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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 08/03/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
August 3, 2009


PRESENT:              Rodney Towne                  Selectman
                             David Woodbury                Selectman              Absent
                             Christine Quirk                  Selectman
                             Burton Reynolds                 own Administrator 

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  



          1.  7:00 PM                      Lt. Col. Clark Risener            Tracking Station

 Lt. Col. Clark Risener was present to meet with Burton and the Selectmen and say he is new to the base and is happy to have chosen to reside with his family in New Boston.  He said he has already met with the Police and Fire Chiefs.  The mutual aid agreement with the Police Department has been worked out and he is still working on the agreement with the Fire Department.  They are considering some changes to the Fire Station at the base and getting some fire equipment and vehicles.  He said his assignment from the Federal Government is to find ways to open up recreation for the surrounding community at the base.  They have been working on removing ordinance and that has restricted recreation.  They expect to finish up the surface ordnance survey next week and then will start the subsurface phase.  Four more 100-pound bombs were found and will be detonated soon.  The dam will be released in October to allow a survey of the shallow part of Joe English pond for ordnance.  He expects the base to bring some employment opportunities to the New Boston community as 40 projects are scheduled for this year.  He contacted Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett to see if the Transfer Station would be able to take their scrap steel and Gerry has indicated that would be acceptable.

          2.  7:20 PM                      Chris Krajenka                    Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of the Police Department.

  • Officer Frank Kochanek was recently injured when responding to a call.  He was back to work today.  Chris contacted the mother of the autistic child involved in the incident to discuss how the emergency personnel should handle the child in the future if they are ever called there again.
  • The Violence Against Women grant New Boston applied for with Goffstown, Weare and Francestown was passed.  The only thing expected of New Boston is the use of the police department facility if the person came to town.  New Boston has no monetary commitment in this.  Chris feels this would be an asset to the town.  Goffstown and Weare have agreed to participate in it; Chris is not sure what Francestown’s status is yet.  Weare and Goffstown will provide the office space for the person.  The grant will pay for one year and the group is looking for further funding.  They are interested in hiring a woman they have worked with before through the Derry District Court.  Rodney moved to allow Police Chief Chris Krajenka to participate in the grant process along with Goffstown and Weare in the Violence Against Women grant program.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • Chris is working with Willard Dodge and others on criteria for police details.  The organizers of the recent Blues Concert were not charged the new Detail rate as they had their application in before the new rate took effect.  Chris plans to compile a spreadsheet showing how each town is handling the Detail rate increase of 30%.  There is concern about how non-profits will be able to absorb the rate increase.   The Selectmen feel criteria for the amount of manpower for each type of event is a priority for the committee to work on.  Chris is trying to get representatives from each group involved in the process of establishing criteria.
  • Today was new officer Justin Pearse’s first day.  He did well at the Police Academy and graduated Friday.  Justin will be sworn in at the Police Department when Selectman Woodbury returns from vacation.  He has now started the FTO process, which has been revamped.  Chris will review this with the Selectmen at another time.
  •  Chris finished the evidence room today for accreditation.  The next accreditation step is to concentrate on the paperwork process.  Chris expects to complete the accreditation process next year.

            3.  7:45 PM                      David Ely                               Town Hall Energy Audit

David Ely was present to discuss his proposal for work on the Town Hall Energy Audit.  He started by saying he is an architect who specializes in energy efficient residential design and construction and he lives in town.  He has done some municipal work including work on the bleachers, the Cliff Nyquist Memorial and the white buildings and would like to do some more.  It is his understanding that the Jordan Institute met with the Selectmen and wanted to do a Town Hall energy audit.  They wanted to do a blower door test but couldn’t because of some exposed asbestos in the basement and decided they would not be able to do the energy audit at this time.  David said he is willing to do the following per his proposal:  He would do a visual inspection of the Town Hall.  He will take one day in the building to take photos and measurements, find bad leaks and determine the type of insulation.  He would then make a report of a plan to make energy improvements.  That would probably include a phase to be done soon and a phase to be done during the planned Town Hall renovations.  Mitch Larochelle would prepare some cost estimates of the suggested improvements.  David would then create construction documents.

He also wants to prepare a 3D plan of the building that he would like to do as a gift to the town.  The charge for David’s services is $2500 and he will do an additional $2700 of work pro bono.  He was asked if he would recommend the blower test if the asbestos was taken care of and he said yes to prove there is air coming through and then again after improvements are done to seal any remaining areas and show how much air infiltration was improved.  He said a HERS type rating might also be possible to compare pre- and post-construction energy use.  Fuel bills will also be an excellent reflector of how good the improvements were.  Rodney moved to accept David Ely’s proposal to provide an energy audit of the Town Hall.  Christine seconded the motion.  Burton also mentioned he visited the NH DES website regarding asbestos and noted the TARP funds are not available yet and may become available in September.  He will ask Climate and Energy Committee Chairman Sue Carr to keep the town informed of when they become available.

          1.  Minutes of July 20, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

2.   Non-Public Minutes of July 20, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Rodney moved that they be accepted as presented.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning: 

·         The Planning Board reviewed Town Attorney Dwight Sowerby’s information regarding the new driveway specifications, some were accepted and some were not.  The information was forwarded to Road Agent John Riendeau for his input.

·         The Planning Board reviewed reports from Northpoint Engineering regarding some pavement issues.  One was at Indian Falls, one at Christian Farm and one at Highland Hills.

·         Stu Lewin and Dean Mehlhorn were chosen to be on the Regional Economic Development Committee.

·         The Planning Board reviewed information from Northpoint Engineering regarding the subdivision for Clark Hill Trust.  They had some questions for the developer who will get answers and return to the Planning Board. 

·         The Cordwood business on Joe English Road was discussed.  It may be a while before the Planning Board decides on a solution.

·         The Planning Board reviewed a set of plans from New Era CF Trust on West Lull Road where they plan to put three lots at the corner of West Lull Road.  A lot line adjustment was approved.

2.    Survey-A roles meeting in August is planned to define the roles of Selectmen and Town Administrator.  Burton prepared a document for Selectmen review and comment.

3.    Appointments To Regional Economic Development Committee-Stu Lewin and Dean Mehlhorn from the Planning Board agreed to be on the committee and the Planning Board asked the Selectmen to choose an alternate to the committee.  The Selectmen will think about whom to ask to take this position.  Rodney moved to appoint Stu Lewin and Dean Mehlhorn to the Regional Economic Development Committee.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.    2010 Budget Guidance-David suggested to Burton that the Board should meet with the Finance Committee to discuss how to prepare next year’s budget.  Rodney and Christine agreed and a letter from the Selectmen will be sent to the Finance Committee asking for a meeting.

2.    CERT Trailer Logo-Fire Chief Dan MacDonald asked the Selectmen to approve the logo planned for the CERT trailer that will include the town logo with some additional content above it.  The Selectmen approved it.


1.  Town Clerk Irene Baudreau wrote to the Selectmen regarding dog licenses.  Rodney will meet with her to prepare the necessary documents to send to the state.

2.  A letter was received from a resident on Whippoorwill whose mailbox was struck several times during plowing last winter.  Road Agent John Riendeau will meet with him to determine how to avoid this problem in the coming winter.

3.  A resident came in today to discuss concerns about the condition of Doherty Lane.  Road Agent John Riendeau is aware that the road needs gravel and plans to put it down now that the gravel has been crushed.

4.  Attorney Dan Schwartz has offered to research for the town what to do when an employee has an attorney at an appeal hearing but the research will be time consuming.  Burton will write to him and ask him not to do the research.

5.  Burton will discuss space needs with the Department Heads at their next meeting.  Historical Society members Dick Moody and Jay Marden brought a letter expressing their interest in the library building if it becomes available.  The Recreation Department could be a possibility for the Historical Building. 

6.  Quotes have been received for the town wide revaluation that must be done by 2011. Assessor George Hildum will review them and make a recommendation to the Board.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Glen Dickey was present saying he recently moved to 54 McCurdy Road from out west and he has been checking out local town government, as he is interested in becoming involved in the future.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Rodney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien