslie Nixon if she is comfortable moving forward.
Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett has spoken with Chris and Frank about problems he has been having with clients at the Transfer Station and Chris said he can always call the Police Department about these types of problems at the Transfer Station.
A Recreation Department security camera was damaged in July.  The Recreation Department is working with the school to have a camera in conjunction with the school security camera and will probably move the Recreation Department camera to another location.
The town will become part of the Nixel multimedia emergency notification system.  This will be announced to the town and residents will be told they need to sign up if they want the alerts.


            1.  Minutes of August 17, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

   2.  Non-Public Minutes of August 17, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning: 

·        The Planning Board met with Jonathan Willard, the spokesperson for the workforce/ multifamily housing committee.  The deadline for a plan is January 2010 but changes would be made at voting in March.  The committee is working to determine if the ordinance or subdivision regulations pose any barriers to workforce housing (which would have to be multifamily) and rectify these.  The Planning Board was not thoroughly in favor of the concept.  The committee will continue to meet in the fall and prepare recommendations in time for the January deadline.

·        The Planning Board was not ready to discuss the source water protection plan and it was deferred to the next meeting.

·        Clark Hill Trust-The applicant has not made much more progress and weren’t ready with a plan to educate the public on how to maintain the complicated drainage system.  This was continued to the next meeting.

·        New Era CF Trust and Turtle Cove Rev. Trust-Jay Marden requested a lot line adjustment on a small portion of his land at Lull Road and West Lull Place.  This was approved.

·        Victor and Lise LeMay subdivision on Wilson Hill Road-They requested a nine-lot subdivision land adjacent to Cliff LaBree.  Cliff stated at the meeting that when he sold the land to the applicant it was his understanding that they would wait approximately 18 years before subdividing.  He apologized to the other neighbors.  One lot is mainly upsetting them.  A sitewalk is scheduled for September 10 at 6:30.

·        Twin Bridge Road, Christian Hill Road and Indian Falls Road are all cracking and the cause is unknown.  Kevin Leonard from Northpoint Engineering recommends core borings that would cost $4,100.  Doug Hill asked the Planning Board to accept the roads and take responsibility for them but the town won’t at this time.  The town suggested he could solve the problem somehow and leave a bond with the town to use if the fix doesn’t work before the Selectmen accept the road.

·        Mr. Bilodeau will meet with the Planning Board at their next meeting to discuss his wood yard.  The Planning Board will review the formal site plan and minutes of meetings where the Bilodeau’s have come in to discuss it and then the Planning Board will decide what level of control the town will have over the operation.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher’s letter regarding this will also be reviewed.

2.    Survey-New “roles” Meeting Date-The Selectmen are available September 23 at 3:00 PM.

3.    CIP Topics-The Selectmen reviewed the CIP in preparation for budget planning.

4.    Selectmen Office Assistant Search-The notice was published in the paper.  Approximately 30 applications have come in.  The deadline for application is Friday.  The Selectmen will review the applications and meet September 8 at 3:00 PM to discuss them.  Kim Burkhamer will be in the office for about four days to train the new person.

5.    Employee Lunch-The employee barbeque is scheduled for September 23 from 12:00-1:00 PM and revised the start time for the “Roles” meeting with the Department Managers from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.


1.    MS-1 (town valuation)-The Selectmen signed the MS-1.  Burton noted it is up to $658 million from $645 million in 2008.  Burton will send it to the state with the revenues.  He will also check with the auditors for the status of the MS-5.  Once that is sent to the state the state will have everything it needs to set the tax rate.

2.    MS-4 (town revenues)-The Selectmen reviewed the MS-4.  This year’s revenues are less than expected.

3.    Non-Public (Selectmen Input For Employee Reviews)-Deferred to the end of the meeting.

4.    2010  Budget Guidance-The Selectmen reviewed a memo Burton prepared to the Department Managers regarding budget guidance.


1.  Christine will not be at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

2.  Rodney attended the Road Committee meeting on September 18.  Road priorities were discussed and they decided Old Coach Road, the bridge deck at Lang Station Bridge and Byam Road are priorities.  The Riverdale culvert bridge wasn’t discussed but Road Committee member Tom Miller is looking into plans and costs for this project.  The Road Committee discussed plans and costs with Road Agent John Riendeau and considered purchasing under CIP a vibratory roller for gravel road maintenance or leasing one through the Highway Department budget for $3,000 per month.  They also discussed not including the town road crew in project costs in the future and instead price complete jobs without supplementing jobs with the road crew.  The Road Committee didn’t discuss Betsy Whitman’s concerns about Cochran Hill Road.  The Selectmen thought Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission could be asked to do a road count on that road next year.

3.  Conservation Commission member Cyndie Wilson brought a letter in for the Selectmen today so they would be aware of an issue the Conservation Commission is having with a resident on Lyndeborough Road.

4.  A resident came in asking about the status of brush removal on Joe English and McCurdy Roads.  He was told a contractor has been hired to do some but is unknown when they will do it and the road crew will finish the rest of the brush removal.

5.  Road Agent John Riendeau has learned how to use the new GPS.

6.  Bob Todd was asked if his tax map of town could be used to update the town road system every year.  RSMS will be discussed at an upcoming Road Committee meeting.  Road Committee member Roch Larochelle will present to the committee and they will decide if they want to become involved in RSMS.  Roch will contact Bob about the maps they would need.

7.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong sent a memo to the Selectmen dated August 1 asking for a memo from the Town Administrator and Selectmen to the Planning Board asking them to clarify what information Planning is to forward to the Road Committee.  The Board felt anything relating to rules/regulations of roads should go but not the more routine matters.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time. 

I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session:  Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:25 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 11:25 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:26 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien