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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/15/2009 REVISED
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 15, 2009

PRESENT:              Rodney Towne                   Selectman
                             David Woodbury                Selectman
                             Christine Quirk                  Selectman
                             Burton Reynolds                Town Administrator 

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  



          1.  7:00 PM                      Fire Wards

Fire Ward George St. John was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a letter to the Selectmen from the Fire Wards where they asked if the Selectmen would like to go forward with the drainage work between the Fire Station and the Town Hall this year or if they would like the Fire Department to use the money to repair the bell tower.  George reviewed some town history and said the bell was placed on the Fire Station in 1969 commemorating the location of the town high school.  Some work was recently done on the Fire Station roof and they noticed the bell tower needed repair.  The bell and tower were removed pending a decision on when and if the repair would be done.  The Fire Wards recently met and voted to replace the tower.  The Selectmen noted there is not money in the budget to contract out the drainage work as was suggested at a prior meeting and Road Agent John Riendeau has indicated that it would only take 1 or 2 days for his department to do the drainage work they need to do.  The Selectmen want the drainage project to go forward this year and budget the bell tower repair for next year, as it is not a functional part of the Fire Department.  It is expected to cost approximately $4,000.  Brandy Mitroff was present and said she spoke to Fire Chief Dan MacDonald today who said the Fire Department is looking for ways to bring the repair cost down.  The bell and tower were taken off the roof and are being stored at George’s house but he would like it stored in a more secure location.  The Selectmen suggested storing it in the Town Hall basement.  The Fire Department might move their location in the future and at that time the bell would remain at its current location and not go with the Fire Department.  The weathervane at the Fire Station would go to the new location as that is from the old Fire Department.  The Selectmen will discuss the paving schedule and the drainage project with John at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

          2.  7:20 PM                      Mason Drive Beaver Pond 

Cyndie Wilson and many neighbors from the Mason Drive area including Joel and Cindy Stave were present to discuss the Highway Department’s practice of draining the beaver pond at that location and their concern about its effect on the wildlife in that area.  Cyndie referenced the co-occurrence wildlife habitat map hanging in the Town Hall conference room and noted that that pond is rated highly for wildlife habitat.  She recently wrote to the Selectmen asking about the pond draining practice.  It was recently drained and she is concerned as it was nesting and egg-laying season.  She explained where the water goes when the pond is drained and how it rapidly drains and floods other properties and then goes to Huddleston’s Pond where the nesting and egg laying sites there are also effected.  She was wondering what is the drainage schedule and reason for draining the pond.  The Selectmen said they are not sure but believe it is because the grate becomes clogged with debris.  The neighbors said even when there is a flood event the pond slowly rises and gradually goes back down without too much erosion, it is not as rapid as the draining process.  Joel said slower drainage would be preferable.  Another neighbor said the drainage process affects the iron level in her well and leaves a mess of debris in her yard.  Joel suggested the only time it would be necessary to lower the pond would be before an imminent flood as predicted by meteorologists and suggested a better solution would be to rake over the grate instead of pulling it out.  The process also creates a mosquito problem in the area by creating puddles of still water.  It was suggested this problem could be evaluated by the Road Committee to create a predictable schedule or regulate the process in a consistent fashion at a level higher than it is drained to now.  Tim Trimbur makes beaver boxes that could also be a solution in this case.  This is normally a 13-acre pond and should be regulated at a higher level.  Residents also use it for recreation when the water is higher and many people probably bought their properties in the area because of the pond.  Rodney pointed out it is not a natural pond, it is a beaver or man-made pond but it is inappropriate to have the level up and down, it is not a recreation pond, it is a beaver pond and if the beavers leave, the pond won’t be there anymore.  Dave said what the neighbors are asking for would involve some engineering and expense to the town.  Cyndie also asked if the culvert could be raised but Rodney believes the culvert was higher in the past but was forced to be lowered because it would have been considered a man-made dam by the state under specific standards and regulations.  The Selectmen agree the current practice is not fair to animals.  They wondered if anyone in the Mason Drive area likes the pond at the level it is at now.  Cyndie said she sent copies of the letter to all affected neighbors and hasn’t received any responses to that effect.  The neighbors also said the water level usually recedes on its own by July or August.  The Selectmen suggested they should view and discuss the area one night with the Road Committee and neighbors.  The Selectmen will discuss it with the Road Agent at their July 6 meeting and invited suggested a spokesperson for the group attend. 

            3.  7:40 PM                      Chris Krajenka            Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Police Department.

·         The Goffstown Police Department have approached New Boston, Francestown and Weare regarding hiring a Victim/Witness Advocate to be used by the four towns in domestic violence cases.  Goffstown is applying for a grant that would pay for 75% of the salary and benefits and the towns would be responsible for 25%.  They have calculated the salary and benefits to total $52,000 with 25% being $13,216 divided by four towns would be $3,300 expense to each town.  Chris said it is a good idea but was not sure if New Boston should become involved because of the current budget shortfall.  He said Hillsborough County has an advocate for felony cases but not misdemeanors.  This person would handle misdemeanors.  Goffstown’s Chief Sullivan would probably be overseeing the position.  He is not sure how long the grant continues.  The Selectmen suggested the cost to the towns should be pro-rated, as Goffstown and Weare would probably use the person more than New Boston and Francestown.  They also asked Chris to find out how other towns in the state use this type of person.  Chris said the person would assist victims and witnesses during the process and find shelter if necessary as a social worker does.  He will also research how many hours this type of person would save the department.  Brandy was concerned that the workload of four towns would become too much for the person and the person could disregard New Boston’s cases.  Chris expects the person would probably begin at the end of 2010 if the grant were awarded.

  • A letter from Daniel Donovan III was discussed.  The Selectmen decided a response should come from the Selectmen saying they approve of the performance of the Police Department in this matter and refer Daniel to the court that is handling this.
  • Chris gave the investigation materials from the Route 114 Auto vandalism to the Local Government Center for review.  He has also spoken to the other Police Department’s involved about the situation and how things could have been handled better that night.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:40 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

Move to exit Non-Public Session:    David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  8:55 PM.     Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

·         Justin Pearce the new officer candidate is doing well in the Police Academy.  He has eight weeks left.

·         Chris said the department hasn’t been able to work toward accreditation for the past couple months due to the nature of the calls they have been handling but Chris has decided that when there is not an active call going on Officer Frank Kochanek should be working on the folders of compliance during his work hours.


1.  Minutes of June 1, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

2.      Non-Public Minutes of June 1, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning:  Christine was a little late to the meeting due to attending the Road Committee meeting held at the same time that night.   She reported the following:

·         Cliff Plourde received abatement due to the proximity of the wood lot at 229 Joe English Road to his property. Christine will inform the Planning Board at their next meeting.

·         The Board discussed affordable multi-family housing.  They were considering the process that other towns use and thought New London’s would be a good fit for New Boston.  The Board might form a committee to work on this.  The legislation requires New Boston allow five family housing beginning in January 2010.

·         A public hearing was held regarding a conditional use permit to install a wetland crossing on Byam Road.  No decision was made.  This was adjourned.  Plans need to be sent to NH DES.

·         Clark Hill Trust-A public hearing was held on this major subdivision of 12 lots at Clark Hill Road and Dennison Road.  The design was changed.  This was adjourned to the June 23 Planning Board meeting.

·         Both AT&T cell towers were approved.

·         The Board voted for their new chairman, etc.  Stu Lewin will remain chairman, Doug Hill will be the vice-chairman and Don Duhaime will be the secretary.

2.    Survey- The role of the Town Administrator was discussed in follow up to the recent Primex meeting.  The Selectmen wondered if they should revise the Town Administrator’s job description.  Discussion followed relative to the delegation of duties.  The Selectmen said they do this because of the Right To Know law where they cannot make a decision unless they are all together at a posted Selectmen’s meeting.  Therefore, they need a surrogate to the Board in the position of the Town Administrator who makes decisions on a daily basis as he is here daily and the Selectmen are not.  They said people that are critical of that need to understand the Selectmen can’t really back off on the position of the Town Administrator.  People have asked the Selectmen to be more hands on.  The Selectmen are available to speak with on a one-on-one basis but cannot make a decision unless they are together at a posted meeting.  By law there are no set duties for the Town Administrator, it is up to the Selectmen to decide what they want the Town Administrator to do.  The Selectmen plan to have a meeting to follow up on the meeting with Carl Weber with the Department Managers.

3.    Town Hall Energy Audit-Burton has spoken with energy Committee member Mitch Larochelle who works making large houses more energy efficient.  Mitch said he knows of companies that do blower tests and he will speak with Energy Committee Chairman Susan Carr as he feels a company other than the Jordan Institute could do the blower test and everything else Jordan Institute said they would do.  Mitch didn’t think the asbestos issue would be a concern as the Jordan Institute does.  However, Burton said the asbestos would have to be handled soon anyway and plans to discuss it with New Boston Central School Principal Rick Matthews as they have been dealing with the problem as well.  Mitch thought the best thing to do would be to leave the asbestos alone but if the town decides to do something he suggested a spray to encase it.  Burton is waiting to hear from Susan or Mitch for ideas on who can help the Town Hall save money on energy.  The Selectmen asked if the energy audit location could be changed to the Police Department but thought probably not as the applicable Warrant Article specifically mentioned the Town Hall.


1.    PRIMEX “PRIME” Program-The overview of the program is in the Selectmen’s read folder.  New Boston could receive a 2.5% discount on insurance by participating in this program.  New Boston already does most of the requirements but other pieces of it could be a challenge to the town.  Burton will meet with Phil St. Cyr from Primex to see if New Boston can participate in the program.

2.    Arrange Time to Discuss Clerical Replacement-The Selectmen plan to meet with Kim Burkhamer, Linda Sizemore and Burton Wednesday June 17 at 9:00 AM to discuss Kim and Linda’s clerical replacements.


1.  Attorney Schwartz is reviewing the employee manual.  Burton is not yet sure when it will be done.

2.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:30 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:    Rodney made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:50 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  The Context Sensitive Solutions meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 17 at 7:00 PM.

4.  The letter from the Selectmen to the Road Committee was signed and sent while Burton was on vacation.

5.  Burton asked the Selectmen to think about a topic for the Selectmen’s corner in the upcoming employee newsletter.  Christine suggested asking the employees for ideas for the upcoming employee barbeque.

6.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission.  Burton does not plan to attend.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time. 

I.   ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien